Our PassFixer NSF to PST Converter software can restore corrupted NSF files as well as export corrupt data of NSF files into PST and supportable formats such as MBOX, EML, EMLX, HTML, Yahoo, Cloud, Office365, Zimbra, vCard, etc. it will provide a result with full of accuracy without any error or data loss. Now you can take the demo pack of this tool and in this demo pack, users can convert upto 25 folders of each mailbox for free. It will offer 20 days cash-back guarantee.
Read More:- Restore corrupted NSF files

Download, install, and run the DEMO version of Recovery Toolbox for Lotus Notes.
Select a corrupted NSF file.
Run an analysis of the damaged NSF file.
Review the contents of the recovered Lotus Notes database on the preview page.
Set up correct data export.
With this best performing SysInspire Lotus Notes to Outlook PST Conversion Tool, Any user can simply convert Lotus Notes files into PST Outlook with all email attributes such as emails, notes, attachments, journals, schedules, documents, contacts, and so on with our NSF to PST Converter Application. The program comes with a free sample version that allows you to convert up to 25 items from each folder. All MS Outlook versions are supported, including 2016, 2002, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2000.
Read more:-Restore Corrupted NSF file