These are valid concerns, particularly in RuneScape Gold relation to the elimination of large chunks and the necessity of large content goals. The quest's argument is true, but, it doesn't seem to be the case anymore. A player of 70+ can no longer be able to complete all quests. Since quests are the main reason why I improve my skills, it is extremely important. I have noticed a huge increase in the skill sets I need. A quest cape will need 76 defense and constitution mining, timbercutting, and crafting, 77 agility, strength as well as power and attack, 80 magic, and 74smithing, theft, and firemaking.
They aren't boostable and take two times longer at the top end than the requirements for 70 or less. Each of them is a sequel to quests that best buy osrs gold I've been able achieve with relative ease at around 70ish statistics. That's why I feel runescape is pushing players to a greater grind in some areas and it doesn't seem reasonable.