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sherly sylvia
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
While melatonin supplements are available over the counter at almost any health food store or pharmacy, there are questions about long-term supplementation. Some experts report that if one uses melatonin supplements for a long period of time, the body will stop producing and responding to its own melatonin. Although there is little science to support it, just in case, it is best that you incorporate more foods rich in melatonin and help your body with the amount of melatonin in a natural way. Melatonin supplementation While there have been studies on long-term melatonin supplementation, there is no strong evidence to suggest that the melatonin production of healthy people decreases after long-term use. In fact, the reason melatonin is an over-the-counter supplement is because there have been many studies that have touted its safety. However, there is science to suggest that long-term side effects of melatonin do not exist. In a meta-analysis of more than 16,000 subjects from 19 studies, melatonin was shown not to lose its effectiveness with continued use. While supplementation is very safe for restoring short-term circadian sleep and jet lag, setting your needs and the correct dosage is very important. Melatonin supplements sometimes come in very large doses, as high as 10 mg per pill, which should be avoided until you know what your personal needs are. Studies by Dr. Richard Wurtman suggest that an effective dose of melatonin could be as low as 0.3 mg to 1 mg, suggesting that only a small amount of melatonin may be necessary to reset our circadian clocks. That being said, there are many studies linking numerous health benefits to melatonin supplementation at higher doses. Before considering melatonin supplementation, it is suggested that you have your melatonin levels tested. Then, if your levels are low, try to maintain your melatonin levels with foods rich in melatonin; check out the list below. Tart cherry excellent source of melatonin Since melatonin is one of the oldest molecules on the planet and every form of life relies on light / dark cycles, it is not surprising that melatonin is found in almost all plants. The foods rich in melatonin are readily accessible and can be used very successfully (rather than resorting to a supplement). In a study conducted at MIT, researchers found tart cherry juice to be an effective sleep tonic. In a previous study, while measuring the effects of tart cherry juice for its anti-inflammatory benefits as a sports recovery drink, some of the subjects reported that they slept better. Additional studies revealed that tart cherries were very high in botanical melatonin. One study measured two groups of older men. One group received tart cherries and the other group received a placebo. The cherry juice group fell asleep faster and woke up less during the night compared to the placebo group. To continue the study, the researchers measured melatonin levels after drinking Montmorency tart cherry juice, and once again observed improvements in sleep time, quality, and efficiency that were likely due to an increase in melatonin levels. Since this study was published, tart cherries have become very famous for increasing melatonin and quality of sleep, but there are many other foods to consider to increase your melatonin levels naturally. According to Dr. Michael Greger, walnuts, flax seeds, and tomatoes are high in melatonin. Fenugreek and mustard seeds, as well as raspberries and almonds are very tall, but the highest of all are goji berries or lycium berries. Melatonin rich foods Melatonin foods (ng / 100g): · Concentrated sour cherry juice 17,535 ng / 100g · Tart cherries 1,350 · Walnuts 270 · Mustard Seed 191.33 · Corn 187.80 · Rice 149.80 · Ginger root 142.30 · Peanuts 116.70 · Barley grains 87.30 · Rolled oats 79.13 · Asparagus 76.62 · Tomatoes 53.95 · Fresh mint 49.66 · Black tea 40.50 · Unripe banana (pulp) 31.40 · Broccoli 26.67 · Angelica 25.12 · Granada 21 · Strawberries 21 · St. John's Wort 19.61 · Ripe banana (pulp) 18.50 · Brussels sprouts 16.88 · Green tea 9.20 · Black olives 8.94 · Green olives 8.36 · Cucumber 5.93 · Sunflower seeds 4.26 · Concord grapes (skin) 3.24 · Red grapes (pulp) 2.27 · Red grapes (whole) 1.94 · Concord Grapes (Pulp) 1.92 · Concord Grapes (Whole) 1.71 · Red grapes (skin) 1.42 · Red wine In general, diets rich in vegetables, fruits, and grain products are considerable dietary sources of melatonin. The vitamins and minerals in these foods contribute to the synthesis of endogenous melatonin. Coffee and melatonin Studies on coffee are mixed. Coffee is a stimulant to the effects of caffeine and melatonin is the body's sleep hormone. Logic will tell you that caffeine will inhibit melatonin production, and it does. Many of the components in coffee actually help increase melatonin levels by as much as 32 percent, but other studies suggest that overnight caffeine will block melatonin production, neutralizing the naturally occurring melatonin in coffee. Decaffeinated coffee has been shown to increase melatonin levels, so it can be a good option if you like coffee. Massaging the scalp after a hard day of work is not only helpful for blood circulation to the head, but also helps decrease stress caused by work-related problems and other trauma. People with migraines and headaches can reap incredible benefits from scalp massage with any of their chosen natural oils. Restolin Hair Reviews
sherly sylvia
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
In recent years, we've started to learn that almost everything we eat, from probiotic yogurt to a serving of asparagus to a fatty pork chop, has an effect on the microbes that live in our bodies, which, in turn, it has an effect on us. It is becoming clear that these microbes, in turn, play a key role in translating our diet into health outcomes, good and bad. But in many cases, our focus on what foods to eat to benefit the microbiome has been misplaced. For example, fiber turns out to be better than probiotics. You want to know why? Keep reading. Why fiber in the gut is more important than probiotic When it comes to our biomes, we can divide microbes into two key categories: those that live permanently in the human gut, and those that are passing through. It's simplistic and not exactly how microbes would see it, but it's a key distinction that is often left out of conversations about our gut microbiota, especially when it comes to food. And it is one that leads us to great confusion about what to do with all the new information that we are obtaining about our important inhabitants. This difference is often overlooked or overlooked entirely amid the growing enthusiasm for live fermented probiotic foods, which are those that contain strains of bacteria or fungi that have been shown to have a beneficial effect on health. We get distracted by the most inventive new kombucha flavor, the best kale kimchi, or the most local goat milk kefir. And who can blame us? They are interesting, alive, fizzy grown foods. But the microbes in our probiotic foods don't actually reside in our guts. They may be of value to your health, but generally speaking, they are not replenishing an anemic microbiome. By focusing solely on these modern products, we are neglecting to maintain our microbe’s full time. And what our native microbes need is fibre. Complex fiber, rustic, now elusive. The microbes that reside most permanently in our guts, day after day, do not come from yogurt or kimchi. They are our native microbes. These microbes are acquired at birth, during infancy, and early childhood, and some are found here and there later in life. These gut microbes are essential to our health and survival. They help train our immune system. They are in constant conversation with our nervous system. And they help maintain the delicate balance of our entrails. "These microbes evolve in their environment," says Justin Sonnenburg, a microbiologist and immunologist at Stanford University. And we may have evolved to them. "We don't just have a random collection of microbes that we collect," Sonnenburg says. "We are passing microbes between us and through generations." Through millennia of adaptive evolution, these humble gut microbes have become some of our best allies. Bacteroidetes and firmicutes make up 80% of our microbiome Who are these invisible friends? Our gut is usually dominated by bacteria from the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes filaments, which together make up about 80 percent of our microbes (although there are at least 10 other phyla that appear). These groups of microbes are not unique to the human gut, but some species can only live there. Our entrails are your planet earth. Within the gut, these populations are dynamic. Most individual microbes have very short lives. So, you'll wake up to totally new generations of them every morning. Some, like members of the genus Lactobacilli, travel their entire lives in as little as 25 minutes. Others even faster. So, while you were dreaming about that horned dog talking last night, your gut populations of Lactobacilli could already be 20 generations beyond those you fell asleep with. That is the relative timescale between you and your ancestors who lived in the 17th century. It's tremendous having to burst your highly cultured bubble, but with a dollop of yogurt, you haven't reset your native gut bacteria. Many changes can occur in those generations of microbes, especially if something in the environment changes, such as an increase in pH (a drop in acidity), the introduction of a new food, a lack of the microbes' preferred fiber, or an atomic bomb of antibiotics. Generally speaking, the gut is not a naturally microbe friendly place. Our digestive tract is a harsh environment by design. An acidic stomach helps break down food to facilitate digestion, but it also disarms many of the foreign organisms, from viruses to bacteria, that we encounter every day. Plus, the gut is ideally a crowded microbial metropolis, and most outsiders just can't cut it. As fermentation guru Sandor Katz puts it, the gut “is a competitive environment. The bacteria that are there don't just move around and say, “Oh yeah! Come on! Welcome, neighbor! “It is a world of microbes that eat microbes. All of this is good for us. Only rarely does a microbe, harmful or otherwise, actually manage to support digestion and multiply in our system. There are, however, some microbes that can survive the rough ride. A handful of these cause disease, such as certain strains of Escherichia coli. Most are probably nominally neutral, and a small fraction is actually beneficial. Good, bad or harmless, yet none of these microbes are really in our guts to stay. Yogurt does not save you from a bad intestinal flora, fiber does You should know that with a tablespoon (or a full box) of yogurt, you have not really reset your native gut bacteria, regardless of what the market would have you believe, and no matter how many live and active bacteria or strains are included. These microbes are perfectly happy to spend their time in a watery world of lactose-filled yogurt. And they can, surprisingly, persevere through the acid-filled digestion process. But they just aren't that suitable for long-term life in your human gut. Fiber in the gut What is the best way to feed our microbes? In a word: fiber. We have known for a long time that fiber is good for us. Helps reduce caloric intake and maintain regularity. But it is also perhaps the most powerful tool we have to help our native microbes. It's your bread and butter, so to speak. Fiber is made up of long chains of carbohydrates. Because these carbohydrates are connected by complicated bonds, these molecules are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to digest. Humans simply do not have the enzymes necessary to break down many types of fiber. And that means these compounds end up, intact, in the lower part of the gut, where helpful microbes can feast on these wastes. When these compounds stimulate the growth and health of beneficial microbes, they are known as prebiotics. More fiber is missing in our diet In recent years and decades, we have not been very good at providing this long-awaited forage to our native microbes. And without fiber to feed them, their populations plunge, leaving us without their many benefits. The average person now consumes less fiber than recommended, which is 30 or more grams and which is probably about a third (or less) of what a more traditional diet could offer. Even the upper end of this range is a fraction of what our ancestors probably ate every day. All of that means that we are eating only 10 to 15 percent of what our microbes would have expected. And it seems that they are feeling the deficiency, like us. For example, an archaeological study of cave sites in the Chihuahuan Desert inhabited by humans for about 10,000 years found evidence of "intensive utilization" of local plants high in prebiotic fibers. Clues collected from cooking materials, human skeletons, and coprolites (fossilized excrement) suggest that the inhabitants ate approximately 135 grams of a specific type of microbial fiber (inulin) each day The ancient inhabitants of the desert might have been an exceptional case, but we know that throughout history, as a general rule, humans had much more fibrous foods. Study after study points to the diversity of Paleolithic diets. An investigation of a 23,000-year-old site in Israel found that local cuisine included more than 142 different species of plants (including seeds, nuts, fruits, and grains). Although the work did not specifically investigate the fiber content of the residents' diets, the impressive diversity of plants at the site suggests fiber-rich foods, and many different forms of that. Prebiotic fiber the best for our intestinal microbiome When we eat foods that contain prebiotic fibers, the gut microbes in turn reward us by making compounds that can help calm inflammation or defend against infection. These compounds, known as metabolites, are microbial by-products, expelled during the metabolic process by microbes to digest the food that comes their way. Fortunately, these by-products turn out to be beneficial to us. Leaky intestine due to lack of prebiotic fiber Beyond these health links, early animal studies show another reason for feeding microbes the food they need: protection against food allergies. Our large intestine has a thin barrier that separates its contents from the rest of our bodies. When our resident microbes starve for too long, they begin to eat through most of that barrier, opening holes for all kinds of material to escape into the bloodstream - a condition known, unappealingly, as leaky gut. The body will detect this material as foreign and will send the immune system into attack mode. This is certainly good if the leaked material is a harmful microbe, but if it is, for example, a food particle it could trigger or exacerbate food allergies. More prebiotic fiber equals more useful microbiome Adding more prebiotic foods also simply means more helpful microbes. Some research has suggested that for every 10 grams of prebiotic carbohydrates that reach the gut microbiota, approximately three grams of additional bacteria flourish in life. That's roughly 3 trillion new organisms for just adding those 10 grams of microbial fodder each day. It's not a bad trade-off for eating some extra whole grains, and a cold potato salad. So, when it comes to prebiotics, instead of "build 'em and they'll come," think "eat' em and they'll multiply," and possibly even help protect you from a host of increasingly common health problems. All you need to do is pay a little more attention to what you are feeding your microbes. Eating lots of additional sugar is connected with a number of the world's leading diseases, together with heart disease, sort a pair of diabetes and cancer. On average, Americans eat regarding fifteen teaspoons of additional sugar day by day. This quantity is typically hidden in varied processed foods; therefore you will be intense lots of sugar while not even realizing it. Since sugar goes by several names in ingredient lists, it is very troublesome to work out what quantity sugar a product really contains. Minimizing your intake of additional sugar could be a good way to enhance your diet. Altai Balance Ingredients
sherly sylvia
Sep 04, 2021
In General Discussions
The monosodium glutamate or additive E-621 was associated with the Chinese restaurant syndrome in 1968. We tell you everything that is known about this substance. During the last decades, the use of the monosodium glutamate or additive E-621 has been put in between said, not for its low functionality, but rather for its safety. In fact, monosodium glutamate is used quite commonly in processed foods to enhance its flavor, and in frozen foods to make it appear fresher. Likewise, it also has the ability to remove the metallic taste from canned foods. Today we will explain exactly what monosodium glutamate is, what is known as "Chinese restaurant syndrome" and whether or not it is really safe to use this food additive surrounded by controversy. What is the monosodium glutamate? On a chemical level, monosodium glutamate or MSG contains 78% glutamic acid, 21% sodium and 1% other substances. Its mission, as we have already mentioned, is to "trick" the human palate into believing that food has less flavor. In fact, monosodium glutamate is commonly used in the food industry because it is one of those responsible for the umami or fifth flavor, first described as such in 1908, although the ancient Romans already used glutamate to enhance the flavor of their meals. Said flavor in Japanese means "tasty" or "delicious", something that does not match the goal of monosodium glutamate. On the other hand, it should be noted that although monosodium glutamate is present in many foods, those labeled do not always refer to it as such. We can see that in some foods they call it E-621 additive, MSG, Chinese salt, ajinomoto, or directly umami. Among the foods that stand out the most are packaged broths, creams and soups and in many frozen products with the aim of increasing their palatability, that is, that they have a better flavor and we enjoy eating them more. This in turn is dangerous, as indicated by a Spanish study carried out in 2005, as this additive is capable of increasing the desire to "repeat" or eat more up to 40% by activating a specific set of neurons at the brain level. This does not imply that the additive is unsafe, but it does indicate that we must be careful with those foods that contain it, since we can relatively lose control when eating them. Monosodium glutamate and Chinese restaurant syndrome Another reason for which monosodium glutamate is known is for its potential to cause what is known as " Chinese restaurant syndrome ", a set of ailments that include facial redness, sweating, headache and dizziness after eating food rich in this additive; although at the moment it seems that only certain individuals more sensitive to MSG than others suffer from it , since there is no scientific evidence to support that this additive is the direct cause of the ailments, as stated in a review published in 2006 in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners . In fact, the first time this possible syndrome was named was in 1968, when it was described by Dr. Ho Man Kwok in the New England Journal of Medicine. The poor doctor noticed all these symptoms in his own body, and ruled out that the origin was the soy sauce or Chinese wine used to cook the dishes (since he used them in other meals on his own without suffering the symptoms), so He ended up blaming monosodium glutamate for the whole problem. For this reason, several studies have subsequently been carried out to find out if MSG is really dangerous to health, since it has been related to other symptoms such as headaches and migraines, muscle spasms, nausea and even allergies. In fact, in 1995 the Foods & Drugs Administration commissioned a study on the matter from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology with the aim of knowing if it should ban the use of the additive, but the conclusion of the FASEB report could not reach claim that the additive was so harmful; however, he did state that there was a subset of healthy individuals who might be more sensitive to high doses of MSG simply mixed they are water, without food. Is it safe to use monosodium glutamate? Like all the additives and chemical substances that surround us, monosodium glutamate also has a lethal dose, although it would be very difficult to get to take it: a thousand times the recommended amount to be consumed in a single day; the lethal dose would be between 15 and 18 grams per kilo of body weight. Currently, it is difficult but not impossible to avoid the consumption of this food additive, so studies on its safety have continued. On the one hand, a study published in 1998 evaluated the safety of MSG, this time debunking the existence of a population group more sensitive to it, and suggesting that it is not possible to confirm toxic, carcinogenic or reproductive health effects. On the other hand, a study published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Allergy in 2000, after studying 130 individuals who considered themselves sensitive to monosodium glutamate, concluded that only 2 of these participants could show significant reactions to the additive in comparison to placebo when increasing doses of it dissolved in water were used. In fact, these two participants showed no reaction when the MSG dose was added to the food. Yes, it is true that negative effects have been observed in studies with rodents, but always using extremely high doses and through the bloodstream (and not by consumption in water or food), so currently the United States FDA has not established a Limit daily dose, although in Europe consumption up to 12 grams per day is considered safe, according to the consensus report published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007. The latest studies on the effects of monosodium glutamate To conclude, the European Food Safety Authority recently carried out a re-evaluation of this additive and others this year 2017, with the aim of discussing possible changes in the legislation on its use. According to their conclusions, it is safe to take 30 mg / kg / day of glutamate, that is, between 2 and 3 grams per day, since this dose is below the toxicity detected in some recent studies. According to their data, the " symptomatic complex for MSG or Chinese restaurant syndrome” Can occur from 42.9 mg / kg / day, headaches have been associated with doses of 85.8 mg / kg / day, increased blood pressure is associated with taking 150 mg / kg / day and increase in body insulin with intake of more than 143 mg / kg / day. For this reason, EFSA advises to review the maximum levels allowed in foods such as bakery products, soups, broths, sauces, meat, meat products, condiments and food supplements. Naturally losing weight is a healthy and safe method of weight loss. It generally involves making small tweaks to your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle. In addition, when you're making small lifestyle changes (typical in natural weight loss), you're more likely to continue these habits long-term. A combination of these factors can help you lose weight naturally and in safe and healthy manner. Alive Customer Reviews
sherly sylvia
Sep 03, 2021
In General Discussions
Canary grass is a grassy plant whose origin dates back to the Mediterranean area and which has been used since ancient times as food for small domestic birds. The curative properties of canary seed are the same properties that a selection of seeds can have, which in this case are intended for the consumption of birds, but they are also seeds and cereals that have always been shown to be beneficial for people, although the properties of Birdseed nowadays have been shown to be very beneficial also to help you lose weight. Properties of birdseed seeds The seeds of the canary seed are small-grained, so for human consumption it is difficult unless it is hydrated with water or germinated, or as we will mention later, the canary seed milk is prepared, so that all can be assimilated the nutrients and the properties in a better way, since the latent active principles within the seeds awaken and appear with much more vigor and strength, and the human being can take advantage of all this. The birdseed, scientifically called Phalaris Canariensis in honor of the canaries, has a high content of protein, cellulose and fiber. When the birdseed is placed with water for 10 to 24 hours and it becomes moistened, the same thing that happens in nature happens so that life appears and a new plant emerges. A series of chemical processes appear inside the seeds and the ease of digestion increases since more enzymes appear, it is said, up to 100 times more enzymes than with dry birdseed. Benefits for digestion Enzymes are very necessary for digestion in our body, and if we do not obtain them from food, we use them from our reserve, which by the way is exhaustible and is never filled, so a food such as birdseed already provides the enzymes and avoids that wear. The enzymes in birdseed facilitate digestion and transform starches into glucose. The end result is that the body gains in health both internally and externally and therefore it seems as if our organism seems younger, as if it rejuvenates and this is also another of its benefits that help to lose weight. How to prepare canary seed milk The process of preparing canary seed milk is very simple, it is recommended to soak about 5 tablespoons of birdseed overnight, the next morning, remove the excess water and put the seeds soaked in a liter of water, all of this is beaten in a blender and the milk is whitish-brown and frothy. This milk will be the one that keeps us healthy and helps us lose weight if we drink it daily, about 3 glasses a day, or that is at least what some scholars say about the properties of birdseed, but we must bear in mind that birdseed is an aid, not a miracle, and must be provided alongside other good eating habits and physical activity if we are to benefit from weight reduction. Canary seed juice or milk can be used to lose weight or as an aid to lose weight, but it has an unpleasant taste, so it is not recommended to add fruit to sweeten it, much less sugar, since it contains many calories and then we would not achieve the desired slimming effect, apart from sugar is an acidifier that kills enzymes. In any case, a harmless natural sweetener such as stevia or agave syrup is recommended, in small quantities, to improve the flavor we can add a cinnamon stick and a couple of cardamom fruits. The benefits of birdseed for weight loss As we have said, birdseed allows people who need it to lose weight, helping to eliminate fat. We owe this property to the lipase enzyme, which, as its name indicates, is responsible for destroying lipids or fats in the body. It is assumed that by soaking the birdseed overnight, the resulting paste or milk is loaded with enzymes, which will allow you to lose weight. More benefits of canary seed milk But apart from the slimming properties that attack fats, canary seed is characterized by strengthening people thanks to its high content of high-quality protein. 1. Detoxifying and anti-tumor properties (antioxidant). 2. Improves the cardiovascular system and prevents arteriosclerosis. 3. Diuretic property. 4. Regulates blood sugar level. 5. Lower your blood pressure. 6. It makes it easier to lose weight by helping to eliminate fat. 7. Lower your cholesterol. 8. Facilitates muscle gain due to its amount of protein, provides muscle tone. 9. It helps to go to the bathroom because of its high fiber content. 10. Deflates the joints. Fight osteoarthritis and arthritis. 11. Improve the appearance of the skin 12. It deflates internal organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas. 13. It is used as a remedy for kidney and bladder conditions (cystitis) as it kills bacteria in the urinary tract. 14. It also restores the functions of the pancreas, which regulates insulin and helps control diabetes. Birdseed is highly recommended for diabetic patients. They say it ends diabetes in a few weeks. 15. It increases the number of hepatocytes in the liver, which means that it is an effective remedy against cirrhosis. 16. Birdseed also fights kidney and liver diseases and reduces the reproduction of bacteria in the urinary tract. 17. It is an antioxidant so it attacks the appearance of tumors or other abnormal growth malformations. Recommendations on its consumption All these benefits always come with the birdseed used raw and in sprouts, never when we heat the birdseed above 40 degrees, since cooking this food destroys all the beneficial enzymes. It is also recommended to use a non-genetically treated birdseed, which is organic and pesticide-free, in case you cannot find it, wash it well under the tap and then soak it. A birdseed without silica fibers is recommended, since silica can be carcinogenic, which can be found in some herbal stores. But as we have said before, if you cannot find a good birdseed, just use the bird seed, wash it and strain it well to avoid having the silica from the shells. The soaking water in which it sits for 8 hours or overnight should be thrown away too. And it is important that it does not ferment, so it is advisable to drink the canary seed milk made the same day and not keep it for several days. It is also commented on the forums about birdseed that the silica or silica in the shell is not actually carcinogenic, which is hardly a bad publicity by the sellers of birdseed for humans. And the truth is that it has its logic, because it is still a natural food, of nature, and nature is very wise and does not do anything harmful, on the other hand, the chemistry of other medicines or the pesticides used can be harmful and carcinogenic, it makes sense. Along with linseed oil, it is an extra supply of omega 3 acids that are always useful, without having to go to fish diets that are loaded with heavy metals, mercury and other toxins that fish absorb in the sea. For maximum health, birdseed scholars recommend a glass of birdseed milk on an empty stomach in the morning and another before bed. Eating lots of additional sugar is connected with a number of the world's leading diseases, together with heart disease, sort a pair of diabetes and cancer. On average, Americans eat regarding fifteen teaspoons of additional sugar day by day. This quantity is typically hidden in varied processed foods; therefore you will be intense lots of sugar while not even realizing it. Since sugar goes by several names in ingredient lists, it is very troublesome to work out what quantity sugar a product really contains. Minimizing your intake of additional sugar could be a good way to enhance your diet. Altai Balance Ingredients
sherly sylvia
Sep 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Watermelons are the ideal food for the summer. They are delicious, low in calories, packed with nutrients and super hydrating. This makes it a fruit to eat every day, and making watermelon part of your daily diet is not only a delicious thing to do, but it will give you tons of overall health benefits. 13 healthy reasons to eat watermelon every day Watermelon benefits improve heart health to boost brain and boost immune system. But there are many more reasons to eat watermelon. Keep reading our article to discover that it is true that watermelon cannot be missing from our daily table. 1. Healthy heart Eating large amounts of watermelon improves your heart functions. Watermelons contain high levels of a remarkable antioxidant called lycopene (hence its red color). Lycopene keeps your heart young and prevents damage caused by free radicals. Along with lycopene, watermelons contain high levels of potassium that lower the risk of a heart attack, help lower cholesterol, improve blood flow, and regulate the heartbeat. 2. Strong bones Lycopene in the diet (also found in tomatoes) has been recognized to promote healthy bones. This powerful antioxidant reduces the activity of bone cells involved in the development of osteoporosis. And its high potassium levels help retain calcium, which keeps your bones and joints healthy and strong. 3. Boost the immune system and heal wounds fast Watermelon contains high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the immune system and protects the body against free radicals and oxidative stress. Vitamin C also plays an important role in wound healing. The enzymes involved in collagen production need vitamin C. So, if your wounds don't heal as they should, increase your vitamin C intake with rich foods such as watermelons and citrus fruits. 4. Helps in weight loss Watermelon contains around 90% water and is very low in calories, making it a great fruit for people who want to lose weight. But their low-calorie content isn't the only reason you should eat watermelons regularly to lose weight. The citrulline, is also found in watermelons, it becomes arginine which is an amino acid that has the effect of burning fat. 5. Anti-inflammatory properties Watermelons are rich in flavonoids, carotenoids (like lycopene), and triterpenoids. Especially the lycopene in watermelon has shown great results in reducing inflammation and neutralizing free radicals. Make sure to pick ripe watermelons as they have higher amounts of these anti-inflammatory compounds. See: 10 natural anti-inflammatories to cure joint pain. 6. Prevents cancer Again, it's the lycopene that steals the show. This potent carotenoid has been linked to reducing the risk of prostate, breast, lung cancer, uterus, and colon cancer. See: Recipe to prepare an anticancer salad. 7. Alkalize the body These days our diets are full of acidic foods (meat, dairy, baked goods, processed foods, and fast foods). High acid diets have been linked to weight gain and an increased risk of developing diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. Ripe watermelons are highly alkaline and help the body to neutralize these harmful and damaging acids. 8. Healthy muscles and nerves Watermelon is a good source of potassium and citrulline to keep your muscles and nerves working properly. Control muscle contraction and prevent muscle pain after hard workouts. Our body converts citrulline into arginine, which helps relax blood vessels and improves blood circulation. 9. Improves vision Eating a lot of watermelon is good for eye health, due to its high levels of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These protect your eyes against age-related problems such as night blindness, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. See: Improve your eye vision naturally with these tips. 10. Skin and hair Watermelon contains a good amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an important role in sebum production and cell growth to keep skin and hair healthy and hydrated. See Diet for clearer skin. 11. Watermelon is a natural stimulant Watermelons work as a natural stimulant. They increase libido and improve circulation. According to a study by Texas A&M University, the citrulline in watermelons helps to relax blood vessels in a similar way to what happens when men take a stimulant supplement. 12. Hydrate your body Watermelons are around 90% water and packed with beneficial electrolytes. So, eating watermelon daily can help prevent dehydration, especially in the summer months. 13. Makes your brain sharper and improves your mood Watermelons contain a good amount of vitamin B6. B6 is needed for the production of several chemicals in the brain that are responsible for our mood and behaviour (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and gamma-amino butyric acid, or GABA). Imbalances can lead to mood swings, anxiety, depression, and Parkinson's disease. According to the National Institutes of Health, low levels of vitamin B6 can also play a role in reduced short-term memory, making watermelon the perfect snack for students. See: Foods to help improve memory. Watermelon seeds are also edible and full of benefits Most people do not eat the seeds of watermelons or opt for seedless watermelons. The watermelon seeds are a rich source of protein and have their own phytonutrients beneficial to keep your body healthy. See: How to prepare a Watermelon Seed Tea - the most effective drink to cleanse the kidneys. Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when the person who has herpes isn’t experiencing any symptoms. Herpes can also be spread from one place on your body to another. If you touch sores on your genitals, you can carry the virus on your fingers. Then you can pass it onto other parts of your body, including your mouth or eyes. Forti Prime
sherly sylvia
Sep 01, 2021
In General Discussions
While eating a gluten-free diet is optional for some people, avoiding gluten-containing foods is an absolute must for others. However, the idea of completely eliminating wheat can be overwhelming and challenging, especially in the initial stages. Wheat is the most common ingredient used in the preparation of baked goods, cereals, and pasta, and it can be very difficult to avoid it completely. Read on to learn more about gluten and the five gluten foods you should avoid. Gluten and people who should avoid foods with gluten Gluten is a protein present in wheat, triticale (the hybrid of wheat and rye), barley and rye and it binds foods. Gluten is a hot topic recently as celiac disease affects an estimated three million people in the United States alone. And approximately 95% of celiacs are not diagnosed. For adults, symptoms of celiac disease can occur at any time in their lives. However, they are most common between the ages of 20 and 40. Some people with celiac disease may not have any symptoms. But they can still damage your small intestine by consuming foods with gluten. Celiac disease in children The celiac disease in children can be very serious because their bodies cannot absorb the crucial nutrients they need to grow if gluten is ingested regularly. This can also lead to an imbalance of vitamins and minerals. Symptoms of celiac disease General symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, gas, fatigue, low blood cell counts, osteoporosis, pain in the abdomen or joints, malnutrition, delayed puberty, and slow growth. Cramps, rashes, weight loss, and itching are also common symptoms. However, many people do not experience any symptoms. You should speak with your doctor to determine if you have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. You can also try eliminating gluten from your diet, to see if your symptoms go away and if you feel better overall. The 5 foods with gluten that you should eliminate These are the five foods gluten can secretly lurk in. 1. Grains The "rule of thumb" for a gluten-free diet is to avoid three main grains: wheat, barley, and rye. These grains can be present in cakes, cookies and other baked goods, cereals, pasta, bread, waffles. Also, in mixes for pancakes, dumplings, wheat germ, bran, ice cream cones, tortillas, breadcrumbs and croutons. Keep in mind that there are many gluten-free options available for these foods. Make sure to read the labels to be sure there are no wheat byproducts. 2. Processed meats To follow a gluten-free diet, you must eliminate all processed meats. Sprue is a debilitating type of arthritis, which is accompanied by digestive symptoms due to excessive gluten intake. Processed meats are discouraged due to the dangerous preservatives it contains. Meats such as salami, pepperoni, mortadella, hot dogs, liverwurst, and cold cuts should be avoided. Since processed meat you can use gluten flour as a binder. Recommended alternative sources of gluten-free protein include unprocessed meats such as turkey and chicken or gluten-free brands that do not use preservatives. 3. Sweets and candies If you like sweets, you might want to hear this: Most sweets in stores contain gluten. Pay attention to all chocolate products, root beer, commercial glaze for cakes, sorbets, cereals, candies, ice cream. And when it comes to bakeries, unless they're gluten-free, don't even think about it. Before buying any of these food products, it is recommended that you check the labels and make sure they are labeled gluten-free. Fear not though, there are still plenty of healthy, gluten-free desserts you can enjoy. Fresh fruit is an excellent example. You will also be reducing your sugar intake and eating healthier. 4. Dressings and condiments Several seasonings and seasonings contain gluten, which triggers problems related to gluten intolerance. A healthy diet will require you to opt for gluten-free soy sauce and eliminate barley malt, malt products, foods with modified starch, and monosodium glutamate. Also, it should be noted that many salad dressings and sauces are thickened using gluten grains and flours. Most tomato sauces are gluten-free, or you can make your own homemade sauce with butter, salt, olive oil, herbs, and spices. You can also use potato starch, arrowroot, or cornmeal to thicken your homemade seasonings. 5. Alcoholic beverages Once you know that many alcoholic beverages are made from grains, malted beverages, including wine and beer, will have to move to the top of your list of drinks to avoid. It is recommended that if you have to drink alcoholic beverages, proceed with caution in consuming alternative grain-based alcoholic beverages such as gin, specific vodkas, whiskey, cider, tequila, and rum. Healthy eating tips to prevent the effects of gluten-free foods If you can master the healthy tips below, then you can significantly prevent the undesirable effects of gluten on your health. · Keep in mind that gluten-free foods can come into contact with gluten-containing foods, causing cross-contamination. Cross contamination is common in manufacturing industries, which use similar machinery in processing regular and gluten-free products. In home kitchens, the same surfaces and tools can be used when preparing meals. You should be careful with this and have a backup cutting board and tools exclusively for your gluten-free foods to avoid cross contamination. · You are advised to use extreme caution if you have to eat out. Most restaurants tend to lack the proper measures to ensure minimal cross contamination while preparing and serving food. conclusion Stopping gluten is much easier than you think, so don't be discouraged. Your health depends on it. As mentioned above, natural and unprocessed foods are surely gluten-free. Using the guide above and simply using common sense, you can easily restructure your diet to make it more delicious and healthier! Just remember to never assume a product is gluten-free. You should analyze the ingredients of a product or seek help from store personnel to identify gluten-free foods. Gluten-free foods can be just as delicious if you follow these helpful tips. Finally, just because something is labeled gluten-free, it doesn't mean the product is healthy. It simply means that it does not contain those specific grains. Whole foods in their original form are always the best option. Having a hearty mixture of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and carbs can help you ultimately shed those pounds and steer clear of extreme hunger when fasting. A good example, per Savage? Grilled chicken (you want about 4 to 6 oz of protein) with half of a small sweet potato, and sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil. Xoth Keto BHB Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 31, 2021
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The citric acid found in all citrus fruits and their juices play a critical role in the process of alkalizing the blood and therefore our pH. Citrus fruits do not acidify as is ordinarily believed, since, when citric acid is decomposed into water and carbonic anhydrous, the latter passes into the blood, mixing with other alkaline substances that are also in suspension in it. These substances are sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc., forming themselves, carbonates, which are very alkaline salts. Carbonates participate in the elimination of uric acid and other metabolic residues, thus reducing the excessive acidity of the pH. A body that is continuously acidified, the tendency is for it to develop degenerative diseases such as: diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, obesity and hernias. A first strategy to cure it is alkalizing it, which can be carried out by consuming high doses of citrus fruits. Citrus healing in the gastrointestinal tract Thus, according to the previous mechanics, citrus fruits and their alkalizing function, help in the treatment of heartburn (gastritis) and ulcers by consuming high doses of citrus. For example: Half a glass of lemon juice mixed in a glass of water or a 124 juice (containing the juice of one grapefruit, two oranges and four lemons). Studies have shown that Vitamin C is related to these three things: · There is a greater production of interferon that causes other sectors of the immune system to be activated · Also, from robust "T" cells that are the fighting cells of the immune system · And there is an increase in the fulminating activity of these natural cells Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is also an antioxidant that attacks free radicals that are the cause of aging and premature death. So, this mechanism breaks with what the medical sector and the popular sector think about citrus fruits, which are acidic and that they must be avoided in conditions that, on the contrary, have been shown to be one of the most effective natural resources, even in certain cancers.Many eye exercises are touted as ways to naturally improve eyesight and overcome nearsightedness. The Bates Method suggests palming, movement and visualization techniques to reshape the eyeball and improve vision. Yan Bao Jian Cao suggests massage and acupressure as ways to relieve strain and eye problems. However, none of these exercises are verified to have more than anecdotal or placebo results. While vision therapy is a serious area of optometry that addresses problems with alignment, tracking and strain, there’s no sound evidence that vision exercises can affect clarity. VisiSharp Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 30, 2021
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Due to a rapidly changing world, with a fast-paced lifestyle, unhealthy eating and demands pushed to the limit, anxiety is one of the most common major types of mental illness affecting millions of adults. It is treatable, but only a third of those who suffer from it actually do anything to control it. If you suffer from anxiety, but don't see medication as an option, there is a natural alternative that might be able to help relieve anxiety and even help you lose weight by supplementing it with sugary sodas. Foods that help remove anxiety This powerful and natural elixir of magnesium can help reduce your anxiety levels. Besides that, it can also balance the alkaline levels in your body and increase your energy. It can also aid in weight loss. With just a few simple ingredients, drinking this elixir can benefit your physical and mental health. If you struggle with anxiety, you know that getting it under control is important. By mixing these three ingredients, you can make a healthy toner that can help you bring your body back to health. Here's why this elixir works: 1. Lemon Lemon is very beneficial when it comes to your health. It is a natural anti-cancer, antifungal and antibacterial. It works to remove toxins from the bloodstream, keeping your body healthy. It is often recommended for treating colds, headaches, coughs, and the flu among other ailments. Lemon is able to restore health safely and naturally. It also calms the body while increasing energy levels. 2. Honey Honey contains flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help protect against disease. It acts as an antibacterial and an antifungal that helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Works to strengthen the immune system. Honey has been used to aid in weight loss, heal sore throats, coughs, and balance the body. It is also believed to help fight insomnia, reducing anxiety levels by giving a better night's rest. 3. Magnesium Magnesium is the second most abundant element found in human cells. It works to regulate more than 300 enzymes in the body. It also helps in many bodily functions. Magnesium plays an important role in the metabolism of foods, the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, and the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium is one of the seven macrominerals considered essential for the body. Humans need at least 100 milligrams per day to function properly. Getting enough magnesium allows the body to properly regulate temperature, detoxify, produce energy, and build healthy bones and teeth. It is estimated that more than 80% of the population has a magnesium deficiency. A slight magnesium deficiency causes people to develop irritability, be very nervous and also sensitive to noise, as well as being hyper-excitable. If the person suffers from a prolonged or more severe deficiency, they may develop tremors, insomnia, cramps in the feet and legs, tics and muscle weakness. Magnesium is an essential ingredient in this drink to help you relieve anxiety. Drink to remove anxiety and lose weight Ingredients · 1 tablespoon magnesium · 1 glass of water · 1/2 of a lemon · 1 teaspoon of honey or 2 drops of stevia · 1 ice cube Instructions · Take 1 tablespoon of magnesium and mix it in a glass of water. · Stir well until the magnesium dissolves. · Add 1/2 lemon to the mixture. · Add 1 teaspoon of honey. · Add 1 ice cube to the mixture. · Enjoy this drink several times a week. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week, but emphasize that the more you exercise, the better able you are to maintain a weight loss. Participants in the weight control survey walked for at least 60 minutes daily or burned the same calories with other activities so aim for 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity every day. Biofit Probiotic Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 30, 2021
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Many people wonder how many calories an egg contains and some people are concerned about the cholesterol and fat content of the egg. But according to research, eggs are a versatile food that is high in good quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. We bring you all the information about it and thus determine the best for your health by including this nutritious food. Why you should eat more eggs and how many calories it has In fact, eggs are healthier than most people imagine, and they don't have as many calories as you might think. Therefore, eggs should be an important part of a well-balanced and healthy diet. The number of calories in an egg depends on the size of the egg and the way it is cooked. Boiled and poached eggs contain fewer calories and fat than fried and scrambled eggs that are fried in oil or added with milk. Even though they are high in cholesterol, eggs contain mostly unsaturated fat, which is essential in a healthy diet. In fact, as you will see in this article, most people can eat up to 6 eggs a week without increasing their risk of heart disease. In order to make wise decisions when it comes to your diet, it is important to know the calorie content of eggs. In this article, you will learn about the best way to incorporate eggs into a healthy diet and what kinds of health benefits eggs provide. How many calories does an egg have? The number of calories in a chicken egg largely depends on the size of the egg. Chicken eggs can range in size from small eggs that weigh around 40 grams to jumbo sized ones, which weigh around 70 grams. The medium-sized egg (about 50 grams) contains about 70 calories. According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the number of calories in different sizes of raw and raw eggs is as follows: · The medium egg (44 grams) has 63 calories. · The large egg (50 grams) has 72 calories. · The extra-large egg (56 grams) has 80 calories. · The jumbo egg (63 grams) has 90 calories. Depending on how the eggs are cooked and how they are served, the calorie count can increase significantly. Calories in a hard-boiled egg According to the Heart Foundation, boiled or poached eggs is the healthiest way to eat cooked eggs. A hard-boiled egg contains about 78 calories and a poached egg contains 72 calories. Remember, if you are serving hard-boiled eggs as part of a salad, ingredients like salad dressing, mayonnaise, or other sauces will increase the total amount of calories in the meal. Calories in scrambled eggs The calorie count in scrambled eggs can increase significantly depending on how they are prepared. On average, if you use semi-skimmed milk, the number of calories in a scrambled egg will be between 90 and 100 calories Remember, if you add butter, other fats, or cheese to the cooking process, the number of calories in scrambled eggs will increase even more. Calories in fried eggs When frying eggs, it may surprise you that there are not much more calories in fried eggs than in scrambled eggs. The USDA says there are about 90 calories in a large fried egg. Dr. Francisco López-Jiménez of the Mayo Clinic says that the risk of heart disease is usually associated with the food that accompanies fried eggs, not fried eggs. For example, bacon, hot dogs, and ham contain high levels of sodium, saturated fat, or oils with trans fats. An interesting point to note is that bacon, sausages, and ham are also some of the top 5 cancer-causing foods. Calories in egg yolk vs egg white Most of the calories in eggs, as well as all of the fat content, is in the yolk. The yolk of a large egg contains about 55 calories and just over 180 mg of cholesterol. An egg white contains 17 calories and no fat content at all. Nutritionally, egg whites contain fewer minerals and vitamins compared to an egg yolk. However, most of the protein comes from the egg white. Nutritional Content of Eggs - Why Eating Eggs is Good for You Eggs are a cheap and rich source of many vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Let's take a closer look at why eating eggs can be good for you. They are a good source of protein in the diet Eggs are high-protein foods and contain about 12 grams of protein per 100 grams, most of which is in the egg white. In fact, eggs contain all the amino acids that a healthy body needs. Amino acids are required by the body for proper cell regeneration and affect the body's production of hormones, enzymes, and hemoglobin. Because your body cannot store amino acids, it needs to have a daily supply of these to help keep your overall health in good shape. Eggs contain healthy fats Eggs are also an important source of healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. An interesting study was published in the journal Food Chemistry, which compared the omega-3 fatty acid content of organic eggs, chicken eggs, free-range chicken eggs and eggs laid by hens in cages. They found that the "cage" eggs had a lower percentage of fatty acids, therefore, they were not sufficient to "have a significant metabolic effect on the consumer." Cholesterol in eggs One of the reasons eggs have gotten a bad rap is because of their cholesterol content. While one egg contains approximately 186 mg of cholesterol, the question is: should there be concern about cholesterol in eggs? Actually, there are many myths surrounding cholesterol, and "good" cholesterol is actually necessary for many functions in the body. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a report on the effect of egg consumption on cholesterol levels. They found that people who ate 4 or more eggs a week had significantly lower cholesterol levels than people who ate one or no eggs a week. The study also found that eggs contributed a large portion of a person's daily vitamin and mineral intake. Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that eggs do not contribute to increased cardiovascular risks in people with type 2 diabetes. The "high egg" diet study group found that they felt less hungry afterward. eating eggs for breakfast, and they also got healthier fatty acids. The researchers said that eggs "can be safely included as part of the dietary management of type 2 diabetes and can provide increased satiety." Many studies have shown that increasing egg consumption in healthy individuals actually helps lower "bad" cholesterol levels and does not have a significant effect on overall cholesterol levels. Of course, to take care of your general health, you should limit the foods in your diet that are high in "bad" cholesterol and saturated fat, while increasing your fiber intake. Making wise dietary changes in your everyday life is an effective way to lower your cholesterol naturally. Eggs, an important source of vitamins and minerals According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, each chicken egg contains 18 different vitamins and minerals. For example, eggs contain vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Eggs also contain important minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Many of these vitamins and minerals have antioxidant properties and, according to the magazine mentioned above, they can help protect against many degenerative processes. Health benefits of eating eggs It is clear that eating eggs has many health benefits. Eggs are good for your overall health, as they provide a large amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and can actually lower "bad" cholesterol levels. Many studies have shown how consuming eggs can help prevent certain diseases and improve some health conditions. In fact, the protein, vitamin, and mineral content of eggs don't just have many health benefits. You can also use the egg yolks and egg whites to help keep your hair shiny and healthy. Improves brain function Eggs contain high concentrations of choline, a compound that has been linked to improving brain function. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a higher dietary intake of choline helped increase cognitive performance. Increase eyesight Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds play a role in keeping eyesight healthy and preventing cataract formation. The high protein content of eggs can be a useful addition to your diet if you suffer from gout attacks. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein that is very low in purine. Purines break down in the body and form uric acid, which can lead to gout. Helps in increasing muscle mass The fact that eggs contain all the amino acids a body needs means that they help increase muscle strength. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that egg proteins have a "profound effect on training results," mainly due to the fact that they help skeletal muscles repair faster. Lowers the risk of stroke The US National Library of Medicine (NLM) reported in a study that eggs may help reduce the risk of stroke. The study found that by eating one egg a day as part of a healthy diet, the risk of stroke is reduced by 12%. Having a hearty mixture of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and carbs can help you ultimately shed those pounds and steer clear of extreme hunger when fasting. A good example, per Savage? Grilled chicken (you want about 4 to 6 oz of protein) with half of a small sweet potato, and sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil. Xoth Keto BHB Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Aug 04, 2021
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Many of the benefits of cabbage or cabbage juice can help you treat a wide variety of health problems, in addition to being able to help you prevent heart disease, ulcers and nerve problems, among many other benefits besides improving intestinal health. Cabbage or cabbage is especially rich in beta carotenes and insoluble fibre. In addition, it is full of vitamins such as K, E, C, B1, B6, etc. As well as nutrients such as iron, sulphur, magnesium, iodine and calcium, among others. But it is not just another plant high in vitamin and mineral content, but it can be an ideal remedy for many problems and also help to avoid them. Why drink cabbage juice instead of eating it? There are some benefits to juicing your vegetables instead of eating them. The juicing process breaks down food, making it easier for it to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This gives you energy and fast digestion without effort. People with digestive problems may find that eating vegetables can cause gastrointestinal upset. Juices take the discomfort of greasy food breakdown, while providing you with all the nutrients. Cabbage juice recipe Ingredients: · 2 aloe vera leaves · 1 cucumber · 1 teaspoon ginger · ½ head of cabbage (cabbage) · 1/2 cup of peppermint Indications: Put all the ingredients in the vegetable extractor and prepare a juice with the mixture, it is advisable to drink it immediately The benefits of cabbage juice Cabbage also strengthens your immune system and can be an ideal complement to accompany meals or to be incorporated into the body through a very tasty and healthy drink. Learn about all its benefits below. Red cabbage contains 5 to 6 times more vitamin C than green cabbage and is ideal for fighting bacterial and viral infections. Protect yourself from heart disease The selenium found in cabbage juice helps protect your body from heart disease. Also, the high levels of Omega 3 fatty acid present in cabbage help prevent cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and can regulate high blood pressure. Treat and prevent acute ulcers Raw cabbage is naturally rich in vitamin U. This vitamin, commonly known as cabbage, strengthens the stomach lining and makes it resistant to ulcers. It also helps to detoxify the colon and can treat the acute ulcer already present in the digestive tract. In addition, the amino acid glutamine helps in the growth and regeneration of the cells that form the lining of the digestive tract, while the sulfur and chlorine present in cabbage help fight inflammation in the colon and large intestine. Additionally, raw cabbage juice can also target the specific bacteria that is associated with the cause of peptic ulcers, the dreaded h. pylori. Together with aloe vera, they are two great allies to improve intestinal health. Ideal for weight loss Raw cabbage juice is a powerful natural cure for treating digestive problems and aids the digestion process. In addition, it is naturally low in calories which will help you in the weight loss process by slowing down the process by which carbohydrates and sugars are converted into fat. Treat bad cholesterol Drinking raw cabbage juice will lower your levels of low-density lipoprotein (or LDL), known as bad cholesterol. Studies have revealed significant improvements in LDL cholesterol levels after following a diet using raw cabbage juice. The juice red cabbage is high in Omega 3 essential fatty acids and therefore indicated for lowering cholesterol levels. Treat digestive disorders The lactic acid present in cabbage juice acts as a disinfectant for the colon. It's no wonder then that raw cabbage juice is used to treat a variety of digestive disorders. Against arthritis Cabbage juice is naturally high in selenium, which is why it helps fight arthritis symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage juice are also beneficial in fighting a variety of other degenerative inflammatory disorders. Treat, bronchitis, asthma and cough Raw cabbage juice increases the healing capacity of the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is an effective way to treat colds and bronchitis and can be used in the treatment of asthma. Natural detoxifier Drinking raw cabbage juice can be very helpful in providing the glucosinolates needed to rid the body of all harmful hormones and chemicals. The antioxidants present in the juice will stimulate your defense mechanisms and the body's capacity for detoxification will be intensified. Also, drinking raw cabbage juice will help cleanse the liver as well. Treat inflammation of the skin The essential amino acids present in cabbage juice make it an ideal remedy for treating inflammation of the skin. Relieve allergies Cabbage juice can regulate T cells and fight allergies due to a compound called histidine. This amino acid participates in the synthesis of red and white blood cells and regulates allergic reactions, inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Restore skin shine Cabbage juice will do wonders for your skin thanks to the high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals it contains, as well as vitamins C, E and A. This juice can be used to treat acne, dryness and premature aging. It also promotes soft and supple skin with its natural glow. Fiber makes stool bulkier and softer so it's easier to pass. Gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet until you're getting at least 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Good sources include whole grains found in cereals, breads, and brown rice, beans, vegetables and fresh or dried fruits. Prunes and bran cereal are tried and true constipation remedies. GoDaily
sherly sylvia
Jul 30, 2021
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Biotin is part of the group of B vitamins found in food. It helps the body convert food into energy and plays many other important roles in health. Biotin benefits hair and nail health, supports a healthy pregnancy, and helps control blood sugar levels, among other benefits. This article describes seven roles biotin plays in the body. It also explores food sources of the vitamin and safety considerations. Biotin, a B vitamin, is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and is available as a dietary supplement. What is biotin? Biotin is one of the eight B vitamins. It is also known as vitamin B-7 or vitamin H, in which case the H stands for " Haar und Haut ", the German words for " hair and skin ". Biotin is soluble in water. The body does not store water-soluble vitamins, so people must absorb them from their diets and through the food they eat. Biotin is necessary for the function of several enzymes known as carboxylases.These are part of important metabolic processes, such as the production of glucose and fatty acids. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends the following biotin intake per day: · 30 micrograms (mcg) for adults, including during pregnancy. · 35 mcg during lactation. The Biotin deficiency is quite rare. However, some people, such as pregnant women and people who drink large amounts of alcohol, can develop mild deficiencies. Also, eating raw eggs on a regular basis can cause biotin deficiency, because raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin that binds to biotin, preventing the body from absorbing it. Cooking eggs deactivates their avidin. This water-soluble vitamin is a cofactor of five carboxylases (propionyl-CoA carboxylase, pyruvate carboxylase, methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase [MCC], acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) that catalyze critical steps in acid metabolism fatty, glucose and amino acids. Function and benefits of biotin Biotin performs a number of important functions in the body, including: 1. Breakdown of macronutrients Biotin helps the body convert food into energy: it supports a number of enzymes involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Specifically, biotin is involved in: · Gluconeogenesis: This is the synthesis of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates, such as amino acids, and enzymes that contain biotin help start this process. · Fatty Acid Synthesis - Biotin aids enzymes that trigger reactions that are important for the production of fatty acids. · Amino Acid Breakdown - Biotin-containing enzymes are involved in the metabolism of several important amino acids, including leucine. 2. Improves nail health The brittle nails are brittle and easily split or crack. A biotin deficiency can lead to brittle nails. For people with this deficiency, taking supplements containing biotin may improve the strength of their nails. Changing your diet and other lifestyle factors can help improve nail health, as can some commercial products. 3. Improves hair health The diet can play an important role in healthy skin and hair. For example, some foods for healthy hair include eggs, Brazil nuts, and fatty fish. Many hair products that claim to promote stronger, healthier hair contain biotin. The biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, indicating that vitamin is involved in maintaining healthy hair. However, little research has linked the vitamin to hair health in people who do not have biotin deficiencies. 4. Support during pregnancy and breastfeeding Biotin is very important for pregnant or lactating women. While symptomatic biotin deficiency is rare, low levels of biotin are common during pregnancy. In fact, about 50% of pregnant women in the United States may have at least a mild deficiency. This level of deficiency can affect a person's health, but not enough to cause noticeable symptoms. Health professionals believe that this deficiency is common among pregnant women because the body breaks down the vitamin faster during pregnancy. As a result, a pregnant woman may need more biotin, from diet or supplements, than a woman who is not pregnant. That said, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before taking supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding. 5. Reduction of blood sugar in people with diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels and impaired insulin function. A biotin deficiency can alter the regulation of blood sugar or glucose. Some evidence shows that biotin levels in the blood may be lower in people with diabetes. Animal studies have suggested that supplements containing biotin and chromium picolinate might prevent insulin resistance. The researchers have also studied how biotin supplements affect the levels of blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes results have been mixed, but some studies have shown that taking biotin and chromium picolinate may help treat diabetes type 2. In general, fully understanding the effects of biotin on diabetes and blood sugar control will require more high-quality research. 6. Improves skin health Scientists do not fully understand the role of biotin in maintaining healthy skin. However, people with biotin deficiencies can experience skin problems, such as red, scaly rashes. Some people also believe that biotin can help improve psoriasis. The influence of the vitamin on the skin may be due to its effect on fat metabolism. This process is important for maintaining healthy skin and can be affected in people with low levels of biotin. It is important to note that no evidence shows that biotin improves skin health in people who do not have a deficiency of the vitamin. 7. Support in the treatment of multiple sclerosis The multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. It damages the protective covering of nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and eyes. This protective covering is called myelin, and biotin can play an important role in its production. Studies have shown that people with MS respond positively to daily doses of biotin of up to 300 milligrams (mg). This supplementation can reverse disease progression and reduce chronic disability. What are good sources of biotin? Biotin exists in a wide variety of foods, which helps explain why a deficiency in the vitamin is quite rare. Foods that are particularly rich in biotin include: · viscera, such as liver and kidney; · yeast; · egg yolks; · cheese; · legumes, such as soybeans and peanuts; · green leafy vegetables; · cauliflower; · mushrooms; · nuts and nut butters. Also, gut bacteria produce some biotin. Some people take supplements that contain biotin on their own or in a combination of vitamins. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, and any that the body does not absorb is excreted in the urine. However, there have been some reports of high doses of biotin causing strange results in thyroid tests. Anyone who has a thyroid condition can benefit from consulting with a doctor before trying a biotin supplement. The immune system keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B- and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick. Some infections, like the flu and the common cold, have to be fought many times because so many different viruses or strains of the same type of virus can cause these illnesses. Catching a cold or flu from one virus does not give you immunity against the others. Immune Protect
sherly sylvia
Jul 27, 2021
In General Discussions
If you want to improve your health and the results of your clinical tests, stabilize the results of your tests and switch to a healthier diet, just follow these simple recommendations that are basic. How to improve your clinical analysis When we want to make a change in eating habits, we tend to pay more attention to the number of calories, we pay more attention to what we are going to eat and if that food can lead to diabetes, to raise cholesterol or triglycerides. Really, the only thing you would have to do is learn to choose the foods you will eat. 1.- Always choose foods that are fresh These contain skilled enzymes instead of dead enzymes that lose their effectiveness when exposed to temperatures above 50º C. Enzymes are a key element in our health, especially in our digestion, they allow all the substances to be digested and used to the maximum. nutrients that we ingest. Select more raw foods (60%) and less cooked foods for your breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. 2.- Processed, denatured and packaged foods, avoid them, they are not healthy Currently, the food industry uses more than 3,000 chemicals, among which, many of them are harmful to the immune system. You will have to start looking at the labels of the products you buy. 3.- Consume according to digestive chemical laws By learning to follow these digestive chemical laws you will be contributing to your health in the best way, remember that having a healthy digestion, your body is healthy. Protein and starch This is a very harmful combination of foods. In this combination, the acidic and alkaline digestive juices mix in the stomach and are neutralized, producing indigestion and therefore putrefaction, which is responsible for the production of stinking gases and toxic waste, the waste includes poisons such as indoles, skatoles, hydrogen sulfate, phenylpropylene acid and others. Examples with this combination: Sandwiches, cakes, hamburgers, meat with potatoes, pies (with ice cream). Protein and protein Different proteins have different digestive requirements. The strongest enzymatic action occurs in milk at the last minute, in meat first thing in the morning, and in eggs in the middle. For example: Cake and milk shake, carnitas and melted cheese, chili peppers filled with meat or cheese coated in egg, hamburger and malted milk. Starch and acid Any acid suspends the secretion of ptyalin, the alkaline digester, this is a biochemical fact. Then the bacteria ferment the starches. For example: Toast or cereal with citrus juice. Protein and acids Any acid inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, and the protein-digesting enzyme pepsin only works in the presence of this acid. For example: Eggs with orange juice. Seafood marinated in lemon. Starch and sugar The fermentation of sugar produces acidity, which inhibits the digestion of starches that require an alkaline medium for their digestion. As a result of all this, the bacteria ferment the starches. Example: Cakes, sweet bread, pastries and cookies with any kind of sugary carbonated soft drinks. Suggestions for breakfast · Fruits, preferably of a single kind and enough not to be hungry. It can be in its natural state or in juices. · If you want to combine them, try to combine sweet fruits, such as papaya, mangoes, apple, banana, pear, mamey, parsimonios, figs. · Or acidic ones like kiwis, oranges, limes, grapefruits, pineapple, tangerines. · There are semi-acidic fruits that can be combined with both, such as strawberries, guavas, peaches, grapes, green mangoes, and apricots. · Melons, as well as watermelon, are eaten alone, they cannot be combined with each other, or with any other fruit. · Mid-morning, if desired, you can drink a 30% beet juice with 60% carrot and 10% celery, or 50% cucumber with 50% radish, or 10% celery with 50% cucumber and 40% jicama. And don't forget to drink the juice of 3 lemons every day. Suggestions for food In this diet, raw vegetable salads will be the most important and will preferably be dressed with extra virgin olive oil and will greatly help improve your health and the results of your clinical tests. Brown rice with vegetables. 1 avocado daily, prepared to taste. Grain broths, such as beans, lima beans, lentils, wheat, chickpea, with vegetables. Panela cheese (white without fat), fresh cheese, cottage cheese or yoghurt. Saucepan of vegetables or steamed vegetables, ensuring that they are not overcooked, but rather crispy. Corn tortillas (2 or 3) or whole wheat bread (organic whole wheat - 1 or 2 slices). Season salads and / or steamed vegetables with cold-extracted first-class extra virgin olive oil and lemon or balsamic or apple vinegar. A glass of red wine is acceptable. Choose a maximum of three times a week between steamed or grilled chicken or fish or a cut of lean beef in palm-sized portions not including fingers and finger thickness prepared in the oven or iron, seasoned to taste but never fried. The cholesterol content per 100 Gr of roast meat is: Res 54 Mg; Pork 79 Mg; Chicken Breast 85 Mg. Take note that chicken breast is one of the foods highest in cholesterol. Suggestions for dinner Try to have dinner before 8 at night and preferably something light such as fruit or salad. Try to drink a glass per hour of water between meals, stop drinking half an hour before eating and an hour and a half after eating. It can be lemonade with parsley, sweetened with brown sugar molasses or inadulterated or denatured bee honey. Fruit tepaches, or herbal teas as use water. The foods to avoid are: dairy products (pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized or homogenized milk, cream, cream, processed cheeses), coffee, chocolate (cocoa), nicotine, alcohol, denatured animal products (sausages), industrialized products, refined sugars, refined flours and bleached, self-prescribed or entertaining medicated drugs, refined salt, hydrogenated oils, overheated or fried oils, bottled soft drinks, deli meats. Remember: Don't be surprised by the use of marketing language like "natural", "enriched", "light", etc. Your body is a chemical plant that works with water, it takes between two and three litres of water for it to function efficiently, water deficiency is responsible for approximately 80% of chronic discomforts. Charlotte’s Web CBD oils are a formulation of full-spectrum hemp extract. As it is full spectrum, this means it contains all the other cannabinoids (including up to 0.3% THC), terpenes, and oils in the cannabis plant. The company say they designed their CBD oil to help maintain calm, focus, and healthful sleep. They also state that it is effective for recovery from exercise-induced inflammation. Hemp Gummies
sherly sylvia
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
Anxiety is familiar to all of us. We have all experienced nerves and fear before speaking in public, or during important and stressful events. However, for many, anxiety is a more serious problem. Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million adults in the United States alone. This is the most common mental illness. The good news is that it is possible to reduce anxiety levels. The first step is to discover what are the triggers that cause that anxiety. In this article, you will learn what anxiety is, its symptoms, and the factors that trigger it. In addition, you will discover how to reduce it naturally through an anti-inflammatory healing diet, a healthy lifestyle and adequate supplementation. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a fear or worry about a future event, which occurs during stressful, dangerous or unfamiliar situations. It is a natural response to stress. Having anxiety occasionally is completely normal. We all experience nervousness, or fear from time to time before important events, a job interview or when we are going to speak in public. However, experiencing intense, excessive, or persistent anxiety, fear, or worry can interfere with the quality of your life and health. Persistent and intense feelings of anxiety can be difficult to control and can get in the way of your daily activities, work, studies, relationships, and social life. Some people even experience panic attacks, characterized by sudden feelings of anxiety or fear that can last for several minutes or longer. If you have experienced anxiety that interferes with your daily life for 6 months or more, you may have an anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety, social anxiety disorder, phobias, or another form of anxiety. However, even if you only experience occasional or mild anxiety, it can be beneficial to investigate the root causes of this problem and reduce your anxiety triggers. Symptoms of anxiety disorders The anxiety symptoms may differ from one person to another depending on the situation and how to suffer anxiety. A person can experience anything from a racing heartbeat to recurring panic attacks or nightmares. Common signs of anxiety can include: · Incrise of cardiac frecuency · Fast breathing · Tension · Nervousness · Sense of danger · Restlessness · Difficult to focus · Feeling of stress, anguish, fear, or worry · Intense fear or general worry · Intense fear or concern about a specific situation, place, person, or activity · Tremors · Perspiration · Feeling tired or weak · Gastrointestinal complaints · Difficulty getting to sleep · Feel a disconnect between the body and mind · Thinking or remembering painful or worrying things without being able to control it · Have trouble controlling fear or worry · Urgency or behaviors to avoid things that can trigger anxiety · Nightmares · Panic attacks What can trigger it? When we consider what factors can trigger anxiety, we commonly think of conflict in relationships, social events, public events, financial problems, painful memories, and personal trauma. These are undoubtedly important factors that can trigger anxiety. However, you will be surprised to learn that your nutrition and overall health can also be a significant cause. In fact, when your nutrition and overall health are not very good, these commonly considered factors can lead to even more anxiety. Let's take a look at these nutritional factors that can cause anxiety. High blood sugar can cause anxiety Eating irregularly can cause a drop in blood sugar. Eating a diet rich in refined sugar and sugary processed foods also leads to sugar spikes and a potential increase in anxiety levels. When you eat sugar, your body releases insulin to control the excesses in your bloodstream. However, excess sugar makes it difficult for your body to balance blood sugar levels. This leads to drops in blood sugar levels and ups and downs that can trigger anxiety, irritability, worry, nervousness, and sadness. The fact that blood sugar can cause anxiety is not something that has been known recently. One of the first investigations on this topic was published in 1966. This study looked at people with reactive hypoglycemia, characterized by a relative drop in their blood sugar without reaching the hypoglycemic range. The participants experienced anxiety, depression, insomnia, tremors, racing heart, dizziness, and poor memory. They also had a diet high in refined carbohydrates and caffeinated drinks. Once they were given a low-sugar, high-protein, and caffeine-free diet, their blood sugar levels leveled off and their anxiety symptoms eased. Dysfunction of the intestinal axis of the brain can also be another trigger Your gut literally affects everything in your body, including your brain and mood. It is not surprising that a dysfunction of the gut-brain axis can trigger anxiety. The easiest way to understand the connection between your gut and your brain is to think of a time when you felt nervous before a presentation, test, or other event. Chances are, you've felt butterflies in your stomach, nausea, stomach pain, or even diarrhea. As you can see, psychosocial factors can affect your gut and physiology, which can lead to inflammation and affect the movements of the gastrointestinal tract. It's the same the other way too, poor gut flora can compromise mood and brain health and lead to anxiety How the gut-brain axis works Your gut and brain communicate through the gut-brain axis. One way they connect is through the vagus nerve, which begins in the brain stem and travels to the gut and stimulates gut motility and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the gut. On the other hand, your gut and brain communicate through the microbial species that make up your microbiome. When your microbiome and this gut-brain axis are disrupted, it can lead to a host of cognitive dysfunctions and mood disorders including anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), sensory processing, autism, Parkinson's disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Glutamate-GABA imbalance can trigger it Neurotransmitters are natural chemical messengers that send information throughout the brain and affect brain health and mood. It is important that they stay balanced for optimal mental health and mood. Neurotransmitters, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are responsible for regulating your emotions and various functions in your body. Glutamate and GABA make up 90 percent of all neurotransmitters in your body. These are responsible for regulating the emotional response to potentially threatening stimuli that can trigger anxiety. Research from 2015 has shown that GABA imbalance can trigger anxiety, while balance can help ease it. Foods that can trigger anxiety If you suffer from high levels of anxiety, it is incredibly important that you pay attention to your diet. Inflammatory foods can increase inflammation, pain, and the risk of health problems. They can also cause anxiety. 1. Sugar and Processed Foods Refined sugar is incredibly inflammatory. When you eat too much sugar, your body simply cannot process it fast enough. As a result, it releases pro-inflammatory messengers called cytokines that can lead to physical and mental health problems. Not only are processed foods high in sugar, but they are also rich in other anxiety-triggering substances, such as processed vegetable oils, artificial flavorings, gluten, and additives. 2. Gluten Gluten is a protein found in a variety of grains. Gluten is particularly harmful for people with celiac disease or gluten allergies. However, a large portion of the population is sensitive to gluten and can experience inflammation, pain, and health problems. Gluten can also cause anxiety. For some people, even gluten-free grains are difficult to digest and anxiety-provoking. 3. Artificial Flavors Artificial flavors are designed to improve the taste, texture or color, or to extend the shelf life of a product. Aspartame and MSG are two particularly dangerous artificial flavors that can trigger high levels of anxiety. However, you should be careful with all artificial flavors and other additives or preservatives, including monosodium glutamate, artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, sodium benzoate, trans fats, and any artificial flavorings. 4. Processed Vegetable Oils Processed vegetable oils, such as corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, and peanut oil, are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. This means that they are also inflammatory and contribute to pain and health problems. Processed vegetable oils can also cause anxiety. 5. Conventional meat products Eating meat is important for your health. However, it is essential to pay attention to the type of meat you eat. Animals raised conventionally for meat production are not treated to the highest standards. These are filled with hormones and antibiotics and are fed grain rather than grass. As a result, conventional meat products are inflammatory and can cause anxiety. 6. Excess caffeine Caffeine can cause anxiety. Coffee and other caffeinated beverages, such as sodas and energy drinks, can cause nervous effects and stimulate a response similar to that which occurs during times of stress. Sodas and energy drinks are also packed with sugar and artificial flavorings that can further trigger anxiety. How to reduce anxiety naturally Conventional treatments for anxiety commonly include pharmaceutical medications. However, these medications generally serve only as a bandage and do not address the causes or totally solve the problem. You will be happy to know that it is possible to reduce anxiety naturally through a nutritious diet, a healthy lifestyle, and proper supplementation. The following are key strategies for reducing anxiety and living a more enjoyable life. Make sure you apply them on your own and if you still have anxiety issues, then it may be time to see a health professional to customize a specific plan that you can improve. 1. Eat an anti-inflammatory healing diet An anti-inflammatory healing diet is essential to your overall health, including your mental health. Eliminate any foods that can cause anxiety, including refined sugars, processed vegetable oils, processed foods, junk food, artificial ingredients and flavorings, gluten, grains, conventional meat products, caffeine, and toxins. It is best to turn to foods rich in nutrients, anti-inflammatory and healing, such as green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and chard, non-starchy vegetables such as cucumber and celery, herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, rosemary. and cinnamon, low-glycemic fruits like berries and lemon, healthy fats like avocados, organic shortening and butter, and coconut oil. Also clean and healthy proteins, like organic grass-fed beef, grass-raised poultry, wild fish, and free-range eggs. 2. Eliminate food sensitivities Food sensitivities can trigger anxiety. Common food sensitivities include sensitivity to sugar, gluten, corn, soy, dairy, and alcohol. However, you may also have some less common and personal sensitivities. Once you've identified your food sensitivities, it's important to eliminate them from your diet, as they can trigger anxiety and lead to inflammation, pain, and health problems. 3. Reduce stress and prioritize good sleep Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. Elevated and chronic stress and a lack of quality sleep can trigger anxiety. To reduce anxiety, it is crucial that you reduce stress levels and prioritize good sleep. Try meditation, breathing exercises, daily gratitude, journaling, spiritual practices, yoga, tai chi, nature walks, and quality time with your loved ones to reduce your stress levels. Practice positive self-talk and learn to reframe your thoughts. To support your sleep cycle, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Develop a nighttime routine that works well for you. Turn off electronics before bedtime 4. Improves intestinal health and intestinal motility Your gut affects your brain and mood. Poor intestinal health and an imbalance of the intestinal flora can lead to high levels of anxiety. Improving your gut health and gut motility is crucial to preventing anxiety. Eating anti-inflammatory foods is the first step, however, there are other ways to support your gut health. It is really important that you relax your body and eat your food in a calm state. This will help your body produce enough digestive juices to properly break down, sterilize, and absorb the nutrients you are ingesting. When you are stressed, you will not be able to digest food effectively. 5. Move your body regularly Physical exercise has enormous benefits for mental health. Lack of movement can cause anxiety and increase mood imbalances. Research has shown that regular exercise can reduce the frequency and intensity of anxiety and panic attacks. Exercise regularly, for 20 to 30 minutes 5 times a week, and move your body every day. High blood sugar usually develops slowly over a period of hours to days. But missing a dose of insulin can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels just above your target range may make you feel tired and thirsty. If your blood sugar level stays higher than your target range for weeks, your body will adjust to that level, and you may not have as many symptoms of high blood sugar. Gluconite
sherly sylvia
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. In fact, Okinawa, Japan's famous "Island of Longevity," probably has the highest percentage of people over 100 in the world. Undoubtedly, there are many factors that influence the lives of older populations, but the evidence shows that they all have one thing in common: high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine. The connection between taurine and long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine "The nutritional factor for longevity of the Japanese." Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, hearing function, and immune modulation. In animal research, taurine protects against heart failure, reducing mortality by almost 80%. Taurine is found in abundance in healthy bodies. However, certain diets, particularly vegetarian or vegan diets, lack adequate amounts of taurine. Disease states, including liver, kidney, or heart failure, diabetes, and cancer, can cause taurine deficiency. And aging bodies are often unable to produce an optimal amount of taurine internally, making supplementation vital. What is taurine Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is a type of amino acid found in the body and is considered the most abundant amino acid in the heart, retina, skeletal muscle, brain, and immune cells. The word "taurine" comes from the Latin word taurus, which means bull or ox, because it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no association between taurine and bull sperm. In fact, it is found in a variety of natural sources, both in the body and throughout the food supply. Like other amino acids like glutamine and proline, it is a conditionally essential amino acid. This means that the body can generally produce it on its own, except in times of illness and stress. L-taurine is often added to energy drinks for those looking to take advantage of the potential benefits of taurine. It is also widely available in supplement form and may be beneficial for people at risk for taurine deficiency, including those receiving parenteral nutrition or those with chronic heart, liver, or kidney failure. Benefits of taurine Those interested in longevity should consider this very low-cost and vital nutrient. The following are some of the most important benefits of increasing taurine levels. 1. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease Studies show that taurine can help reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to its ability to lower blood pressure and inflammation. In fact, animal models suggest that a higher intake might help protect against heart disease and prevent fatty plaque buildup in the arteries. A study in Japan found that taking 3 grams a day for seven weeks led to significant reductions in body weight and triglyceride levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. It also decreased the atherogenic index, a measure used to predict the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. 2. Could decrease symptoms of Parkinson's disease Studies indicate that taurine may help with the regeneration of brain cells, which may be beneficial for treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Interestingly, research shows that people with Parkinson's disease were more likely to have lower levels of taurine compared to a control group. Not only that, but lower levels were also associated with higher motor severity. Some research suggests that it may help reduce the severity of symptoms by altering the activity of a specific enzyme involved in mitochondrial function. 3. Potentially reduces metabolic syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. These conditions include high blood pressure, excess belly fat, increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels, and high blood sugar levels. A 2016 review published in Food & Function, looked at a combination of human and animal studies, and reported that taurine was found to have “efficient action against metabolic syndrome, including lowering triglycerides to prevent obesity, improve insulin resistance to regulate glucose metabolism, lower cholesterol to prevent diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, and lower blood pressure”. While more research is definitely needed, other research also indicates that it might be beneficial in preventing metabolic syndrome when combined with regular physical activity and a healthy, full diet. 4. Helps patients with periodontal disease Taurine acts as an antioxidant, which means that it can help fight harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in the body. Some research also shows that it may be beneficial in treating periodontal disease, which is a type of gum infection often caused by poor brushing and flossing. A study conducted at Annamalai University in India found that giving taurine to people with chronic periodontitis reduces oxidative stress on the gums and blood, which could help promote healing and improve oral health. 5. Can improve sports performance Many athletes often take a taurine supplement to increase physical performance and improve endurance. In one study, eight middle-distance runners consumed 1,000 milligrams two hours before running, which was found to increase performance by an average of 1.7 percent. Another study conducted in Japan showed that taurine supplementation was linked to improvements in strength and endurance, thanks to its ability to act as an antioxidant and protect against exercise-induced DNA damage. Animal models and human studies have also found that taurine can help prevent muscle injury and increase fat burning during exercise, which can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to increasing athletic performance. Taurine-containing foods Taurine is naturally found in a variety of meats and dairy products. For most people, this means that if you eat a balanced diet, you will probably get everything you need. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the typical omnivorous diet provides between 9 and 400 milligrams of taurine per day. The dietary intake on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is estimated to be about 17 milligrams per day, and many vegan diets are completely lacking in this important amino acid. However, except in times of extreme illness and stress, the body can produce taurine on its own, and some research suggests that the body may excrete less to maintain levels when intake is also low. Although it is often found in sports drinks and supplements, there are also many natural sources of this important amino acid available. Here are some of the main sources of taurine: · Meat and poultry: 11 to 306 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Seafood - 11 to 827 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Dairy products: two to eight milligrams / 100 milliliters · Breast milk and infant formula: four to seven milligrams / 100 milliliters Supplements and dosage recommendations Taurine supplements are available in capsule or powder form. The dosage of taurine can vary depending on several different factors, but most supplements contain between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per serving. However, doses up to 3,000 milligrams have been shown to be safe and are associated with minimal risk of side effects. Make sure to speak with your doctor before starting supplementation if you have any underlying health conditions. Also, consider starting with a lower dose and moving forward to assess your tolerance and prevent adverse health effects. Many also recommend a taurine supplement for dogs or taurine for cats to help prevent complications and improve outcomes for pets diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, most pets can meet their needs for this important amino acid only through diet, so talk to your vet to determine if supplementation is appropriate for your furry friend. Dangers and possible side effects of taurine Although it has been considered generally safe to consume, it is important to practice moderation with all supplements to avoid potential side effects of taurine. Consult with your doctor before beginning supplementation, and when possible, simply get it through a balanced diet. When consumed in energy drinks, the danger potential of taurine can be increased. Energy drinks have been linked to serious safety concerns, leading to a ban on this important amino acid in several countries. However, it is not clear if these health problems could be caused by taurine itself or its combination with caffeine and other potentially harmful ingredients. While some animal research suggests that taurine might be beneficial for mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, other studies have found that it might worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder and mania. If you have any mental health conditions, talk to your doctor before starting supplementation. Supplementation is also not recommended for people with kidney problems, as it could worsen kidney function and exacerbate symptoms. Pregnant or lactating women should also avoid its use, as no research has been conducted on the health and safety of supplements for these populations. Finally, taurine can also act as a natural diuretic to increase the excretion of water from the body. Therefore, it can interfere with certain medications such as lithium, which can decrease their effectiveness. A high blood sugar reading first thing in the morning can throw off your whole day — and signal a chronic problem. Despite their best efforts to control their blood sugar levels, some people simply wake up with elevated blood sugar. Starting your day this way isn't just alarming: If it becomes a pattern, high morning readings can make it difficult to achieve your long-term diabetes management goals. Gluco20
sherly sylvia
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
In recent years, probiotics have become increasingly popular. They can be found everywhere, from your favorite yogurt to a gum pack. One of the main reasons that foods and supplements containing a variety of probiotic strains have become so popular is that the health benefits of probiotics have become more apparent in recent years. The following are the best probiotics for anxiety, eczema, diarrhea, and more. Some of these benefits include better digestion, a stronger immune system, weight loss, and reduced risk of disease. With the increase in research on our microbiome that also details these benefits and the importance of good gut health, probiotics could hold the key to tackling several health problems. How Probiotics Help Protect You Everyone's gut contains thousands of living microorganisms, some good and some bad. When you have too many harmful bacteria in your gut, you can experience health problems like poor digestion, illness, a weak immune system, fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, to name a few. The key to regulating the gut microbiome is to eliminate the pathogens (harmful bacteria) that cause health problems with the good bacteria in probiotics. One of the main health problems that occur as a result of harmful bacteria in your gut is the release of harmful chemicals. These chemicals include bactericides, acetic acid, and lactic acid. Probiotics can address these health problems as they contain good bacteria that regulate your gut microbiome. The “friendly and healthy bacteria” in probiotics strengthen the immune system by forming a barrier against harmful bacteria and allowing good bacteria to flourish. To get the full benefits of probiotics through food and supplements, you need to make sure you are ingesting probiotics that effectively bind to the good bacteria already present in your gut. This process occurs when the good bacteria from probiotics adhere to tissues in the intestinal mucus and epithelial cells, the cells that absorb nutrition and protect the body from harmful substances. It is important to note that permanent colonization of probiotics ingested through food and supplements is unlikely. This means that you need to eat food regularly or take supplements that contain "healthy, friendly bacteria." The best probiotics for certain health conditions Probiotics can help solve various health problems, from mental health problems to physical ailments and illnesses. The good bacteria that can help treat these health problems are contained in certain probiotic foods and supplements. Some foods that contain "health-friendly bacteria" include yogurt, fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, pickles, tempeh, kefir, and miso. When buying these foods, take a look at the packaging to see what strains of probiotics they contain. Each probiotic supplement and food contain different strains of good bacteria, so it is important to understand which strain you need. Here is a list of common health problems that can be cured with the "unhealthy bacteria" in certain foods and probiotics. Anxiety The digestive system has a significant impact on your mood. The best specific probiotic strains that can help cure anxiety are Lactobacillus heleveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175. (4) Antibiotic-induced diarrhea Antibiotics can be harsh on the digestive system and cause problems like diarrhea. Antibiotic-induced diarrhea occurs when your digestive system is not resolved by antibiotics. A recent study found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii strains could reduce the risk of antibiotic-induced diarrhea by 51%. (5) Best probiotics for colic Several probiotic strains can relieve pain and distress in babies, including: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25 · Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (6) Dental caries Some studies have found that probiotics can have a positive impact on dental health. The probiotic strain that can help prevent cavities and improve dental health is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. (7) Constipation Several strains of probiotics can relieve constipation, including: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25 · Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (8) Eczema Various probiotic strains can help cure eczema. These strains include: · Bifidobacterium breve PXN 25; Bifidobacterium infantis PXN 27 · Lactobacillus acidophilus PXN 35 · Lactobacillus casei PXN 37 · lactobacillus delbruceckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66 PXN 37 · Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus pxn 39 · Lactobacillus rhamnosus PXN 54 · Streptococcus thermophilus PXN 66. (9) Mastitis The probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 can help cure mastitis. (10) Best probiotics for weight loss Strains from the lactobacillus family have been found to be the best probiotics for weight loss (11). Some yogurts on the market contain lactobacillus fermentum or lactobacillus amylovorus. Otherwise, you can look for probiotic supplements that include these strains. While there may not be one pill or supplement that can fix all of your health problems, it's worth considering the variety of health benefits that can be gained through including a probiotic supplement or fermented foods in your diet. Remember that different strains of probiotics have different effects, so you need to identify and understand your symptoms before you start taking a probiotic supplement. And as with any supplement or medication, you should consult a medical professional before starting anything new. Probiotics are not for everyone, and you should only take a supplement if you are experiencing a variety of symptoms and health problems that could be resolved with supplementation. You guys know I’m a mix of practical plus woo. On the practical side, beyond those studies referenced in the Gaia article, I didn’t find any studies that said there was a definite connection between high vibrational music and healing. I did find some studies that showed some hope but nothing definitive, so I’m not going to link them. Tesla Manifestation
sherly sylvia
Jun 16, 2021
In General Discussions
Nothing is better in the cold of winter than a piping hot cup of ginger tea. With its high levels of vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals, ginger root is very beneficial for health. Once made into tea, you can add honey, lemon and the spice or herb of your choice and enjoy its properties. Here's why you should have this truly wonderful drink. Why drink ginger tea One of the easiest ways to get all the powerful health benefits of ginger root is by turning it into a tea. Soaking the root in hot water allows the valuable nutrients to escape and the body can access them more easily. Many companies sell pre-packaged ginger tea in easy-to-use tea bags, but fresh ginger is generally safer and healthier, as many of these brands follow conservative processes that remove some of the vital nutrients from the root. If you can't get fresh ginger or don't have time to slice it, be sure to buy 100% organic tea with no extras. Ginger is also frequently sold in dried or powdered forms that are taken as supplements. However, ginger tea is by far the most relaxing and therapeutic way to enjoy the benefits of this spicy root. Benefits of drinking ginger tea Ginger root is loaded with healthy compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol, and zingerone. Although these words may seem unconvincing at first, it is important to realize your need to help the body function optimally. Gingerol, for example, is used by the body to fight chronic inflammation, one of the greatest silent killers today in Western culture, by improving the function of the cardiovascular system. Chronic inflammation occurs when the body responds to trauma, even if it has not experienced any, causing inflammation and damage to healthy tissues. This is considered to be at the root of many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease and is generally caused by an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Although ginger and its components are supportive in these types of conditions that are very serious, it also does its job in relieving pain and viral infections. With high anti-viral properties, ginger is able to prevent or treat the onset of inflammation and colds. If you have a sore throat, ginger tea can also provide relief. It has a calming action and serves as a sedative, which gives greater relief as it reduces the inflammation of the mucous membranes. Besides all that: · Relieves nausea · Strengthens the immune system · Benefits digestive health · Boost brain health · Alleviate the pain · Helps to lose weight · Helps control blood sugar · Improves blood circulation · Reduce stress There are several types of ginger tea that you can prepare at home, the simplest, but no less beneficial to health, is ginger tea with honey and there is also spiced ginger tea, to which various spices are added. to accentuate both the ginger's flavor and properties. Best Homemade Ginger Tea To make the best ginger tea add a few other varieties of herbs to boost the ginger, for example, try chamomile, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or an echinacea tincture, with just one or two, not all at the same time. Trying different combinations is ideal. Add a splash of lemon juice and sweeten with honey. To make this delicious ginger tea you will need a grater or zester, as well as a kettle or pot to boil the water and something to strain the ginger tea if you are not using a kettle that has one built in. It is better to grate the ginger rather than cut it because it releases more aroma and flavors and nutrients. Ginger is a powerful herb and a true boon. You can know the wonderful properties of ginger. Ingredients Servings: 1-2 · 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger · 2 cups of filtered water · 1 tbsp. pure honey or maple syrup · Juice of ½ lemon Optional herbs to use with ginger tea · 1 cinnamon stick · Chamomile flowers · Echinacea tincture · Fresh mint leaves · A pinch of cayenne pepper Instructions 1. Peel the ginger root with a peeler or the back of a spoon. 2. Grate the ginger with a grater. If you slice it, cut it thin and light and it will be used more. 3. Infuse the ginger, if you add cinnamon, mint, chamomile or pepper, add in this step. 4. If you are using a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, add the ginger and turn off the heat. Put the lid on and let it rest for 10 minutes. 5. If you are using a kettle, add the ginger to the kettle and pour boiling water into it. Let it rest for about 10 minutes. 6. If you are using a saucepan, strain the water to remove the ginger. 7. Add fresh lemon juice and natural sweetener, if you like. Stir and enjoy. 8. If you want a cold tea, let your tea cool down, store it in the refrigerator and add the ice cubes before serving. To strengthen mental health policies, legislation and plans through: increasing awareness of the burden associated with mental health problems and the commitment of governments to reduce this burden; helping to build up the technical capacity of countries to create, review and develop mental health policies, legislation and plans; and developing and disseminating advocacy and policy resources. Claritox Pro Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
The secret to improving your mood and brain health is in your gut, an unhealthy intestinal flora can impact your mental health, causing problems such as anxiety, depression, autism and more. Probiotics improve the intestinal flora and the brain Gut bacteria affect brain function and our emotional states A recent trial study found that women who eat yogurt containing beneficial bacteria on a regular basis have altered brain function compared to people who do not consume probiotics. Just as you have neurons in your brain, you also have neurons in your gut - including neurons that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is also found in your brain and is related to your mood. Limiting sugar intake, eating fermented foods, and taking a probiotic supplement are some of the best ways to optimize your gut flora and subsequently boost your brain health and optimize your mood. Bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms that make up your body's intestinal flora actually outnumber your cells by 10 to 1, and it is becoming increasingly clear that these tiny organisms play an extremely important role in your health - both physical and mental. The impact microflora has on your brain function has once again been confirmed by UCLA researchers, who through a proof-of-concept study found that probiotics (beneficial bacteria) altered brain function in participants. Research confirms it Researchers have known that the brain sends signals to your gut, which is why stress and other emotions can contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms. This study shows what was suspected but not proven until now, only in animal studies: that signals also travel in the opposite direction. "Over and over again, we have heard from patients that they had never felt depressed or anxious until they started experiencing problems with their gut, " “Our study shows that the relationship between the gut and the brain is a two-way street. " The study published in the journal Gastroenterology2 states that the discovery "has significant implications for future research that could point the way to improving brain function through dietary or drug interventions." Naturally, it is recommended to stick to the dietary changes and not wait for some kind of "wonder drug" to do the work for you. Your diet affects your brain function The study included 36 women between 18 and 55 years of age and they were divided into three groups: · The treatment group ate yogurt containing many probiotics that have a beneficial impact on gut health, twice a day for a month. · Another group ate a "fake" product that looked and tasted the same as yogurt but did not contain probiotics. · The control group did not eat any products. Before and after the four-week study, the participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tests, both in a resting state and in response to an "emotion recognition task." In the latter, the women were shown a series of images of people with angry or scared faces, which they had to match with other faces showing the same emotions. "This task, designed to measure the use of the brain's cognitive and affective regions in response to visual stimuli, was chosen because previous research in animals had linked changes in gut flora with changes in affective behaviors," explains UCLA. Interestingly, compared to the control group, the women who consumed probiotic yogurt had increased activity in the two brain regions that control central processing of emotions and sensation. According to UCLA " The researchers were surprised to find that the brain effect could be seen in many areas, including areas involved with sensory processing and not just those related to emotions, " There are studies showing that what we eat can alter the composition and products of the intestinal flora, in particular, in people with diets rich in vegetables and fiber, who have a different composition of their microbiota, or intestinal environment, compared to people who eat a more western diet, high in fat and carbohydrates. "We now know that this has an effect not only on metabolism but also affects brain function." How to optimize your intestinal flora Considering the fact that an estimated 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut, it is extremely important to "reseed" it with healthy bacteria in order to prevent virtually all illnesses, from a cold to cancer. To achieve this, the following strategies are recommended: 1. Avoid processed and refined foods in your diet. 2. Eat unpasteurized, traditionally fermented foods: Fermented foods are the best path to optimal digestive health, as long as you consume the unpasteurized and traditionally fermented versions. Some of the beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods are also excellent chelators of heavy metals and pesticides, which will also have a beneficial effect by reducing their toxic load. Healthy options include: · Fermented vegetables · Lassi (Indian yogurt drink, enjoyed before dinner) · Fermented milk, such as kefir · Natto (fermented soybeans) · Yogurt · Kombucha · Sauerkraut Ideally, you should eat a variety of fermented foods, perhaps it is a good time to do your own research on the subject to maximize the variety of bacteria you eat. Fermented vegetables are a great way to deliver beneficial bacteria to your gut. And, unlike other fermented foods, they tend to be more palatable, if not delicious, for most people. As an added bonus, they can also be a great source of vitamin K2 if you ferment them yourself with a suitable starter culture. Samples of high-quality, organic fermented vegetables made from a specific starter culture typically contain with each serving, (about two to three ounces) not only 10 trillion beneficial bacteria, but also 500 mcg of vitamin K2, which now We know it is a vital co-nutrient of vitamin D and calcium. Most high-quality probiotic supplements will not only provide you with beneficial bacteria found in home-fermented vegetables, but they are also the most economical route to optimal gut health. Although taking supplements is not highly recommended (as nutrients must be obtained from food) probiotics are the exception, if you don't like fermented foods then this is your best option. Taking care of your intestinal flora is one of the bases of optimal health More and more research indicates that the colonies of bacteria that live in your gut could play a key role in the development of cancer, asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and even brain, behavioral and emotional problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autism and depression. When you consider the fact that the relationship between the gut and the brain is recognized as one of the basic principles of physiology and medicine, and that there is a lot of evidence that gastrointestinal problems influence a wide variety of neurological diseases, it is easy See how the balance in your gut bacteria can play a significant role in your psychology and behavior as well. With this in mind, you should be completely clear that nurturing your gut flora is extremely important, from cradle to grave, because in a very real sense you have two brains, one inside your skull and one in your gut and each needs its own. own food. Eating fermented foods should be your main strategy, but if you don't like the taste of it, then taking a probiotic supplement is your next best thing. Look for a probiotic supplement that meets the following requirements, to ensure its quality and effectiveness: 1. The bacterial strains in the product must be able to survive stomach acid and bile so that they can reach the intestines alive and in sufficient numbers. 2. Strains of bacteria must have characteristics that promote health. 3. The activity of the probiotic must be guaranteed throughout the production process, the storage period and the shelf life of the product. Carbofix, Carbofix Review, Carbofix Reviews, Carbofix Supplement, Carbofix Supplement Review, Carbofix Supplement Reviews, Carbofix Supplements, Carbofix Supplements Review, Carbofix Ingredients, Carbofix Ingredients Review, Carbofix Customer Reviews, Carbofix Customer Experience, Carbofix Home Remedies, Carbofix Symptoms, Carbofix scam or not, Carbofix side effects, Carbofix Videos, Carbofix Secrets, Carbofix Capsules, Carbofix amazon, Carbofix, Carbofix Review, Carbofix Reviews, Carbofix Supplement, Carbofix Supplement Review, Carbofix Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Tomato is one of the tastiest and most beneficial vegetables for health, which is practically available to anyone, and is part of many diets to lose weight. Tomato can be eaten cooked, it can be raw (well washed), roasted, prepared in sauce, in a drink such as juice or in a gazpacho, tomato is a nutritious, refreshing and accessible food. However, the health benefits of tomatoes may be greater than those of any drug, the product of expensive and complex research, that man has invented. And, to date, no drug has managed to have as many therapeutic properties as the tomato has revealed, since it can prevent cancer and heart attack, as well as fight many other diseases. The benefits of tomato Tomato is a known remineralizer and detoxifier. In addition to the toxins that it expels due to its diuretic effect, it is also responsible for eliminating uric acid and reducing cholesterol. It is not surprising, therefore, that a study from the University of North Carolina, in the United States, found that people who consumed this food regularly had half the risk of suffering a heart attack than those who did not. The study compared 1,300 Americans and Europeans who had suffered a heart attack with the same number of subjects who had never had it. The conclusion was clear: the difference was in the consumption of tomato. The substance that, according to all the studies, is responsible for this result is lycopene, a pigment that gives it its characteristic red color. Lycopene is also found in watermelons, carrots, apricots, and grapefruits. The difference is that the tomato is the one with the highest proportion of this pigment, to the point that it provides 90 percent of what is necessary for the body. The different types of tomato There are different types of tomatoes, there are round, pear, cherry or 'cherry', vine and Montserrat, among others, but broadly speaking, all these varieties share the same nutritional properties: they are a source of potassium, phosphorus and Magnesium (necessary for the normal activity of nerves and muscles), provide us with significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B5, E and, above all, C and A –in particular, beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A–. Benefits of tomato for weight loss The tomato hardly contains fat. This characteristic, together with its diuretic power, makes it an exceptional ally in weight loss and weight control diets. It is also a food very rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment of the carotenoid family that gives tomato its characteristic red color. The Lycopene has antioxidant properties and numerous studies have shown that regular consumption helps reduce some types of cancer such as prostate, lung and digestive tract and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Its positive effects have also been contrasted in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and macular degeneration syndrome, the main cause of blindness in people over 65 years of age. Tomato nutrition facts Tomatoes are excellent sources of vitamins, fiber and minerals, in addition to helping you lose weight, anyone can benefit from tomatoes, regardless of age and whether or not they are looking to lose weight. Diced tomatoes (approximately 180 grams) provide you with almost half of your daily requirement for vitamin C. They contain vitamin A, K, B6, B1, and vitamin E, and potassium, folate, magnesium, iron, and protein. Have you already convinced yourself that the tomato diet is a true health cure as well as an ally for weight loss? Tomato protects free radicals Antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and natural colorants that protect the cells of our body from the damaging effects caused by free radicals, molecules that are formed in the human body when they come into contact with oxygen; that is, when we breathe. Free radicals are, in part, responsible for aging, cardiovascular diseases and the development of cancer, and they work by attacking cell membranes and the genetic material of cells - DNA. Tomato antioxidants protect against free radicals This process of cellular oxidation, which affects all tissues, occurs naturally and is inevitable since we cannot live without breathing, but factors such as environmental pollution, smoking, diets rich in saturated fat, taking too much sun and Excessive physical exercise contributes to increasing the production of free radicals. Most antioxidants can be found in plant foods, which is why it is so important to incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into our diet: they protect you against free radicals naturally. The three-great antioxidant 'potions' in tomato are vitamins C, E and beta - carotene (pro-vitamin A) Some of the foods with the greatest antioxidant power are: citrus fruits, nuts, spinach, onion –especially purple ones–, avocado, berries –blackberries, strawberries, blueberries–, cabbage, carrots, grapes., the pumpkin, the melon, the kiwi and, of course, the tomato. Tomato is very rich in lycopene, a vegetable pigment that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Tomatoes should not be green or overripe Lovers of pizzas, ketchup, and dishes washed down with plenty of tomato sauce are in luck: cooking and processing tomatoes does not reduce the healthy properties of lycopene. Recent research confirms that the body absorbs lycopene from tomato much better if it is consumed processed or cooked in oil - fried, roasted and in sauce - than natural or in juice. When it comes to buying tomatoes, we will opt for the freshest ones, with smooth skin without blemishes, soft to the touch and that are neither soft nor dented. They should be chosen neither too green nor too reddish, as tomatoes continue to ripen during storage. A trick to make ripe tomatoes last longer is to place them upside down and separated from each other. If they are to be consumed raw, they should be washed with plenty of water and a few drops of bleach to eliminate possible germs. In the refrigerator they can be kept in good condition for 6 to 8 days if they are kept whole and a maximum of 2 days in juice or crushed. During the conservation time, the tomato maintains most of the vitamins thanks to its skin and its level of acidity. Tomato is a staple in the kitchen Due to its versatility and flavor, the tomato is one of the star foods in the kitchen. A culinary wild card that can be prepared in countless ways: raw and seasoned in salads, in juices, with bread and oil, fried, roasted, in consommé and jam and many other ways. How to prepare tomato in sauces To prepare sauces, the tomato must be ripe, so it will have a less acid taste and will thicken better. If you want to correct the taste of acidity, just add a teaspoon of sugar. It is also preferable to peel the tomatoes before preparing them in sauces or scammed. To remove the skin easily, a small cross-shaped cut is made at the base and immersed in boiling water for a few moments; When the skin begins to rise, it is removed and allowed to cool. The basic ingredients to prepare a good tomato sauce are: · 2 chopped onions · 2 garlic cloves, minced · Salt · olive oil · ripe tomatoes and, as we have indicated, a pinch of sugar to eliminate the acidity. Cook everything in a frying pan over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes and, to make it fine, go through the masher or blender. For salad. Salad tomatoes are generally hard, larger than the rest of the varieties and with a slightly greenish tone at the base The tomato diet for weight loss In turn, this tomato diet to lose weight can be very effective in detoxifying the body. In addition to helping, you lose weight, the tomato diet has a lot of benefits for your health and that of your family. Above all, tomatoes contain many antioxidants, which include lycopene, which in the background red pigment, which we find especially in the summer. The high concentration of lycopene and other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, protect your body from the harmful action of environmental factors. Tomatoes are also very low in calories - it has only 17 calories per 100g. They do not contain fat or cholesterol, so they can be included in healthy diets, especially in weight loss diets. Avoid strict or boring diets, only based on tomatoes, but rather try to integrate them into your daily menu. Starting the Diet to lose weight This diet must be carried out with great care in people who suffer from diverticula, and as always, this article is merely informative, it does not supplant the advice of a health specialist and consultation is recommended before making any forceful changes in the diet. It is advisable to consume at least 2 liters of water, exercise during the diet and walk for about 30 minutes each day. On an empty stomach A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Breakfast Two tomatoes boiled and seasoned with rosemary. lunch Salad of tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing. Snack A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Dinner Salad of tomatoes and bell peppers (chilies) and bean sprouts. Olive oil and lemon dressing. Before bedtime A juice of fresh tomatoes. If you want you can add a mint leaf. Additional for when hunger strikes Blend 5 mint leaves, half a lemon with peel, 1 carrot, 2 glasses of mineral water and half a tomato. Silencil, Silencil Review, Silencil Reviews, Silencil Supplement, Silencil Supplement Review, Silencil Supplement Reviews, Silencil Supplements, Silencil Supplements Review, Silencil Ingredients, Silencil Ingredients Review, Silencil Customer Reviews, Silencil Customer Experience, Silencil Home Remedies, Silencil Symptoms, Silencil scam or not, Silencil side effects, Silencil Videos, Silencil Secrets, Silencil Capsules, Silencil amazon, Silencil, Silencil Review, Silencil Reviews, Silencil Supplement, Silencil Supplement Review, Silencil Supplement Reviews, Silencil Supplements, Silencil Supplements Review
sherly sylvia
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
When life gives you lemons, you squeeze them and offer your body the great value it provides. According to an extensive registry of published research and claims by health experts, the benefits of lemon juice are not at all bitter. Check out the following benefits that you can acquire if you consume it daily. Lemons are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. When you are stressed, overworked, and not getting enough sleep, the level of vitamin C in your system will rapidly deteriorate. It is not only oranges that are full of this important element, lemons too, and if you are fighting any type of virus, you will notice the difference. Health benefits of lemon juice Lemons are also high in potassium, which can keep your heart healthy, as well as keep your nerves and brain functioning at a high level. If you've been exercising a lot lately or suffering from the pain of that super long training session, potassium will help you too. Even though you have to watch out for its heavy citrus base, lemon juice helps prevent kidney stone formation as well. Check out the following benefits that this considered a super-food gives you. Weight and fat loss Although fasting remains controversial, fasting on lemon juice with honey is a common treatment modality in naturopathic hospitals to control obesity. A small four-day study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine demonstrated significant improvements in body weight, low body index (BMI), and body fat. Cardiovascular health The same study demonstrated an improvement in total serum triglycerides. Lemon also contains potassium, a valuable mineral and electrolyte that supports a normal heart rate. Triglycerides and controlled heartbeat can ultimately reduce your risk of heart disease, failure, and even cardiac arrest. Additionally, the American Heart Association suggests that higher citrus intake may reduce the risk of ischemic stroke in women. Vitamin C also improves the absorption of iron, the mineral required to supply oxygenated blood throughout the body. Detoxifies the liver A very effective way to help the liver produce more bile is to drink this citrus juice every morning. Cleanses the liver which helps to break down food easily. Once you drink this juice first thing in the morning, your digestive system is ready for all-day work. Lemon juice can even break down gallstones as they are made up of calcified bile. Increased bile production helps break down gallstones. Lemon juice reduces kidney stones Those who have experienced kidney stones are more than likely to describe them as nothing short of painful. Fortunately, research suggests that lemon juice may be an effective regimen for reducing growth, especially in individuals prone to kidney stones. Lemon juice can raise citrate in urine and inhibit kidney stone development, making it a cost-effective and refreshing drug alternative. Soothe a sore throat Although primarily used as a natural home remedy, advocates of this superfood's juice state that warm lemon water can soothe a sore throat. Mild teas mixed with honey and lemon can help soothe your throat. Anticholinergic effects of lemon juice Lemon juice can offer anticholinergic effects. Simply put, anticholinergics are drugs that block the action of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, and are of value in treating a variety of conditions. Anticholinergics can act as an effective treatment for gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), urinary incontinence, and symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Relieves dry mouth A dry mouth due to a lack of saliva is medically known as xerostomia and has several causes, including side effects from medications, dehydration, and radiation therapy. But despite its origin, dealing with it can be unpleasant and can also lead to chapped lips and bad breath. Lemon juice has been shown to significantly increase saliva secretion and production, demonstrating its environmental ability to relieve dry mouth. Immune strengthening Being a citrus fruit, lemon is rich in vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, the vitamin is continually recognized for its ability to naturally boost the immune system. Additionally, vitamin C deficiency can reduce resistance against harmful pathogens, increasing the risk of common colds and other illnesses. Skin health Due to its vitamin C content, lemon can serve the skin well. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, the primary connective tissue provides integrity and strength to the bones, muscles, skin and tendons, additional aid in tissue maintenance and effective wound healing. The powerful antioxidant properties of vitamin C can also fight skin damage and provide a natural glow. The worthy totality of vitamin C and healthy skin demonstrate anti-aging properties and fight wrinkles. Reduces foodborne illness By acting as an organic preservative, lemon juice can reduce the growth of harmful microorganisms on food surfaces. More specifically, lemon juice has been shown to inhibit Salmonella Typhi, the instigator of typhoid or enteric fever. Bacteria are mainly witnessed in contaminated water bodies and the products they come in contact with, increasing the risk that a person will develop unpleasant symptoms of weakness, poor appetite, diarrhea, sweating, dry mouth and abdominal pain. Incorporating lemon juice into the diet Not everyone enjoys sipping a bitter lemon. But, like the widespread benefits of lemon, there is an extensive list of methods to incorporate citrus into the diet, since lemon complements both savory and sweet dishes. How to include lemon juice in your diet? · Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. Use this as a salad dressing, over boiled lentils, sprouts, or steamed vegetables. · It can be added to desserts to enhance the taste. · Freeze the lemon juice in ice cubes and add this to your favorite drinks. · Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to your green tea. · Lemon juice can be added to your grilled meats to enhance the nutritional value and add flavor. · The good habit will always be to resort to a generous splash of the juice of this citrus fruit on cut onions and tomatoes. · In warm water to improve digestion. · In your soups and broths, it is an excellent source of flavor and good nutrition. · With honey and ginger it is an excellent remedy for flu. · Use it in various drinks and juices. How to take care of tooth enamel if you drink lemon juice It is very true that lemon can wear away the enamel of your teeth, but there are still excellent benefits that you can get from its intake. With some of these tips and a desire to make sure you stay healthy; you can partake of the positive benefits of lemon and save your nail polish from worrying wear and tear. You don't need as much lemon juice to take advantage of its benefits. With just a quarter or an eighth of a lemon, still that amount will provide some benefits and take care of your teeth. If you use a straw while drinking the acidic liquid, it will go towards the back of your mouth and away from your teeth. And even if you can't do this, you can rinse your mouth under running water after drinking lemon juice, because this will help normalize saliva. Enamel that may be in danger is remineralized by saliva, while it is still in a soft state due to the acid that has just passed over it. Right after drinking juice, there are some foods you can eat that will neutralize the acid, such as those from the dairy group. We fully understand that this is a very different kind of taste than juice, but if you can handle it, it will help neutralize the acid. Don't brush your teeth. After drinking lemon water or any acidic beverage, the act of brushing can thin the softened enamel. Wait only an hour before brushing your teeth. High-sugar foods include cakes and candies, along with so-called “healthier” choices like muffins and frozen yogurt. Soda, flavored coffee drinks and sweet tea are among the most popular sugar-sweetened beverages. CarboFix Reviews
sherly sylvia
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
The cruciferous are plant of the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae family; They are plants native to Western Asia and Europe; and are characterized by having four petals opposite each other in the shape of a cross. There are more than 390 genera and 3000 species of crucifers but the best known and most consumed are: · Broccoli · Cabbage or Cabbage · Brussels sprouts or cabbage · Cauliflower · Kale or Kale Its main nutrients The main nutrients that crucifers provide are: · Carbohydrates: mainly in the form of fiber and its content varies between 0.3 to 10% of its weight. · Proteins: their content varies between 1 to 3.3%. · Vitamins: provide vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin A and K. · Minerals: They have significant amounts of calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. In addition to these nutrients, crucifers contain a group of substances called glycosylates, which are chemical components with sulphur; and those responsible for the penetrating aroma and bitter taste that characterizes them. During meal preparation, chewing, and digestion, glucosinolates break down to form active biological compounds such as indoles, nitriles, thiocyanates, and isothiocyanates. It has been proven in various studies that these substances have very important anticancer effects. Health benefits of cruciferous consumption · Bone system: Its consumption favors the production of collagen which improves the joints, their flexibility and inflammation, preventing diseases such as arthritis. Also due to its high calcium content, it prevents osteoporosis in women. · Eyes and skin: due to its high content of vitamin A and carotenes; helps prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, improving eyesight. Also, this vitamin helps to keep the skin firm, rejuvenated and prevents skin cancer. · Digestive system: these vegetables have a high content of insoluble fiber that help digestive processes, favoring intestinal transit and preventing complications such as constipation. · Weight loss: they are vegetables with a low caloric content, they provide valuable nutrients, due to their large amount of fiber they give a lot of satiety and makes them ideal for those who are making a food plan to lose weight. They also have a diuretic effect, which helps to retain fluid and eliminate toxins from the body. · Cardiovascular system: they provide potassium that helps lower blood pressure and promote circulation. Its fiber content means that the cholesterol content of food is not absorbed at the intestinal level, protecting the blood vessels from possible obstructions. · They prevent diabetes: its consumption together with foods that provide significant amounts of carbohydrates, help to level blood sugar levels, since they slow its absorption at the intestinal level, due to its fiber content. · Nervous system: some studies have shown that its consumption prevents Alzheimer's due to the anti-inflammatory effect of isothiocyanates. Also due to its high content of folic acid, it stimulates the production of serotonin, which is a hormone related to well-being and helps prevent depression, improves overall mood and cognitive function. · Antioxidant: due to the important contribution of vitamins and minerals, they have very important antioxidant properties. They help fight free radicals that are responsible for damaging cells, leading to degenerative diseases and cancer. And also, this antioxidant function delays aging and reduces oxidative stress while taking care of health. How can they be consumed? The best way is to consume them raw in salads or steamed or baked. If they are cooked boiled in water there is a significant loss of glucosinolates , between 30 and 60%. And the loss is even greater if they are cooked in the microwave and if they are cut and minced and not consumed within an hour of being done. Tinnitus may be described as buzzing, ringing, roaring, whistling, or hissing and is sometimes variable and complex. Objective tinnitus typically is pulsatile (synchronous with the heartbeat) or intermittent. Tinnitus is most noticeable in quiet environments and in the absence of distracting stimuli and, thus, frequently seems worse at bedtime. Silencil Supplement Reviews
sherly sylvia
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