Many people wonder how many calories an egg contains and some people are concerned about the cholesterol and fat content of the egg. But according to research, eggs are a versatile food that is high in good quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. We bring you all the information about it and thus determine the best for your health by including this nutritious food.
Why you should eat more eggs and how many calories it has
In fact, eggs are healthier than most people imagine, and they don't have as many calories as you might think. Therefore, eggs should be an important part of a well-balanced and healthy diet.
The number of calories in an egg depends on the size of the egg and the way it is cooked. Boiled and poached eggs contain fewer calories and fat than fried and scrambled eggs that are fried in oil or added with milk.
Even though they are high in cholesterol, eggs contain mostly unsaturated fat, which is essential in a healthy diet. In fact, as you will see in this article, most people can eat up to 6 eggs a week without increasing their risk of heart disease.
In order to make wise decisions when it comes to your diet, it is important to know the calorie content of eggs. In this article, you will learn about the best way to incorporate eggs into a healthy diet and what kinds of health benefits eggs provide.
How many calories does an egg have?
The number of calories in a chicken egg largely depends on the size of the egg. Chicken eggs can range in size from small eggs that weigh around 40 grams to jumbo sized ones, which weigh around 70 grams. The medium-sized egg (about 50 grams) contains about 70 calories.
According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the number of calories in different sizes of raw and raw eggs is as follows:
· The medium egg (44 grams) has 63 calories.
· The large egg (50 grams) has 72 calories.
· The extra-large egg (56 grams) has 80 calories.
· The jumbo egg (63 grams) has 90 calories.
Depending on how the eggs are cooked and how they are served, the calorie count can increase significantly.
Calories in a hard-boiled egg
According to the Heart Foundation, boiled or poached eggs is the healthiest way to eat cooked eggs.
A hard-boiled egg contains about 78 calories and a poached egg contains 72 calories.
Remember, if you are serving hard-boiled eggs as part of a salad, ingredients like salad dressing, mayonnaise, or other sauces will increase the total amount of calories in the meal.
Calories in scrambled eggs
The calorie count in scrambled eggs can increase significantly depending on how they are prepared. On average, if you use semi-skimmed milk, the number of calories in a scrambled egg will be between 90 and 100 calories
Remember, if you add butter, other fats, or cheese to the cooking process, the number of calories in scrambled eggs will increase even more.
Calories in fried eggs
When frying eggs, it may surprise you that there are not much more calories in fried eggs than in scrambled eggs. The USDA says there are about 90 calories in a large fried egg.
Dr. Francisco López-Jiménez of the Mayo Clinic says that the risk of heart disease is usually associated with the food that accompanies fried eggs, not fried eggs. For example, bacon, hot dogs, and ham contain high levels of sodium, saturated fat, or oils with trans fats. An interesting point to note is that bacon, sausages, and ham are also some of the top 5 cancer-causing foods.
Calories in egg yolk vs egg white
Most of the calories in eggs, as well as all of the fat content, is in the yolk. The yolk of a large egg contains about 55 calories and just over 180 mg of cholesterol. An egg white contains 17 calories and no fat content at all.
Nutritionally, egg whites contain fewer minerals and vitamins compared to an egg yolk. However, most of the protein comes from the egg white.
Nutritional Content of Eggs - Why Eating Eggs is Good for You
Eggs are a cheap and rich source of many vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Let's take a closer look at why eating eggs can be good for you.
They are a good source of protein in the diet
Eggs are high-protein foods and contain about 12 grams of protein per 100 grams, most of which is in the egg white. In fact, eggs contain all the amino acids that a healthy body needs.
Amino acids are required by the body for proper cell regeneration and affect the body's production of hormones, enzymes, and hemoglobin. Because your body cannot store amino acids, it needs to have a daily supply of these to help keep your overall health in good shape.
Eggs contain healthy fats
Eggs are also an important source of healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
An interesting study was published in the journal Food Chemistry, which compared the omega-3 fatty acid content of organic eggs, chicken eggs, free-range chicken eggs and eggs laid by hens in cages. They found that the "cage" eggs had a lower percentage of fatty acids, therefore, they were not sufficient to "have a significant metabolic effect on the consumer."
Cholesterol in eggs
One of the reasons eggs have gotten a bad rap is because of their cholesterol content. While one egg contains approximately 186 mg of cholesterol, the question is: should there be concern about cholesterol in eggs? Actually, there are many myths surrounding cholesterol, and "good" cholesterol is actually necessary for many functions in the body.
The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a report on the effect of egg consumption on cholesterol levels. They found that people who ate 4 or more eggs a week had significantly lower cholesterol levels than people who ate one or no eggs a week. The study also found that eggs contributed a large portion of a person's daily vitamin and mineral intake.
Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that eggs do not contribute to increased cardiovascular risks in people with type 2 diabetes. The "high egg" diet study group found that they felt less hungry afterward. eating eggs for breakfast, and they also got healthier fatty acids. The researchers said that eggs "can be safely included as part of the dietary management of type 2 diabetes and can provide increased satiety."
Many studies have shown that increasing egg consumption in healthy individuals actually helps lower "bad" cholesterol levels and does not have a significant effect on overall cholesterol levels.
Of course, to take care of your general health, you should limit the foods in your diet that are high in "bad" cholesterol and saturated fat, while increasing your fiber intake. Making wise dietary changes in your everyday life is an effective way to lower your cholesterol naturally.
Eggs, an important source of vitamins and minerals
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, each chicken egg contains 18 different vitamins and minerals. For example, eggs contain vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Eggs also contain important minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Many of these vitamins and minerals have antioxidant properties and, according to the magazine mentioned above, they can help protect against many degenerative processes.
Health benefits of eating eggs
It is clear that eating eggs has many health benefits. Eggs are good for your overall health, as they provide a large amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and can actually lower "bad" cholesterol levels. Many studies have shown how consuming eggs can help prevent certain diseases and improve some health conditions.
In fact, the protein, vitamin, and mineral content of eggs don't just have many health benefits. You can also use the egg yolks and egg whites to help keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Improves brain function
Eggs contain high concentrations of choline, a compound that has been linked to improving brain function. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a higher dietary intake of choline helped increase cognitive performance.
Increase eyesight
Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds play a role in keeping eyesight healthy and preventing cataract formation.
The high protein content of eggs can be a useful addition to your diet if you suffer from gout attacks. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein that is very low in purine. Purines break down in the body and form uric acid, which can lead to gout.
Helps in increasing muscle mass
The fact that eggs contain all the amino acids a body needs means that they help increase muscle strength. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that egg proteins have a "profound effect on training results," mainly due to the fact that they help skeletal muscles repair faster.
Lowers the risk of stroke
The US National Library of Medicine (NLM) reported in a study that eggs may help reduce the risk of stroke. The study found that by eating one egg a day as part of a healthy diet, the risk of stroke is reduced by 12%.
Having a hearty mixture of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and carbs can help you ultimately shed those pounds and steer clear of extreme hunger when fasting. A good example, per Savage? Grilled chicken (you want about 4 to 6 oz of protein) with half of a small sweet potato, and sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil.