Alongside a rotating gun lineup and a fairer final extraction station, there are some other big improvements that could be made to Arms Race. For starters, having more than one map would be terrific. While this would require a lot of work on the part of Gearbox, and only makes sense if the mode becomes popular, fresh maps could offer some variety for those that really enjoy the Arms Race style. These maps could boast their own world drops on top of the Arms Race exclusives, giving players a reason to play different Arms Race maps. Different commentators could feature in each, too, with Moxxi heard talking in one arena while Axton and Salvador return for another.
Most importantly, each map could provide its own lineup of enemies. While Arms Race’s use of the Rivals faction is smart, as players fight a variety of COV enemies and Maliwan foes this way, different maps would allow players to take on the foes they prefer battling against. For example, the Spiderants can be a pain to fight in Arms Race, so giving gamers the opportunity to drop into a map where those enemies are not present would be a welcome change. Similar to how each Circle of Slaughter offers specific enemy types, different Arms Race maps could do the same, giving the player more control over the experience they have.Borderlands 3 Weapons
Finally, and most importantly, are bosses. The final boss of Borderlands 3’s Arms Race mode is always Heavyweight Harker. While the fight is fine, it becomes painfully predictable, so a new Arms Race mode should offer several potential bosses for this last encounter. Even if they are reused assets from the main game, not knowing which boss will appear at the end of the match is a great way to keep players on the edge of their seats. The smaller boss encounters, Revenants, are a neat concept. Randomly attacking the player when they least expect it and doing all that they can to hunt them down, these enemies are intimidating. Unfortunately, the loot for killing them is lackluster, something that should be adjusted. Guaranteed legendary drops or a special Revenant chest would make a huge difference.
Realistically, there is a chance that Arms Race is left behind, though it is still possible for it to return. Tough there are other Borderlands 3 features that should be brought back before Arms Race, the concept of a PvE battle royale suits the series very well. With the game show premise being a nice touch, too, improving on certain aspects could turn a good mode into a great one.
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