Everything in this life, taken to the limit, is harmful, so today we are going to give you the keys so that sport does not ruin your bed activity
Since March, many became 'runners' with the sole purpose of getting out of their houses and getting airborne. A habit that not only cleared them up and made them see other faces than those of their family, but also improved their lives.
Some of these post-covid athletes have maintained their training routines, and that's okay, more than okay. The problem, however, is that they are not very on the subject. Exercising is a serious thing, and we can notice side effects on our body. Today we are going to talk to you about the relationship between sport and your sexual health (and performance).
Exercising too much is harmful
Sport, always well done, is beneficial for our hormones, both in men and women, it is also an aid for our sexual life and for fertility, both male and female.
However, " doing an excess of sports can cause a hormonal alteration, increase cortisol (stress hormone), which can unbalance our sex hormones. In addition, an excess of sports causes cellular oxidation and the ova and sperm are cells, so we should not go overboard, as it could influence the DNA of our gametes ", Antonia González, embryologist and CEO of Onêt, Psycho-fertility natural, assures Vozpópuli, who adds that" an excess of sport is to perform more than an hour of exercise intense on a daily basis. "
Women who exercise a lot lose their sexual desire
"In women we have to bear in mind that if we abuse physical exercise, our brain will understand that it has to use all its energies in this work, leaving aside reproductive and sexual work, of course," adds González.
"We see very clear examples in professional or elite gymnasts, who do so much sport that they stop having menstruation, because the body is not able to support a pregnancy, and physiological stress is produced that ends up affecting our brain and its communication with the ovaries. We call this hypothalamic amenorrhea, that is, there is no menstruation due to physiological stress. "
As for men, " too much sport can also affect sperm quality, and we even have to take into account what type of sport. For example, cyclists or those sports in which men spend many hours sitting will that the testicles are too long in contact with the body, and they are precisely outside of it to be at a lower temperature, so if they have the same temperature as we have in the rest of the body it can alter the sperm 'factory' ; Wearing a tight jersey or brief will also cause the testicles to heat up. "
If we do it right, we'll do the other right
On the other hand, in its proper measure, sport " is a wonderful hormonal regulator, because it improves excess estrogen, lowers chronic low-grade inflammation, helps the thyroid to work better, and especially resistance exercise, substantially improves insulin resistance, an increasingly common cause of infertility. "
In addition, if we do sports correctly and without going overboard, we will have more sexual desire: "Considering that the thyroid is a gland that plays an important role in our sexual desire, doing sports improves, therefore, our libido. But not only for this, also because exercising de-stresses us and helps us secrete pleasure hormones, such as dopamine or serotonin ".