The muscle pain can occur for various reasons; performing a bad movement, chronic diseases or maintaining the same posture for an extended period of time. Most of the pains are usually temporary, however some of these can last for weeks or months, and it may even be the case that they are more recurrent than is considered normal.
These ailments can have a negative influence on the quality of life of the person who suffers them, since it prevents them from carrying out activities that require a minimum of physical effort normally. Although there are many medications on the market that can help improve and relieve muscle aches, in many cases it is better to opt for a natural and home remedy.
What causes muscle pain?
In general, after some physical effort, muscle pain may occur accompanied by cramps and shooting pain, this type of pain is usually caused by some micro tears in the muscle. Over time as the muscles rebuild, the pain tends to decrease. In the case of persistent cramps and muscle aches that appear sporadically, they may be related to some of the following conditions.
· Exercise, injury, or overuse
· Blood irrigation problems
· Lack of minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium
· Dehydration
· Reactions to certain medications
Natural remedies to relieve muscle pain
Not only herbs are used to naturally heal various ailments that occur in the body, the following natural remedies can also be used to reduce muscle aches:
Apple cider vinegar
To treat cramps and muscle pain in the legs, apple cider vinegar is a great ally. One of the ways to use it is to mix a tablespoon or two in a glass of water and drink it. You could also rub the vinegar directly on the sore area. Another alternative is to prepare an anti-inflammatory drink consisting of 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, a sprig of fresh mint and a large glass of water and mix them well.
Cod liver oil
It is easy to get, they are generally purchased in health food stores or special for diabetics, consuming a little cod oil 3 times a week helps prevent inflammation of both muscles and joints.
Green Tea
In addition to being one of the best antioxidants, it has many properties that help reduce the amount of fluid accumulated in the body, as well as localized fats. If the pains are due to being overweight, have a cup of green tea every day.
Fresh pineapple, whether chopped or juiced, allows muscles to relax more easily, deflates them and also provides a lot of energy, not to mention that it is excellent for losing a little accumulated fat. You can try many combinations and recipes with pineapple, we invite you to take a look using our search to find different options to consume pineapple or nana.
Flax seeds, also known as flax seeds, are a really powerful and effective natural remedy for muscle aches. This is because it has a great supply of Omega 3 fatty acids, the same ones that can be found in oily fish.
Coconut oil
Like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil is recommended for various ailments and conditions as we already mentioned in the 160 uses of coconut oil . Coconut oil can be consumed directly, however if you want to add it to your meals, for example add it to butter or in the preparation of some meals, replacing olive oil and another for coconut oil. This oil can also be used in therapeutic massages to relieve back pain.
Drinking chamomile tea is very relaxing for both muscles and joints, however it can also be used topically, applying a few drops of chamomile essential oil to the affected area, giving gentle massages, exerting very little pressure to affect even plus muscle.
How to prevent muscle aches?
In addition to finding a wide variety of natural remedies to treat muscle pai, there are also certain data that can be of great help to avoid suffering from these:
· Exercise: reduces pain and at the same time provides an improvement in body mobility.
· Apply ice: it is an effective and simple way to relieve muscle aches, you just have to place a few ice cubes wrapped in a towel for a couple of minutes on the affected area.
· Apply heat: Placing heating pads on the area of the body where pain is felt is a good way to reduce it.
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