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Operation Healthy Family (OHF) serves people experiencing poverty, with an emphasis on people of color and immigrants, in Spokane, WA. OHF is a grassroots cross-racial group of people, founded by a biracial couple, (CEO) Tommy Williams and (COO) Paula Williams, who have deep relationships in Spokane’s African-American community and the South Perry neighborhood. South Perry developed into a hub of the Black community in the early-to-mid-20th century as it was one of a few neighborhoods where African-American families were not shut out from housing due to racist covenants.

We Honor. We Follow. We Serve.
Our dream for the future is for Spokane to become an inclusive, diverse city. Right now Spokane has diversity, but we don’t have inclusivity. Inclusivity for us, in alignment with our mission, would include eliminating all barriers to good oral health and equitable opportunities to play sports caused by economic and racial privilege.
Be the change.