At this point, there is a good chance that most of us will end up infected with covid-19, so the only thing we can do is, in addition to protecting ourselves, preparing the body for when it arrives
By now there is a good chance that most of us will end up with coronavirus. Even if we take all the precautions (mask, hand washing, social restriction ...) we have to keep going down to buy and we live with more people at home.
In the end, the weird thing would be if we didn't get infected. And we do not say it, but doctors, such as Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, a Harvard professor and co-principal investigator of several projects funded by the North American National Institutes of Health (NIH).
"In the end, the vaccine will take longer than we think, so it is most likely that we will get infected with covid-19. And now the only thing we can do is prepare the body for when the virus infects us," he says. And how can we do this?
Strengthening the immune system is the key
There are people who get infected with coronavirus with hardly any symptoms or side effects, and there are those who have a really bad time and even die. Of 42.8 million infected people worldwide, 1.15 million have died.
The coronavirus not only dangerous in the elderly, because healthy young people and athletes also go through the ICU. The severity of the virus in the body is due to a deficit in the functioning of these proteins produced by immune cells and which constitute the body's first line of defense against viruses, according to the latest research.
In other words, the more strengthened our immune system is, the more protected we will be from the arrival of covid-19.
Food is more important than ever
How can we minimize the damage of covid-19? With a correct diet, it can help us improve our immune system, the first barrier against infection.
The World Health Organization associates a low intake of fruits and vegetables with poor health and an increased risk of contracting non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Also obesity, considered a risk factor for contracting any of them, in addition to Covid-19. According to a study carried out by the Spanish Obesity Society, 80% of the patients who experienced severe coronavirus infection (required intubation, mechanical ventilation in the ICU and / or died) were obese.
These fruits and vegetables are key to strengthen ourselves against the coronavirus
A daily consumption of five servings of fruits and vegetables is vital to strengthen our defenses, since certain nutrients provide our body with the necessary doses for a proper functioning of the immune system.
Thus, the pepper is rich in vitamin A, B9, C and is a source of vitamin B6; the tomato is a source of vitamin C; the zucchini is source of vitamin B9; and the melon is rich in vitamins A and C. These vitamins and elements contribute to the normal functioning of our immune system and act as protection of body tissues, making it very effective to prepare the respiratory system for infections, where appropriate, or reduce the consequences of these.
It is vital that the disease progress in our body
According to Ana Molina, nutritional advisor of the programCuteSolar, "SARS-Cov 2 infection can be divided into three phases: asymptomatic incubation, mildly symptomatic period with the presence of the virus, and highly symptomatic period with respiratory disease and high viral load." It is precisely during the first two stages that an adaptive immune response is required to eliminate the virus and prevent the progression of the disease to severe stages. Therefore, strategies to increase immune responses at this stage are very decisive to generate a specific antiviral immunity.
People with a vitamin D deficiency are twice as likely to be infected with covid-19
This is also corroborated by María Dolores del Castillo and Amaia Iriondo, researchers at the Higher Council for Scientific Research CSIC at the Institute for Research in Food Sciences (CIAL), who point out that “due to the pandemic, food and beverages to strengthen the immunity will enjoy increasing interest. The ingredients that are most likely to be successful during this period are those with beneficial properties associated with immunity, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, probiotics, protein, and dietary fiber; and indirectly, due to its antioxidant action, vitamin E, beta carotenes and some polyphenols”.
In fact, a study carried out by the University of Chicago and published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open has shown that people with a vitamin D deficiency have twice the chances of being infected with covid-19. It is not the first study to point in this direction.
Many of these assets are found in fruits and vegetables, the intake of which has increased since the pandemic was declared. According to the latest data from the Food Consumption Panel of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the consumption of fruits increased in May by 17.8% and that of vegetables, by 26.4%, following the upward trend experienced during the two months prior. Some percentages that must continue to increase, for our good.
Your digestive system is busy. When you eat something, your food takes a twisty trip that starts with being chewed up and ends with you going to the bathroom. A lot happens in between. The health of your gut plays a key role in your overall health and well-being. You can make choices to help your body stay on tract.