The issue of but, without a doubt, is the most important among any woman, since we all want to have a dream body without stopping eating what they like and making great sacrifices, which on many occasions leads us to take drastic measures such as the consumption of medicines of doubtful origin that help you lose kilos, stop eating, fall into anorexia or bulimia, even seek effective diets through unreliable means that end up bringing great consequences, instead of betting it safe, how to go to a nutritionist, exercise or learn to eat healthy.
The internet many times turns out to be the worst enemy when it comes to losing weight, since in this place we usually find quick solutions, but with drastic consequences that end up seriously affecting us and a trend that has recently become fashionable is the famous diet of the Sleeping Beauty.
The Sleeping Beauty Diet basically consists of sleeping as much as you can to avoid at all costs that your body feels that need to eat and starts asking for food, a kind of self-deception, since this state helps us to completely eliminate any need the body feels.
The weight loss that the Sleeping Beauty diet generates is super remarkable and that in a short time you achieve, but this is a diet really repudiated by any health specialist since it only manages to cause dehydration, malnutrition and significant weakening By preventing the body from getting the food and nutrients it needs, sustained long-term diet could lead to death.
Obviously, no person could sleep for long periods of time, no matter how tired or want they may be, so those who practice this diet have to resort to pain relievers or sedatives to achieve it and subject them to a great sleep, which end up generating addiction.
University of Flanders psychology professor Trace Wade says it's not just forcing the body to sleep more than it needs to, but that it will have to use higher and higher levels to get the desired effect.
In addition to the generation of drug addiction, dehydration, malnutrition and wasting, even death, these are some of the symptoms you may experience while you are awake:
· Headache
· Hallucinations
· Loss of balance
· Humor changes
· Inability to fall asleep naturally
· Principles of depression
· Dizziness
· Social isolation
An important observation that you should always keep in mind is the fact that if a diet, whatever it is, proposes you to lose many kilos in a few days it is simply not healthy.
The best way to lose weight is to adapt to healthy eating habits, accompanied by exercise, adequate rest and treatment with a specialist, since adopting bad habits only damages your body physically and emotionally, since as well as how you feel inside it will greatly influence way in which you reflect.