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maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
The pain on the right side of the chest should never be ignored because it could be a sign of a serious health problem. Fortunately, pains on the right side of the chest are not usually connected with heart problems, although in rare cases this pain occurs during a heart attack. Read on to find out the causes and when you need to see a doctor now to review this particular chest pain and take action. Some common causes of right-side chest pain are lung infections, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, rib fracture, or shingles. These conditions can cause pain ranging from a mild dull ache to shooting pains that cause chest discomfort. If any type of chest pain persists, it is important to see your doctor for a checkup. The right side of your abdomen and chest contains many vital organs. For example, the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver are on your right side protected by the rib cage in your chest. Any inflammation or infection in these organs can cause pain in the chest, upper abdomen, and back. Because your heart is in the center of your chest on the left side, heart symptoms generally do not affect the right side of the chest. Pain in the right side of the chest and when you need to see the doctor In this article, the various causes of chest pain felt on the right side of the chest will be discussed. You will also find out when the chest pain is severe enough to call a doctor. Chest pains caused by gallbladder infection A sharp pain on the right side of the chest could be a sign of a gallbladder infection or gallstones. Your gallbladder contains bile that is needed to break down food and help with digestion. Any infection or blockage in the gallbladder can cause pain in the upper abdomen area. Symptoms of gallstones can cause chest pain similar to a heart attack. Because of this, you should call a doctor immediately if you have sudden pains in your chest. Pancreatitis Pancreatitis is an inflammation in the pancreas that can cause constant drilling pains that can be felt on the right side of the chest. Your pancreas is in the upper abdomen behind the stomach. It excretes the digestive enzymes that are necessary to help keep your digestion working efficiently. If your pancreas stops working properly, a buildup of enzymes can cause the pancreas to become inflamed. Gallstones can also cause pancreatitis. Pancreatic pain usually starts just below your ribs in the center of your body and radiates to your chest, back, or side. However, chest pains from pancreatitis can also occur on the left or right side of your chest. Along with chest pains, you may experience nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and bloating. You should call your doctor if your severe pain lasts more than 30 minutes and you also have severe vomiting or nausea. Pleurisy Between the lungs and the chest wall is a thin membrane called the pleura. The pleura can become inflamed due to a viral or bacterial infection, a blood clot, or an injury to the chest. Any inflammation of the pleura (called pleurisy), will cause severe pain in the chest. The pain can be very severe and can be made worse by coughing. Chest pains are felt in the area of ​​inflammation. Therefore, if your right lung is affected, pleurisy will cause pain on the right side of the chest. You should see a doctor if your chest pains develop over several days or if the pain doesn't go away after a few days. Pneumonia Pneumonia is a lung infection that can cause pain in the right side of the chest, depending on which lung is affected. Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that is often the result of the flu, asthma, or lung infection. In addition to chest pain, pneumonia can also cause symptoms such as a severe cough, fever, and shaking chills. According to the American Lung Association, along with the usual symptoms of pneumonia, you can also feel sharp chest pains that are worse when coughing. If you've had a stroke, you may have a higher risk of right-sided chest pain from pneumonia. The Neurohospilalist Journal reported that stroke-related pneumonia often occurs on the right side of the chest rather than the left side. This is because the right respiratory tract is closer to the windpipe. Collapsed lung (pneumothorax) You will have sharp pains on the right side of the chest, if your right lung collapses. Pneumothorax (the medical name for a collapsed lung) can be caused by injury to the chest, asthma, cystic fibrosis, or tuberculosis. According to the National Library of Medicine, a sharp stabbing pain in the chest that is aggravated by coughing is the main symptom of a collapsed lung. If the collapse is severe, you may also have chest tightness, blue skin, dizziness, fatigue, and a rapid heart rate. A collapsed lung can become a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Herpes Another cause of pain on the right side of the chest or the left side is shingles. Herpes is caused by the virus that is responsible for chickenpox. The main symptom of herpes is a rash on your body that forms blisters. This can be accompanied by itching and tingling, as well as headaches, flu-like symptoms, and sensitivity to light. Shingles can also cause you to have very sensitive skin. The herpes rash can wrap around the left or right side of your upper body. Coscochondritis Coscochondritis, or inflammation in the sternum, can cause pain on the right side of the chest as well as the left. Many people mistake costochondritis for a heart attack because the pain is often felt where the heart is. However, the pain is usually localized and can be reproduced by pressing on the cartilage. Chest pains usually resolve without any treatment. Doctors advise taking plenty of rest and applying ice or heat packs to relieve pain. Blood clot (pulmonary embolism) Severe chest pains that do not go away with rest could be a sign of a pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening condition caused by a blood clot that travels to the lungs. A common reason for developing blood clots is deep vein thrombosis. Blood travels to the lungs on the right side of the heart and then through the left side into the lungs. If a blood clot enters your left or right lung, you will have chest pain on that side. The best way to prevent pulmonary embolism is to avoid developing blood clots. P Trauma to the chest A blow to the chest will cause chest pain and could damage the organs that are protected by the rib cage. For example, trauma to the right side of the chest can result in injury to the liver or right kidney. Even minor injuries to the chest can cause pain that lasts for a few days after the injury. This can cause chest pains when you breathe, cough, or sneeze. It is important to visit a doctor if you have any type of chest injury that causes pain. This is to rule out the possibility that the chest pain is related to the heart. Muscle tension Excessive physical exertion can damage the chest muscles and cause pain on both sides of the chest. However, muscle tension often causes chest pain on the right side of the chest because many people use their right hand for physical work. Muscle tension can break the muscle fibers in the chest wall. Heavy lifting, stretching, jerky movements, and even frequent coughing can put pressure on your chest muscles. Heart attack As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, chest pain on the left side is often associated with heart-related problems, such as a heart attack. However, sometimes the symptoms of a heart attack can also cause pain in the right side of the chest. If you think your severe chest pains are due to a heart attack, you should call emergency services immediately. When to see a doctor for chest pain When talking about chest pain, all doctors say that any type of chest pain should never be ignored. Although the causes are not always related to the heart, they can be symptoms of other serious medical conditions. It is important to get medical treatment as soon as possible in case your chest pain is caused by a heart attack. Also, you should call your doctor if you have pain in the right side of the chest and also the left side, and if it is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: · Extreme pain under the breastbone that feels like someone is squeezing the chest. · Any tightness or pressure in the middle of your chest. · Chest pain that radiates to the back, left arm, or jaw. · Chest pains that don't go away. · Sudden chest pain. · Vomiting, nausea, lightheadedness, fast or irregular heartbeat. · Fever and chills · Coughing up green-yellow mucus. · Difficulty to swallow. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that's not broken down by the body, so eating it doesn’t have any effect on blood glucose levels. It also promotes digestive health and keeps you feeling fuller longer after a meal. Also, says Champion, because it slows the surge in blood sugar after a meal, it’s especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Vivo Tonic
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
These days we all seem to hate our hormones. No matter what stage of life we ​​are in - puberty, lactation or menopause and beyond - women seem to be in a constant battle to regain control of these little chemical messengers. Once we make the decision that we have had enough irritating and uncomfortable symptoms, there are many diagnostic tests to go to as a starting point to find relief from a possible hormonal imbalance. Read on to learn about a diagnostic test that involves your hair. From blood tests to urine tests, to saliva, each of these tests has its pros and cons and can be helpful in determining hormone levels and imbalances at a particular point in time. So, you can use those tests to get a snapshot of your hormone levels, but what if you really want to know why you have a hormonal imbalance and why you have bothersome symptoms? Fortunately, there is a test you've probably never heard of, and that can provide a ton of insight on that - a hair tissue mineral analysis. Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance with the hair test A hair tissue mineral analysis is a non-invasive test that will tell you a lot about what is happening in your body, such as a hormonal imbalance. It involves cutting a small sample of hair from the scalp and sending it to a laboratory to determine what minerals are inside. The laboratory dissolves hair to the point that all the minerals within the hair protein are released. Next, a procedure called ICP-Mass Spectrometry is used to determine exactly which minerals are present. Why minerals are important in hair The minerals in your hair will, in most cases, reflect what minerals are being stored in your other tissues (bones, for example). This indicates whether you have been absorbing the nutrients from your food and tells us about your metabolism (fast or slow - and how efficiently your body converts the nutrients in the food you eat into energy). And because your thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism and your adrenal glands burn through a ton of minerals to make special hormones when you're under stress, hair test results provide a good indication of how well these glands are doing. running. This test addresses the basics of healthy weight management, healthy stress response, brain function, heart function, and yes, hormonal balance. How minerals affect hormones Minerals are like spark plugs for cells. They activate thousands of chemical reactions that produce energy, regulate the response to stress, and ensure healthy immune function. Magnesium, copper, and phosphorus each play a critical role, along with calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, and iron. Zinc levels can be associated with progesterone levels, while copper in your tissues can be associated with estrogen. Just as sufficient levels of minerals are required for all chemical reactions, the ovaries in women and the testes in men depend on these same minerals to activate the production of reproductive hormones. Also, the more stress you have, the greater the production of stress hormones such as cortisol by the adrenal glands. This uses minerals like sodium, creating an imbalance that also affects reproductive hormonal balance. The same type of situation occurs when you have problems with blood sugar regulation, as with diabetes or pre-diabetes. The pancreas is forced to make a large amount of insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose in the blood, resulting in the need for additional minerals and a subsequent imbalance of the entire endocrine system (the system of glands that make our hormones). Within the endocrine system, the activity of each gland affects the others. And, to complicate matters, the strength and efficiency of the endocrine system as a whole will affect the strength and efficiency of other systems, such as the nervous system (mood, anxiety, depression). In reality, it is a vicious cycle. Less minerals = more stress on the body. Similarly, more stress on the body = greater need for minerals. The bottom line: minerals affect cellular energy production and cellular energy production affects EVERYTHING IN THE BODY. Why a hair test and not a blood test In order to balance and strengthen the body, including hormones, blood tests only tell part of the story. Blood is a transport medium that moves glucose and oxygen into cells to produce energy. It also carries carbon dioxide and waste products away from tissues and cells to be eliminated from the body. Blood remains outside of cells, while energy is produced within cells. Blood must always be in balance to keep us alive. So, if your blood is deficient in calcium, for example, it will draw calcium from tissues, such as bone, to straighten itself out. The way the body handles this is ingenious, but it's important to understand that tissues could be severely deficient, even when nutrient levels in the blood are normal. We are all unique, especially when it comes to biochemistry The diet and supplement recommendations established from the hair test results are based on your unique biochemistry. That's a real bonus when it comes to how quickly you can get your hormones back into a healthy balance. There are so many health tips available at our fingertips these days. Well-meaning online and TV professionals advise us on what supplements to take and foods to eat to stay healthy. When it comes to hormonal imbalance, herbal remedies and hormone replacement therapy are a couple of options we always hear about. Most of this can be very good advice, but it may or may not work for you. That is why it is so important to find out what your specific and individual needs are. Why aren't your hormones behaving like they should? What system in your body do you need to strengthen? Each body is unique. For example, herbs like red clover or vitex or maca can give your best friend great relief from symptoms, but they can bring you terrible discomfort. The truth is, without knowing what's going on inside your body, we really don't know enough to be able to say what will and won't help you. Address the root of the problem, not the symptoms Another reason to do a hair tissue mineral analysis to verify a hormonal imbalance is to find out and correct the mineral balance of your body at the cellular level. This is the foundation, so in addition to correcting symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you'll likely see improvement in immunity, overall energy, blood sugar, blood pressure, and even things like memory and function. cerebral. When we replenish the missing minerals and work to balance the relationship between the different minerals, all symptoms will start to improve. This test will affect hair coloring. The good news is that all that is needed is at least 1/4 inch of new growth in your natural color before collecting the sample. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
maya justin
Sep 06, 2021
In General Discussions
These days we all seem to hate our hormones. No matter what stage of life we ​​are in - puberty, lactation or menopause and beyond - women seem to be in a constant battle to regain control of these little chemical messengers. Once we make the decision that we have had enough irritating and uncomfortable symptoms, there are many diagnostic tests to go to as a starting point to find relief from a possible hormonal imbalance. Read on to learn about a diagnostic test that involves your hair. From blood tests to urine tests, to saliva, each of these tests has its pros and cons and can be helpful in determining hormone levels and imbalances at a particular point in time. So, you can use those tests to get a snapshot of your hormone levels, but what if you really want to know why you have a hormonal imbalance and why you have bothersome symptoms? Fortunately, there is a test you've probably never heard of, and that can provide a ton of insight on that - a hair tissue mineral analysis. Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance with the hair test A hair tissue mineral analysis is a non-invasive test that will tell you a lot about what is happening in your body, such as a hormonal imbalance. It involves cutting a small sample of hair from the scalp and sending it to a laboratory to determine what minerals are inside. The laboratory dissolves hair to the point that all the minerals within the hair protein are released. Next, a procedure called ICP-Mass Spectrometry is used to determine exactly which minerals are present. Why minerals are important in hair The minerals in your hair will, in most cases, reflect what minerals are being stored in your other tissues (bones, for example). This indicates whether you have been absorbing the nutrients from your food and tells us about your metabolism (fast or slow - and how efficiently your body converts the nutrients in the food you eat into energy). And because your thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism and your adrenal glands burn through a ton of minerals to make special hormones when you're under stress, hair test results provide a good indication of how well these glands are doing. running. This test addresses the basics of healthy weight management, healthy stress response, brain function, heart function, and yes, hormonal balance. How minerals affect hormones Minerals are like spark plugs for cells. They activate thousands of chemical reactions that produce energy, regulate the response to stress, and ensure healthy immune function. Magnesium, copper, and phosphorus each play a critical role, along with calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, and iron. Zinc levels can be associated with progesterone levels, while copper in your tissues can be associated with estrogen. Just as sufficient levels of minerals are required for all chemical reactions, the ovaries in women and the testes in men depend on these same minerals to activate the production of reproductive hormones. Also, the more stress you have, the greater the production of stress hormones such as cortisol by the adrenal glands. This uses minerals like sodium, creating an imbalance that also affects reproductive hormonal balance. The same type of situation occurs when you have problems with blood sugar regulation, as with diabetes or pre-diabetes. The pancreas is forced to make a large amount of insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose in the blood, resulting in the need for additional minerals and a subsequent imbalance of the entire endocrine system (the system of glands that make our hormones). Within the endocrine system, the activity of each gland affects the others. And, to complicate matters, the strength and efficiency of the endocrine system as a whole will affect the strength and efficiency of other systems, such as the nervous system (mood, anxiety, depression). In reality, it is a vicious cycle. Less minerals = more stress on the body. Similarly, more stress on the body = greater need for minerals. The bottom line: minerals affect cellular energy production and cellular energy production affects EVERYTHING IN THE BODY. Why a hair test and not a blood test In order to balance and strengthen the body, including hormones, blood tests only tell part of the story. Blood is a transport medium that moves glucose and oxygen into cells to produce energy. It also carries carbon dioxide and waste products away from tissues and cells to be eliminated from the body. Blood remains outside of cells, while energy is produced within cells. Blood must always be in balance to keep us alive. So, if your blood is deficient in calcium, for example, it will draw calcium from tissues, such as bone, to straighten itself out. The way the body handles this is ingenious, but it's important to understand that tissues could be severely deficient, even when nutrient levels in the blood are normal. We are all unique, especially when it comes to biochemistry The diet and supplement recommendations established from the hair test results are based on your unique biochemistry. That's a real bonus when it comes to how quickly you can get your hormones back into a healthy balance. There are so many health tips available at our fingertips these days. Well-meaning online and TV professionals advise us on what supplements to take and foods to eat to stay healthy. When it comes to hormonal imbalance, herbal remedies and hormone replacement therapy are a couple of options we always hear about. Most of this can be very good advice, but it may or may not work for you. That is why it is so important to find out what your specific and individual needs are. Why aren't your hormones behaving like they should? What system in your body do you need to strengthen? Each body is unique. For example, herbs like red clover or vitex or maca can give your best friend great relief from symptoms, but they can bring you terrible discomfort. The truth is, without knowing what's going on inside your body, we really don't know enough to be able to say what will and won't help you. Address the root of the problem, not the symptoms Another reason to do a hair tissue mineral analysis to verify a hormonal imbalance is to find out and correct the mineral balance of your body at the cellular level. This is the foundation, so in addition to correcting symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you'll likely see improvement in immunity, overall energy, blood sugar, blood pressure, and even things like memory and function. cerebral. When we replenish the missing minerals and work to balance the relationship between the different minerals, all symptoms will start to improve. This test will affect hair coloring. The good news is that all that is needed is at least 1/4 inch of new growth in your natural color before collecting the sample. The keto diet is customized to regulate the insulin spike. Even a balanced low-calorie meal with moderate macromolecule can turn out glucose and thereby push the duct gland to provide insulin. “This diet excludes all food classes that may be copied to make a lot of glucose than the body needs to take care of its regular blood glucose level (80-110mg/dl). In fact, as a result of there'll be a glucose deficit, the body can haven't any alternative however to begin burning out keep fats (visceral and peripheral) to provide energy and guarantee regular blood sugar levels. Athlete Pharm Keto
maya justin
Sep 04, 2021
In General Discussions
The consumption of drugs produced a series of negative consequences in the lives of individuals and triggers a physical impairment and mentally organically you can even lead to death. Individuals usually start drug use due to various factors, including curiosity to experience new sensations, mitigate emotional voids, escape from problems or fit into a certain social group. Many, experiencing the sensation of momentary euphoria and well-being, continue to consume these substances despite the known harmful effects on the body. The consequences of drug use are as follows: Consequences on a physical level There are countless adverse effects that occur in the body after drug use regardless of the frequency with which it is carried out, since there is no safe dose that does not compromise good health. Disorder of neurochemical processes in the brain The consumption of drugs generates a chemical imbalance in the brain since these substances, when making contact with this organ, produce an increase in the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine towards the pleasure centers. In this way, the normal release of this neurotransmitter by the brain decreases, also reducing the sensation of pleasure. That is why the individual experiences a strong impulse to consume the drug again and as it is maintained over time it will be necessary to increase the dose to achieve the feeling of well-being again. Respiratory problems The consumption of drugs creates an organic predisposition to suffer respiratory diseases due to the continuous exposure of the lungs to harmful substances with which they are processed. Smoking increases the probability of suffering from irritation of the respiratory tract, chronic lung infections, obstructive diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary edema, among others. Cardiovascular problems The effects of drugs on the body at the cardiovascular level are of great magnitude in view of the fact that they produce an alteration in heart rate, increased body temperature, tachycardia, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, serious arrhythmias and coronary diseases such as heart attack. Weakening of the immune system The recurrent consumption of substances such as heroin generates an immunosuppressive effect on the body that triggers the blockage of the production of proteins that specialize in attacking bacteria that try to enter the body. Consequently, the propensity for the manifestation of microbial infections increases by 100%. Other pathologies The body deterioration that is installed in the body as a result of the consumption of harmful substances generates various diseases, including: liver cirrhosis, brain hemorrhages, hepatitis, HIV, erectile dysfunction, cancer, pregnancy defects, among others. Consequences at the mental level Drug use increases the possibility of suffering or developing mental disorders and syndromes, some of which are irreversible, such as schizophrenia. The addict's personality is characterized by continuous emotional imbalance, loss of autonomy, and recurrent mood swings. The addiction It occurs as a consequence of neurochemical imbalances that take place in the brain. Addiction is considered a disorder characterized by an uncontrollable and completely irrational desire to get in touch with the drug to feel good. The addict creates a relationship of dependence with the drug that comes to dominate his life and his thoughts. In extreme cases, the only purpose of life will focus on the consumption of the substance and will take the necessary measures to obtain them. These people often suffer from isolation and their social relationships deteriorate with all the people around them. They end up becoming unproductive, lose their jobs, family, friends and are capable of stealing or committing any crime that affects others or themselves in order to get high and feel good even for a short time. Abstinence syndrome It is the conglomerate of physical and mental reactions that occur when a person with drug dependence stops consumption by his or her own decision or because it is not available and is broadly characterized by: Decay, body fatigue, anxiety, demotivation, depression, as well as a progressive loss of control of emotions. Physical effects such as headaches or headaches, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, tremors, agitation, dizziness, among others, also occur during withdrawal symptoms. It should be noted that the appearance of these symptoms is closely related to the substance that has been consumed. Central nervous system impairment The normal development of the central nervous system is compromised with drug addiction and the consequences can be serious. The most common effects include the appearance of mental illnesses or disorders such as: Schizophrenia, Psychosis, clinical depression, panic attacks, anxiety, loss of short and long-term memory, difficulty in concentration. At the physical level, problems associated with language, sensory perceptions and coordination can be observed. Loss of self esteem Drugs produce harmful effects on the autonomy and self-esteem of individuals. People lose control over their body because the signals that the brain sends that prompts them to turn to the substance once again is more powerful than the knowledge of the harmful effects that they know they will cause to their body. After losing someone or something to drug use, you may swear to yourself that you will stop using the drug but you will lack the will to carry out this task on your own. They are often neglected on a physical level and their appearance completely deteriorates. As they become immersed in addiction, they lose everything they had achieved during their life economically and socially. A very particular aspect is that the addict does not suffer the consequences of drugs alone, all his family members and the people around him are exposed to the disastrous effects of this disorder. Exercising regularly can help increase the insulin sensitivity in your body. This means that your body would be more able to utilize the sugar in your bloodstream. Exercising can also help you lose weight. If your blood sugar control is problematic, you must routinely check your sugar levels. This would give you an idea as to how does your body respond to different activities, and this in turn can help you keep your blood sugar levels from going too high or too low. Sonu’s Diabetes Secret Customer Reviews
maya justin
Sep 03, 2021
In General Discussions
When we talk about hyperglycemia or hyperglycemia, we refer to the temporary or permanent increase in blood glucose concentrations above normal values. To regulate blood glucose levels, the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin, so the higher the blood glucose levels are, the more insulin will have to be secreted by the pancreas. Over time, these pancreatic insulin stores can be depleted leading to the disease called Diabetes Mellitus. The Guide of the American Diabetes Association in defines fasting hyperglycemia as the elevation of blood glucose levels above 100mg / dl. When fasting blood glucose exceeds 125mg / dl, the patient meets a diagnostic criterion compatible with Diabetes Mellitus. The state of hyperglycemia can occur in people with or without the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus, due to a state of incorrect or low use of circulating insulin. Why does hyperglycemia occur? In healthy people, hyperglycemia occurs when circulating insulin is not enough to regulate all glucose in the blood. It should be remembered that insulin allows the passage of glucose into all the cells of the body, especially neurons, liver cells and muscle cells. In some situations such as chronic use of steroids, stress, obesity and sedentary lifestyle, glucose cannot enter all cells, remaining circulating in the blood above the allowed values. In patients with Diabetes Mellitus, hyperglycemia occurs when treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents is not enough to reach therapeutic levels and there is a decompensation that raises blood glucose levels. While there are situations such as stress or bacterial infections, which can alter the functioning of circulating insulin levels and cause hyperglycemia. The hyperglycemia in healthy patients is a risk factor for the development of Diabetes Mellitus because of the constant effort made by the pancreas to regulate glucose. Symptoms of hyperglycemia When blood glucose rises, chemical signals are sent to the central nervous system to activate compensatory mechanisms that regulate glucose levels. Some of the symptoms that occur are: · Polydipsia (feeling of constantly wanting to drink water). · Polyphagia (feeling of anxiety caused by wanting to eat constantly). · Polyuria (increased frequency of urination). · Dizziness · Fatigue. · Headache. · Dry mouth. · Blurry vision. In patients with diabetes, if glycemic values ​​rise disproportionately, depleting all insulin reserves, a state known as diabetic ketoacidosis can occur, associated with more severe symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, even neurological alterations that can lead the patient to coma. Risk factors for hyperglycemia Risk factors for the development of hyperglycemia are obesity, sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet with high consumption of fats and carbohydrates and low in fruits, vegetables, greens and vegetables, family members with diabetes, alcohol consumption, in addition to cholesterol levels and elevated triglycerides. How is hyperglycemia treated? The initial treatment of hyperglycemia is based on the modification of lifestyles. The European and American guidelines on obesity and diabetes recommend diet and exercise for at least 6 continuous months for proper glycemic control. If hyperglycemia persists despite the modification of lifestyle, the use of oral hypoglycemic agents such as Metformin is recommended. Metformin is a drug, used in patients with a diagnosis of peripheral insulin resistance and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, which reduces the production of glucose in the liver and facilitates the entry of glucose into muscle cells, thereby regulating the levels of Blood glucose. There are other oral hypoglycemic agents, in addition to Metformin, which are only used in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. When the patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus cannot be controlled with Metformin therapy, then it is decided to start a combination therapy with other groups of drugs such as sulfonylureas or glitazones. On some occasions it is necessary to use a combination of oral hypoglycemic agents associated with subcutaneous insulin. In the case of patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, only insulin should be used and the doses increased according to the weight and daily caloric requirements of the patient. In patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (refractory to oral treatment or in diabetic ketoacidosis) the first choice of treatment is subcutaneous insulin or in intravenous infusion if there is decompensation and there is a risk of serious complications. This should always be indicated by the doctor, with strict monitoring of vital signs and electrolytes, especially potassium. Until someone less is faced with terrible hair loss, trying home remedies is highly recommended. If the natural mode of treatment does not work, opt for dermatologist treatments such as hair transplantation, etc. can be processed. But before that, following popular natural and home remedies can come in handy. Restolin Hair Reviews
maya justin
Sep 02, 2021
In General Discussions
The Japanese have a life expectancy that is among the highest in the world. In fact, Okinawa, Japan's famous "Island of Longevity," probably has the highest percentage of people over 100 in the world. Undoubtedly, there are many factors that influence the lives of older populations, but the evidence shows that they all have one thing in common: high dietary intake of an amino acid called taurine. The connection between taurine and long life is so strong that researchers have dubbed taurine "The nutritional factor for longevity of the Japanese." Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, hearing function, and immune modulation. In animal research, taurine protects against heart failure, reducing mortality by almost 80%. Taurine is found in abundance in healthy bodies. However, certain diets, particularly vegetarian or vegan diets, lack adequate amounts of taurine. Disease states, including liver, kidney, or heart failure, diabetes, and cancer, can cause taurine deficiency. And aging bodies are often unable to produce an optimal amount of taurine internally, making supplementation vital. What is taurine Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is a type of amino acid found in the body and is considered the most abundant amino acid in the heart, retina, skeletal muscle, brain, and immune cells. The word "taurine" comes from the Latin word taurus, which means bull or ox, because it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. However, contrary to popular belief, there is no association between taurine and bull sperm. In fact, it is found in a variety of natural sources, both in the body and throughout the food supply. Like other amino acids like glutamine and proline, it is a conditionally essential amino acid. This means that the body can generally produce it on its own, except in times of illness and stress. L-taurine is often added to energy drinks for those looking to take advantage of the potential benefits of taurine. It is also widely available in supplement form and may be beneficial for people at risk for taurine deficiency, including those receiving parenteral nutrition or those with chronic heart, liver, or kidney failure. Benefits of taurine Those interested in longevity should consider this very low-cost and vital nutrient. The following are some of the most important benefits of increasing taurine levels. 1. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease Studies show that taurine can help reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to its ability to lower blood pressure and inflammation. In fact, animal models suggest that a higher intake might help protect against heart disease and prevent fatty plaque buildup in the arteries. A study in Japan found that taking 3 grams a day for seven weeks led to significant reductions in body weight and triglyceride levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. It also decreased the atherogenic index, a measure used to predict the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. 2. Could decrease symptoms of Parkinson's disease Studies indicate that taurine may help with the regeneration of brain cells, which may be beneficial for treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease. Interestingly, research shows that people with Parkinson's disease were more likely to have lower levels of taurine compared to a control group. Not only that, but lower levels were also associated with higher motor severity. Some research suggests that it may help reduce the severity of symptoms by altering the activity of a specific enzyme involved in mitochondrial function. 3. Potentially reduces metabolic syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. These conditions include high blood pressure, excess belly fat, increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels, and high blood sugar levels. A review published in Food & Function, looked at a combination of human and animal studies, and reported that taurine was found to have “efficient action against metabolic syndrome, including lowering triglycerides to prevent obesity, improve insulin resistance to regulate glucose metabolism, lower cholesterol to prevent diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, and lower blood pressure”. While more research is definitely needed, other research also indicates that it might be beneficial in preventing metabolic syndrome when combined with regular physical activity and a healthy, full diet. 4. Helps patients with periodontal disease Taurine acts as an antioxidant, which means that it can help fight harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in the body. Some research also shows that it may be beneficial in treating periodontal disease, which is a type of gum infection often caused by poor brushing and flossing. A study conducted at Annamalai University in India found that giving taurine to people with chronic periodontitis reduces oxidative stress on the gums and blood, which could help promote healing and improve oral health. 5. Can improve sports performance Many athletes often take a taurine supplement to increase physical performance and improve endurance. In one study, eight middle-distance runners consumed 1,000 milligrams two hours before running, which was found to increase performance by an average of 1.7 percent. Another study conducted in Japan showed that taurine supplementation was linked to improvements in strength and endurance, thanks to its ability to act as an antioxidant and protect against exercise-induced DNA damage. Animal models and human studies have also found that taurine can help prevent muscle injury and increase fat burning during exercise, which can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to increasing athletic performance. Taurine-containing foods Taurine is naturally found in a variety of meats and dairy products. For most people, this means that if you eat a balanced diet, you will probably get everything you need. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the typical omnivorous diet provides between 9 and 400 milligrams of taurine per day. The dietary intake on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is estimated to be about 17 milligrams per day, and many vegan diets are completely lacking in this important amino acid. However, except in times of extreme illness and stress, the body can produce taurine on its own, and some research suggests that the body may excrete less to maintain levels when intake is also low. Although it is often found in sports drinks and supplements, there are also many natural sources of this important amino acid available. These are some of the main sources of taurine: · Meat and poultry: 11 to 306 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Seafood - 11 to 827 milligrams / 100 grams wet weight · Dairy products: two to eight milligrams / 100 milliliters · Breast milk and infant formula: four to seven milligrams / 100 milliliters Supplements and dosage recommendations Taurine supplements are available in capsule or powder form. The dosage of taurine can vary depending on several different factors, but most supplements contain between 500 and 1,000 milligrams per serving. However, doses of up to 3,000 milligrams have been shown to be safe and are associated with minimal risk of side effects. Make sure to speak with your doctor before starting supplementation if you have any underlying health conditions. Also, consider starting with a lower dose and moving forward to assess your tolerance and prevent adverse health effects. Many also recommend a taurine supplement for dogs or taurine for cats to help prevent complications and improve outcomes for pets diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, most pets can meet their needs for this important amino acid only through diet, so talk to your vet to determine if supplementation is appropriate for your furry friend. Dangers and possible side effects of taurine Although it has been considered generally safe to consume, it is important to practice moderation with all supplements to avoid potential side effects of taurine. Consult with your doctor before beginning supplementation, and when possible, simply get it through a balanced diet. When consumed in energy drinks, the danger potential of taurine can be increased. Energy drinks have been linked to serious safety concerns, leading to a ban on this important amino acid in several countries. However, it is not clear if these health problems could be caused by taurine itself or its combination with caffeine and other potentially harmful ingredients. While some animal research suggests that taurine might be beneficial for mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, other studies have found that it might worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder and mania. If you have any mental health conditions, talk to your doctor before starting supplementation. Supplementation is also not recommended for people with kidney problems, as it could worsen kidney function and exacerbate symptoms. Pregnant or lactating women should also avoid its use, as no research has been conducted on the health and safety of supplements for these populations. Finally, taurine can also act as a natural diuretic to increase the excretion of water from the body. Therefore, it can interfere with certain medications such as lithium, which can decrease their effectiveness. The lymph, or lymphatic, system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that branch, like blood vessels, throughout the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells that are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells. Turmeric Total Boost
maya justin
Sep 01, 2021
In General Discussions
Do you have children who are breastfeeding? You may be interested in knowing this about dairy formulas. BREASTMILK - Rich in omega 3 for brain development, named, DHA and AA - It adapts perfectly to the needs of the infant; the levels decrease as the baby grows - Rich in cholesterol (good) - Almost completely absorbed - Contains lipase enzyme that digests fat - More fully absorbed; - Lactoferrin for gut health - Lysozyme, an antimicrobial - Rich in protein components - Rich in growth factors - Contains sleep-inducing proteins - Rich in lactose - Rich in living white blood cells, millions per feeding - Rich in immunoglobulins - Minerals are better absorbed, especially zinc and calcium - Iron is 50 to 75 percent absorbed. - Contains more selenium (an antioxidant) - Rich in digestive enzymes, such as amylase and lipase - Rich in many hormones: thyroid, prolactin, oxytocin, and others Milk formula - Difficult to digest curd casein - Does not contain DHA (Omega 3) - Does not adjust to the needs of the baby - No good cholesterol - It is not completely absorbed - Sinlipase - It absorbs poorly - No lactoferrin, or just a trace - No lysozyme - Deficient or low in protein - Deficient in growth factors (Babies may be allergic to the protein in formula.) - No living white blood cells - or any other cells. Dead food has fewer immune benefits. - Few Immunoglobulins and most are of the wrong type - Number of poorly absorbed minerals - Iron is 5 to 10 percent absorbed - Little selenium - Processing kills digestive enzymes - Processing kills hormones, which are not human to begin with Digestive enzymes promote intestinal health. Hormones contribute to the overall balance of the baby's biochemistry and well-being. The superiority of mother's milk over formula is not really controversial. Fat is the most important nutrient in breast milk. Insufficient cholesterol and DHA, essential for the brain and growing organs, can predispose a child to an adult heart and diseases in the center of the nervous system. THE BABY'S BRAIN: SURVIVAL OF THE FATEST The baby's brain is made up mostly of fats - good fats like DHA and AA. Fats form the structure of nerve cells, the insulation between them, the connections, and the supporting structure. Without these essential fatty acids, there is no normal brain. With inadequate supplies of them, the formation of the brain is not faulty. But before we can talk about brain fats, it's important to say a little about: FATS IN GENERAL In the ubiquitous Disneyland of nutritional misinformation around us, a major nutrition topic worth studying is fats. Specifically, the good fats. With the endless efforts of the media, every day they instill the emaciated look of the super slim young lady as the epitome of female beauty, fats are the devil. Fat is bad. Fat clogs the heart and makes us ordinary. Worse yet, fat equals fat. Fats cause cellulite and make us accept companions with a lower quality of life. And low-paying jobs. And vehicles with dents in them. So, we have the Low Fat / No Fat obsession - low-fat milk, salad dressing, butter, yogurt, cheese, bread, pasta, beer, coffee creamer, ice cream, meats, chips, etc. all fat free. They instill in our minds the falsehood that the problem with these foods was too much fat. Trim the fat - you eliminate the problem. Now they are perfect foods, right? The irony with this anti-fat campaign is that the person who eats only fat-free foods usually ends up deficient in fat. And therefore unhealthy. Let's go back to the beginning. Food for human consumption comes in 3 main forms: - Fat - Protein - Carbohydrates The three legs of the stool. Eliminate any of them and the result is an imbalance. Poor nutrition Organ dysfunction. Accelerated aging. So, we need fat. Everyday. But they must be correct. And the fats suitable for human nutrition are certain fatty acids. FATS IN THE CHILD'S BRAIN Starting with the fetus 'brain, certain long-chain fatty acids must be present in the mother's diet and blood for the fetus' brain to develop the building blocks it needs. Long chain, it just means that many carbon atoms are attached to each other. The reason all of these facts are required is because the baby's brain is almost all fat! The two most important fatty acids for the brain are DHA and AA. Docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid. DHA is an omega-3 and AA is an omega-6. The important thing is to know what these 2 essential fatty acids do: DHA - Vision cells - Memory cells - Brain connections - Energy of brain cells AA - Develops brain cells These functions seem quite important; don't you think? Up to one year of age there is no substitute for these 2 fatty acids. The child's brain approaches optimal development in direct proportion to the constant availability of DHA and AA. In her very thorough review of the medical literature on brain fats, Dr. Margaret Lahey clearly links EPT (Essential Fatty Acid) deficiency in the child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), dyslexia and autism, citing dozens of medical sources. Again, this part of the discussion is beyond controversy. A normal baby brain simply cannot be made without the fatty acid DHA. If DHA supplies are insufficient, the body will replace them with the closest of the other fatty acids it has, in order to survive. But the brain will not be normal. A fetus consumes the mother's DHA so quickly that clinical studies show a 35% loss of DHA in pregnant women, compared to non-pregnant women. Again, if the baby is breastfed for the first year, enough DHA and AA are available, as long as the mother has an excellent diet. The problem is that most mothers do not have a particularly excellent diet, as you may have noticed. The first studies carried out by Hornstra and Salvati show that the majority of pregnant women are themselves deficient in DHA and AA, and therefore provide insufficient amounts of these essential fatty acids during the critical brain growth period in the last trimester. If the dietary deficiency continues after delivery, the child is at a disadvantage in terms of optimal brain development. These issues are also scientifically well established. The importance of a woman's diet, then, both before and after childbirth, cannot be overemphasized. FORMULA Challenges to infant brain development are due to the mother's diet while breastfeeding, both before and after delivery. But what happens if the mother stops breastfeeding before the child is 12 months old, for whatever reason, and switches to formula? In his excellent text "The Omega 3 Phenomenon," Donald Rudin, MD, shows that switching from breast milk to formula immediately reduces the baby's DHA (polyunsaturated essential fatty acid of the omega-3 series) by 30 sometimes even if the mother has a "good" diet. “Reductions in DHA content among artificially fed breastfed and infants would be enough to alter the functioning of the brain's membrane. The long-term effects of DHA deficiency on neuronal integrity predispose to neurodegenerative disease IQ. " There are dozens of scientific studies that correlate higher infant IQs with breastfeeding, both in the US and in Europe. Many of these studies are in Dr. Lahey's holistic view on fats and child brain development. Any doctor who tries to tell a mother that formula is as good as breast milk is simply the best of the ignorant of the vast majority of the conclusions of the scientific literature on the subject, and at worst, simply another drug representative. What is really in the formula? Let's take a close look at one of the best-selling infant formulas and see what is actually in it. Per 5 Fl oz: Proteins 2.5 g, 5.1 g of fat, carbohydrates 11 g, 133 g of water, linoleic acid 860 mg, Vitamin A 300 IU, IU of vitamin D 60; IU Vitamin E 2; vitamin K 8 mcg, thiamine (vitamin B1) 80 mcg; Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 140 mcg, vitamin B6 60 mcg, vitamin B12 0.3 mcg, niacin 1000 mcg, folic acid (folacin) 16 mcg; Pantothenic acid 500 mcg; Biotin mcg 3; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 12 mg, Choline 12 mg, Inositol 6 mg, Calcium 78 mg, Phosphorus 53 mg, Magnesium 8 mg, Iron 1.8 mg, Zinc 1 mg, Manganese 15 mcg; Copper 75 mcg; 10 mcg iodine, selenium 2.8 mcg; Sodium 40 mg; Potassium 108 mg; Chloride 75 mg, water, skim milk, vegetable oil (palm olein, soybean, coconut, high oleic sunflower oils), lactose, rice starch; maltodextrin; mono- and diglycerides; soy lecithin, carrageenan and less than 1%: we learned that pasteurization went from a perfectly good food that has been used by the healthiest human beings for centuries, to a non-food - a reactive allergen linked to chronic allergies, colic, and asthma. The definition of pasteurization is heating the milk until the enzymes are destroyed. Without enzymes, milk cannot be broken down and used by the body. Fat free - like it's something better. One of the valuable ingredients in raw milk through the centuries has been the good fats. I don't even want to know what “super refined” means, but it is obvious that it has to do with more fractionation and isolation of some elements in milk and stabilizers with preservatives. The main purpose of these preservatives - a long shelf life. But what about the child? I think we should be glad that they "remembered" to put some essential fatty acids in this formula, like linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is a true essential fatty acid, which means that we must obtain it in our diet because the body cannot make it from other things. Linoleic acid itself is vitally important as a building block for brain fats. The problem is that linoleic acid comes from corn, safflower, and sunflower. The ingredient list doesn't mention any of them. That means linoleic acid is a man-made fraction, a lonely non-living biochemical either created in the laboratory or extracted from a food, but is no longer viable as a food. To pretend that man-made linoleic acid is identical to the natural form is the supreme arrogance, The same goes for vitamins. The soluble fats, A, E, and D are listed, as well as the other vitamins. Again, these are not living vitamins, but man-made living vitamin fractions which are bottled and stabilized (killed) so that they can be used as vitamin additives. Furthermore, they admit this isolation when they put "vitamin C" in parentheses after ascorbic acid. Vitamin additive is as much of a contradiction as rap music or police intelligence. The same goes for minerals. The ingredient list in these formulas separates the elemental mineral forms, such as calcium and phosphorus, from the good, absorbable forms, such as ferrous sulfate and zinc sulfate. This demonstrates the absence of an intelligence in overseeing the overall design of the formula, which is critical in supplements of any kind, and shows Enfamil for what it is: a messy, random hodgepodge of lifeless food isolates. With the exception of soybean oil (increasingly toxic), the vegetable oils in the formula are actually the legitimate sources of important long-chain fatty acids that are important for the development of dozens of baby tissues. The problem is: rancidity. In order to be usable by humans, especially developing humans, oils must be in their purest and most pristine forms. Even though the oils in these formulas cannot be hydrogenated, they are still superheated in order to stabilize them. The original shapes are very fragile and easily destroyed by heat, light, and food processing. The destroyed fats are called rancid. As such, they have lost their nutritional value and can turn into spoiled fats. Or trans fats, which interfere with cell life. Altered fats are toxic, not nutritious at all. The soy lecithin and soy are particularly toxic, inert products as explained in The Magic Bean ( And not only because they come from unknowns of genetic engineering that stop the normal function of the enzyme in the child's tract. Soy lecithin is a lifeless, reagent emulsifier added to most processed foods. The Swiss ban all imports containing soy lecithin due to its genetically questionable origin. Soy itself is an important inhibitor of enzymes and zinc absorption. Zinc is absolutely essential for brain development. So, while I was fine adding zinc to the formula, soy products ensure that the zinc is not absorbed. Again, no one is driving the bus here. Carrageenan is a red alga that is a new food additive in hundreds of products, from ice cream to soy milk to desserts. It is used as a thickener. The idea behind adding it to an infant formula was also the EFA content, which is supposed to be helpful in the development of many body systems, including the brain. The problem is that these companies are overlooking that since 2001 there has been a lot of medical research linking carrageenan to stomach cancer. A medical doctor at the University of Iowa, J. Tobacman, MD, shows at least 45 studies that all came to the same conclusion. Since 1982, carrageenan has been listed as a known carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The point here is that even if there is a slight possibility, or even suspicion, that this alga could be harmful to humans, it should be excluded from infant formula. But that's not what we're talking about here - we're talking about a ton of research showing how stomach cancer can be caused by this. A legitimate company, whose first concern is the health of consumers, would have shut it down without any instructions from the FDA. But since those instructions have not been issued, Why? It would not be profitable to remove it from all the shelves! To be fair, there is an improved version of a formula that contains algae and fungi which in their life state can be weak sources of DHA and AA. But that was before the processing system reverted to living bio-units at inert charges that look good on the label, but not so good in the blood. However, it was a nice intention. THEN how do they survive the formula? So, if this is all true about formulas, why aren't babies dying like flies from this dangerous formula? Why do some babies seem to thrive on it? Simple. The body is an incredible survival machine, enormously adaptable to doing the best it can with what it has. Fake and partial vitamins are better than no vitamins at all. Some of the minerals in the formula are really good. Lower fatty acids are better if there is no fatty acid. Processed carbohydrates are better in the absence of carbohydrates. Quiz: Are These Infant Formula Companies in The Healthcare Business or Business Return on Investment? Before you believe in someone, consider where their salary comes from. What happens if the mother cannot breastfeed? If the baby's brain and optimal body development are the primary goal, there is no substitute for mothers' milk. Only a fool or a salesman of formula imagines that there is. Only nature knows what nutrients a new baby need, when and exactly how much. But if breastfeeding is not an option, for whatever reason, the baby will not die as long as some form of nutrition is offered. If you exercise regularly, it will help you in maintaining a moderate weight & increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means the cells are better able to utilize the available sugar in the bloodstream. Exercise will also help muscles use blood sugar for energy and muscle contraction. Ceracare Diabetes Reviews
maya justin
Aug 31, 2021
In General Discussions
Foods that contain natural estrogens called phytoestrogens It is no secret that our bodies and our environment are full of estrogens. Apparently, boys and girls tend to physically mature at an earlier age and estrogens are responsible. Men and women differ for multiple reasons, speaking in terms of the body, but one of the main distinctions is the type of hormones we produce: men, testosterone, and women, instead produce estrogens. Why include foods that contain estrogens The need to include foods that contain estrogens has to do with the role that estrogens have in a woman's body. Since these regulate various aspects such as the menstrual cycle, fertility and the growth of female glands, such as the breasts, among other factors, the main one being that of regulating hormones. Estrogen-containing foods If after a check-up you have been able to verify that your estrogen levels are low, you can use these foods that contain estrogens to help your body to function properly again. You can also use this list as a way to avoid estrogen-containing foods if you have excess estrogen in your body. Flax seeds Flax is a healthy superfood that can supply your body with a large number of phytoestrogens. When you look at a list of the top foods that contains phytoestrogens, flax is at the top. One hundred grams of flaxseed has a staggering 379,380 micrograms of estrogen compared to 2.9 micrograms for a fruit like watermelon. Flax is now widely found in baked goods such as bread, rolls and rolls, snacks, cereals, pasta, drink mixes, you can choose to make your own water or flaxseed slurry to take advantage of all the phytoestrogens it offers. Dried fruits These nuts contain phytoestrogens, which mimic the way estrogen is used by the body, helping to fill any estrogen deficiencies you may have, and produce the same effect as if more estrogen had been generated in the body. Sesame seeds The sesame seeds contain phytoestrogens, and can also be used oil sesame seed, if that makes it easier, because both contain lignans owning phytoestrogens. Sesame seeds are loaded with fiber, and they are also a great source of minerals. Due to its small size, it can easily be added to other missing foods to help make up for some other deficiencies. For example, a tablespoon of sesame seeds will give you almost a tenth of what you need each day for iron, magnesium and calcium, as well as 4% of your total fiber. Chickpeas Chickpeas are a natural source of phytoestrogens, which isn't really the ideal dosage, but it does a good job of getting it. The most common way to prepare chickpeas is in the form of hummus, falafel. They do not have much of their own flavor, so it is important that they are mixed with other foods, spices and condiments to make them more usable and richer. Beans The beans have been considered a healthy food due to its high fiber content and the ability to lower cholesterol. They are also a food that is relatively high in phytoestrogens, although they are rarely included in diets to help improve estrogen levels. The first step of this meditation is to relax your entire body, body part by body part. Start with the top of your head and relax this area, then focus on your forehead and relax this section, from the front of your head to the back and the middle, too, if you can. Then move down to your eyes, relax everything here, then your nose, below your nose, and your lips. Step by step focus on each area and relax all of the muscles you can. Shambala Secret
maya justin
Aug 30, 2021
In General Discussions
Who doesn't really love a cold chocolate in the heat, or a cup of hot chocolate in the winter? Or, how about a dark chocolate cake with a chocolate filling? Chocolate accompanies us in every possible way and although we are all aware of its delicious taste, many do not yet know about its great properties. And, yes, eating chocolate could have some positive effects on your brain health. Eating chocolate makes you smart A 2016 study published in the journal Appetite found a link between regular chocolate consumption and increased cognitive performance. After studying 968 adults with various cognitive tests, the researchers found that those who ate chocolate more frequently performed better on memory, reasoning, attention, and general tests of cognitive performance. Georgina E. Crichton, who led the research study, suggested that the results they saw could come from the cocoa flavanols and methylxanthines found in chocolate. Cocoa Flavanols and Methylxanthines Previous studies have also pointed to the brain benefits of cocoa flavanols. For example, a 2014 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at ninety older people with healthy cognition. Older adults were divided into three groups: some received a low dose of cocoa flavanols every day (48 mg), some a medium dose (520 mg), and others a high dose (993 mg). The researchers found that older people taking medium to high doses of cocoa flavanols showed notable improvements on memory tests, executive function tests, and attention tests. Just two years earlier, that same group of researchers had published another study suggesting that cocoa flavanols might have a small reverse effect on thinking problems for older people who suffered from cognitive decline. What type of chocolate should be consumed? But before you start buying stocks in "Hershey and Cadbury," Heidi Godman, Executive Editor of the Harvard Health Letter, advises paying attention to where you get your cocoa flavanols. "The amount of cocoa used in chocolate varies by manufacturer. And flavanols are often destroyed in the production of chocolate. Dark chocolate has more cocoa and more flavanols than milk chocolate,” he said. "The best way to get flavanols from cocoa is through cocoa powder that is as natural as possible and has not been processed through the Dutch method, which reduces the flavanol content," Godman continues. Methylxanthines, meanwhile, are naturally occurring alkaloids (they are also used in prescription drugs). The two most common methylxanthines in chocolate are caffeine and theobromine. While cocoa beans don't have as much caffeine as coffee beans, you can still get a good awakening by enjoying some natural chocolate. On the other hand, theobromine has been associated with better quality sleep. You will often find certain checks and balances in nature like this, not quite the opposite of the very relaxing L-theanine found alongside caffeine in green tea. Consuming chocolate and your mood Eating the right kind of chocolate can help protect against mood disorders. A study published in the journal Depression & Anxiety this summer (July 2019) suggested that while eating chocolate, in general, had no statistically significant effect, eating dark chocolate appeared to have a preventive effect for depression. "Individuals who reported any consumption of dark chocolate were 70% less likely to report clinically relevant depressive symptoms than those who did not report any consumption of chocolate," the researchers said. Of course, it could also be the case that those suffering from depression are less interested in eating chocolate. Without more study, it's hard to know for sure. Either way, no one makes the claim that chocolate is a panacea. However, it sure makes a good gift! After about two to seven days of following the keto diet, you go into something called ketosis, or the state your body enters when it doesn't have enough carbs for your cells to use for energy. That's when you start making ketones, or organic compounds that your bod then uses in place of those missing carbs. Exogenous Ketones Keto
maya justin
Aug 04, 2021
In General Discussions
There is something you should do at night that will remove the excess pounds sooner rather than later The dinners are key to losing weight effectively, without starving and quite fast. You can eat regularly during the day, but the last meal of the day must be done well, otherwise you will never lose weight. There are many people who hardly eat during the day, and when they get home anxiety invades them and they devour what they catch first. Outcome? They get fat or not, and there is nothing more traumatic than trying to lose weight and not getting it. Therefore, at dinners you should watch everything you eat and how you cook it. In addition, there is a little trick that you have to do to make everything easier. We will tell you. The trick that you should apply at dinners to lose weight The trick to lose weight applied to dinners is unique: you should have your last meal of the day before 9:00 p.m., preferably at 8:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. [The 12 foods that are perfect for dinner] In addition to that time, you should make a dinner consisting of foods rich in protein with tryptophan, as it turns into melatonin when it is processed by the body. This amino acid is contained in bananas, walnuts, white meat, fish, and eggs. [How to lose fat accumulated in the gut] Four Reasons You Should Advance Dinner In addition to the above, advancing dinner not only makes us lose weight, but also provides us with more benefits in our lives. These are the main four: 1) Reduces insulin resistance The resistance to insulin in occurs when the body cells do not properly respond to the first, and is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes can avoid all this early supper. 2) You will sleep much better When you eat dinner too late, you can have heartburn, gas, and other signs of indigestion. However, doing it early and lightly can avoid these problems and help you get a good night's sleep. 3) Better digestion and intestinal health Eating healthy and light dinners is beneficial for your digestion. If you eat a light dinner and sleep well as a result, you will wake up with energy, which will help your body to synchronize with your biological clock, improving the digestion process. [The three fruits that you should not have for dinner] 4) You will lose fat Early dinners can promote fat loss as well as weight loss. The metabolism slows down as the day goes by, so the 200 calories we eat in the morning will not make us fat as much as those we eat at night. The sooner we make dinner, the more likely it is for the body to consume the energy from the food consumed, avoiding converting it into fat. The Ketogenic diets, also known as keto diet, has been snatching the limelight of the world ever since the “quick weight loss” industry started gaining momentum. Keto diet was initially invented to treat health conditions like epilepsy and seizures. Now, since celebrities started endorsing the keto diet for weight loss and management, it is now being widely used for weight loss and for the management of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. Xoth Keto BHB
maya justin
Jul 30, 2021
In General Discussions
Most women are not satisfied with the size or shape of their breasts, this makes them feel insecure and many times they can feel ashamed when dressing with garments that are uncovered in that area, this happens especially when using a bikini. There are many exercises that say they help to firm this part of the body, however the most effective are the yoga poses that tone the bust. The breasts, beyond being a simple breastfeeding organ, are a picture of pleasures, eroticism and of course of feminine sensuality. It may be the case that, no matter how much a larger bust is desired, it is impossible to have breast implant surgery. For these occasions, practicing yoga is an excellent alternative. Does yoga help to tone the bust? In addition to being the most appropriate discipline to achieve a state of inner peace and with the environment, yoga can become one of the best allies when achieving breast enlargement. It has certain advantages over other breast enlargement methods, especially those that require the use of a scalpel. It also helps to stay relaxed and release tension, all this without any side effect, contraindication and without risks of any kind. It is a fairly inexpensive practice, especially when practiced at home. The scope they reach also has their limitations, performing these relaxation exercises will not be able to increase the breasts in many sizes above what you already have, and it requires constant and hard practice to begin to notice the changes. What if you can begin to notice is that your bust will be firming as you progress in the practice of yoga. Best yoga poses that tone the bust These positions are useful for toning and increasing the size of the breasts, since when they are carried out, a large part of the muscles that form or affect the breasts are used. By working directly with those muscles that serve as support and support for the breasts, it is possible to make them firmer, and therefore they will not fall as soon. Among the best yoga postures that make your breasts firmer are the following: 1. Gomukhasana Also known as cow face pose, it is a yoga position that helps stimulate growth of the bust and keep it firm and toned, making it look better. It consists of sitting on the floor with both legs extended, then the left knee is bent, bringing the heel towards the hip. With the help of your hands, pass your right leg over the other, getting both knees aligned. The left arm should go over the shoulder, and the right under the shoulder, thus bringing the two hands behind the back. This posture should be held for about 20 seconds 4 to 5 times. 2. Bhujangasana Known as the cobra, it is another of the many yoga poses that keep the breasts beautiful and firm, and also increase their volume. This position consists of lying face down on the mat being careful to stay as straight as possible, then the palms of the hands are supported at the same height as the shoulders, the elbows should be pointing backwards. The body should be kept as relaxed as possible while they begin to lift from the head to the back part of the clavicle very slowly. It should be held in this way at least 4-5 times for 30 seconds. 3. Ushtrasana It is a movement that many know as the camel, and it is also very useful when it comes to firming the bust, giving it a more stylized shape, at the same time that it helps to develop tissue. The first thing to do is to sit on the mat on your heels, and little by little get in an upright position, but always on your heels and without taking your feet off the ground. Once the backward bend is complete, the heels should be held with the hands, and once in that position the abdomen should be pushed out for 25 seconds, 4 to 5 times. 4. Trikonasana Also known as the triangle pose, it focuses on strengthening the chest and spine, as well as improving their blood flow. To do this: Put your feet apart. The left foot will be at a 90-degree angle and the right foot at a 15-degree angle. Take your left hand and touch your left ankle. From there, stretch your right arm towards the sky and keep a straight line. Make sure to keep your knees and spine straight as well. Go through your right fingers and then repeat the other side. 5. Virabhadrasana Also known as the warrior pose, it's pretty standard in the yoga world, but that doesn't mean it's not effective. This also works on the chest. To do this, start by placing your feet wide apart parallel to each other. Turn your left foot (the front foot) and twist it 90 degrees, and bend your front knee out. Raise your arms parallel to your legs, and place them in line with your shoulders. Turn your head forward and look over your wrist. Practice these exercises carefully to avoid injury, and you can combine them with other yoga exercises that have benefits for other health conditions. Once men find themselves facing any kind of prostate health issue, whether it is prostate cancer, enlarged prostate due to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatitis, they immediately want to know what they can do. While the best plan is to prevent prostate problems through a healthy lifestyle, the good news is that there are actually many natural ways that a man can promote better prostate health even if he already has symptoms or a diagnosis of a problem. ProstaStream
maya justin
Jul 27, 2021
In General Discussions
The skin is the largest organ in our body. The integrity and beauty of the skin has been the object of study and advances in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry throughout history. However, the appearance of lesions that cause discomfort and alter the health of the skin is common, so in this article we will talk about pustules on the skin and how to treat them. What are pustules? The skin pustules are small lesions, punctate, containing pus and are located in the dermis or epidermis. These lesions can be an expression of an infection or inflammation in the skin and their presence can cause discomfort in the person who suffers them. Why do pustules appear on the skin? The pustules are formed due to inflammation covering the hair follicle and dermis. Sometimes this inflammation is secondary to an infection by bacteria or viruses, but it can also be due to immune reactions that promote the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals that produce pus inside the skin. Causes of pustules on the skin The pustules can be expression of skin diseases or systemic pathologies, being many causes that produce it. In order to simplify the diagnostic study of pustules on the skin, a team from the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos de Madrid, Spain, classified them into localized and generalized pustular lesions and infectious and inflammatory pustular lesions. Localized infectious causes · Folliculitis and boils: are infections of the hair follicle, generally associated with infections by skin germs. Folliculitis can be superficial and deep, and the deeper the condition, the longer it will take to heal. Folliculitis is usually evident on the scalp and forehead of babies, in addition to the beard of men. When the follicle becomes inflamed and forms a red nodule it is called a boil, which if it spreads can form a large collection of pus called an abscess. · Cutaneous candidiasis: it is the infection of the skin due to a fungus called Candida albicans, which generally affects the skin folds that become macerated and red. When cutaneous candidiasis occurs, pustules appear in isolation around the reddened areas of the skin. · Scabies: popularly known as scabies. In scabies, the pustules are located on the hands and soles of the feet, and accompany other types of generalized itchy lesions such as excoriations (scratch marks) and furrows, produced by an ectoparasite called Sarcoptes scabiei. Localized inflammatory causes · Pustule psoriasis: psoriasis is an autoimmune disease with scaly plaque-like lesions that, on rare occasions, may be accompanied by small pustules, especially after the application of local steroids. · Acne vulgaris: it is a very common cause of pustules. Generally, it is due to skin inflammation associated with the production of pus and sebum, distributed on the face, chest, shoulders and back. · Rosacea: is the appearance of small pustules, which appear in the form of groups, near the mouth, forehead, nose and eyes. The latter is called ocular rosacea, which can cause visual discomfort. Most of the time, rosacea appears from changes in the weather, the use of cosmetics, spicy foods, and other irritants. Generalized infectious causes Among these causes is generalized folliculitis, which appears after the start of treatment with oral steroids (also known as steroid acne). Another cause would be the over-infection of chickenpox lesions. Finally, there is eosinophilic folliculitis, which are pustules that appear secondary to infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Generalized inflammatory causes These causes are less frequent, among these are generalized pustular lapsoriasis (or Von Zumbusch disease) that manifests itself by outbreaks of pustules on the trunk and upper limbs on a reddened patch of skin; in addition to subcorneal pustular dermatosis (or Sneddon-Wilkinson disease) that manifests as pustules grouped in ring-shaped folds of the skin, and finally, acute pustulosisexanthematic. The latter has been described as a secondary effect of the use of some drugs such as beta-lactam and macrolide antibiotics. How to treat pustules on the skin? Treatment will depend on the cause and severity, and should also be indicated by a dermatologist. When it comes to pustules of infectious origin, depending on the extension and location, treatment with topical antibiotics such as bacitracin or mupirocin is indicated. Sometimes, it is enough to just keep the skin dry and hydrated and manual removal of the pustules is not recommended, since manipulation worsens the lesions and causes them to converge. When the condition is generalized and of infectious cause, oral or intravenous antibiotics are indicated. While if the lesion is inflammatory, topical or oral steroids are used, depending on the severity. In the case of candidiasis, an antifungal should be used. In addition to these treatments, the use of sunscreen and cleaning with products with a neutral pH are recommended. When you’re eating the foods that get you there (more on that in a minute), your body can enter a state of ketosis in one to three days, she adds. During the diet, the majority of calories you consume come from fat, with a little protein and very little carbohydrates. keto also happens if you eat a very low-calorie diet think doctor-supervised, medically recommended diets of 600 to 800 total calories per day. Kapex
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
Cherries are a very popular snack. They are delicious and go very well with desserts, or to accompany other foods such as natural yogurt and fruit salads. But something that is perhaps even more important is that it is one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. Health benefits of cherries A serving of cherries can be about a cup, or about 21 cherries if you don't have a measuring cup handy. In each serving, there are less than 100 calories and a large amount of nutrients and vitamins. It is also essential to mention the cherry pit, as it must be removed before eating. This can be tricky if you don't know of an easy way to do it. After discussing the health benefits of cherries, you will learn how to pit a cherry easily. 1. They are full of antioxidants Cherries contain anthocyanins, phytochemicals, hydroxycinnamic acid, and perilyl alcohol. All of these components work together to provide powerful antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants are that they reduce inflammation and can promote the self-destruction of cancer cells. 2. Cherries are a good source of vitamin C In one serving of this fruit, there is 18% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is vital for a healthy immune system and healthy skin. 3. This fruit contains a large amount of fiber and potassium With a serving of cherries, you will get 3.2 grams of fiber. This makes them a food rich in fiber, which can help lower cholesterol, promote digestive health, and have many other health benefits. Plus, you can get 9% of the RDA for potassium. This is essential because many of your organs need potassium to function properly, including your heart, kidneys, brain, and muscles. Potassium also reduces the risk of stroke, hypertension, and high blood pressure. 4. They can reduce the risk of cancer More specifically, cherries could reduce the risk of colorectal, pharyngeal, mouth, larynx and lung cancer. The nutrients and minerals found in this fruit work together to fight cancer cells. 5. This fruit offers protection against diabetes The main reason they offer protection against diabetes is because of their low range on the glycemic index. Because of this, they do not cause blood sugar and insulin levels to rise. If you already have diabetes, this fruit can help you control it for the same reasons that it protects other people from it. 6. They can improve your sleep cycle This fruit is a good source of melatonin, especially when it is sour. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate your sleep cycles, and when your melatonin is low, you may not sleep very well. 7. This fruit can offer relief from osteoarthritis Studies have shown that consuming cherries or cherry juice regularly can reduce joint pain in people with arthritis. However, make sure the liquid is 100% cherry juice, as additives can cause problems and inflammation. 8. Reduce the risk of gout flares Millions of people in the world suffer from gout, which is inflammatory arthritis. Flare-ups occur when uric acid crystallizes in the joints, causing extreme pain and swelling. Consuming this fruit for a couple of days can lower the risk of an outbreak, and consuming it regularly has even more significant results. 9. They can lower cholesterol levels Every small reduction in cholesterol doubles your risk of heart disease. Also, having high cholesterol, especially the LDL type (which is the worst type) is one of the main causes of a heart attack. 10. This fruit decreases the amount of pain you feel after exercise Anyone who exercises knows post-workout pain. Eating this fruit reduces this pain and at the same time protects your cells from the wear and tear caused by exercise. It also helps promote muscle recovery. Cherry juice and fresh cherry are so popular for these reasons that professional athletes and bodybuilders regularly consume 100% cherry juice. It also helps amateur athletes or just those who exercise in their spare time. 11. They can help with weight loss As stated above, this food is low in calories, which can help you lose weight. However, it goes beyond that, as consuming them regularly can decrease the amount of fat in your blood, reduce the percentage of fat in your body, and help with belly fat. 12. Contains good amounts of potassium In one serving of this fruit, you will get about 9% of your required daily amount of potassium. This allows your organs to function properly and leads to heart, kidney, brain, and muscle health. Making sure you get the amount of potassium you need each day can help lower your risk of stroke and can help your body regulate high blood pressure and blood pressure. It also reduces muscle cramps and can also help strengthen muscles. 13. Helps improve eye health By adding this fruit to your diet, you will prevent your eyesight from getting worse and may even improve your vision. This is because one serving contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which is a direct link to maintaining eyesight. 14. This fruit protects the brain The anthocyanins found in cherries have properties that protect against neurodegenerative problems. This can protect against disorders like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. Another neurological disorder it can protect against is cerebral ischemia, a disorder that causes a reduction in the blood supply to the brain. 15. Protects against metabolic syndrome The same anthocyanins that protect the brain also protect your body from metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is actually more than one condition, and can include high triglycerides, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, high blood pressure, and being overweight. Left unchecked, metabolic syndrome can lead to diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your body doesn’t make or use the hormone insulin properly. It causes too much blood glucose (sugar) to build up in the blood. There are 2 main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body doesn’t produce any insulin. It’s sometimes called juvenile diabetes because it’s usually discovered in children and teenagers, but it may appear in adults, too. Gluconite Reviews
maya justin
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
In this article we will try to address how simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels and what their health consequences may be. Keeping track of carbohydrates in your diet is an important part of managing type 2 and type 1 diabetes. It is also helpful to have some knowledge of the difference between the two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates found in everything from table sugar to fruits, and complex carbohydrates or starches, are contained in foods like whole grains and vegetables starchy like sweet potatoes. Each type of carbohydrate affects blood glucose levels somewhat differently. So, whether you're managing the carbohydrates in your diet by counting them, observing your portions using the Plate Method, or following another carbohydrate tracking protocol, understanding the effects of each type of carbohydrate can help you get the most out of your treatment plan, control your blood sugar levels, lose excess weight and maintain a healthy weight and help prevent complications. Simple carbohydrates are digested and absorbed faster than complex ones, so simple carbohydrates can raise blood glucose levels faster and to a greater extent. Fast facts on carbohydrates Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients in food that provide fuel for the body to function properly. The other two are protein and fat. During digestion, all three are broken down into elements that the body can use for energy: Proteins are reduced to amino acids and fats are reduced to fatty acids, which are then stored for future use. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, are broken down into glucose (sugar) which, after a quick shutdown in the liver, enters the bloodstream and is immediately available to be absorbed by cells for energy. This is why consuming carbohydrates can affect blood sugar levels so quickly and dramatically. This is also why it is so important for people with type 2 diabetes to control the amount of carbohydrates they eat. During this disease, the pancreas does not produce enough hormone called insulin that regulates glucose levels in the blood or the body has become resistant to the effects of insulin. In both cases, glucose can build up in the bloodstream. Simple carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates are, as the name implies, simple structures. In chemical terms, they are small molecules that consist of a single monosaccharide or two monosaccharides joined together, which are called disaccharides. Glucose, the type of sugar the body and brain use for energy, is a monosaccharide, just like fructose and galactose. Disaccharides include lactose, sucrose, and maltose. Simple carbohydrates are fairly easy for the body to digest - most are processed in the small intestine, where enzymes break them down into individual components that are then passed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream to be used for energy. Any sugar that is not used right away turns into fat and is stored. This is the reason why eating foods with a lot of added sugar can contribute to weight gain. Examples of simple carbohydrates Many foods that contain naturally occurring simple carbohydrates are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients, so they can, and should, be part of a diabetes-friendly diet. Examples include: · Fruit, including nuts and unsweetened fruit juice. · Dairy products. · Certain vegetables. · Certain grains. Fruits are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, as are vegetables and grains. Similarly, dairy products offer protein, calcium, and vitamin D. However, not all simple sugars are processed at the same speed. For example, because whole fruit contains fiber, the fructose it contains is digested and absorbed more slowly than sucrose, for example, and may have a less dramatic effect on blood glucose levels. Complex carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates, known as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, are made up of longer, more complex chains of sugar molecules, so they take longer for the body to digest than to process simple carbohydrates. Some complex carbohydrate foods contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals and take longer to digest. This means they have a less immediate impact on your blood sugar, causing it to rise more slowly. Examples of complex carbohydrates Certain complex carbohydrates are better options than others. The healthiest complex carbohydrates are those that have not been processed or refined: · Whole grains such as brown rice, wild rice, oats, whole barley (instead of pearl barley), bulgur (which is made from cracked wheat), and farro. · Grain-like foods, such as quinoa (a seed) and buckwheat (an herb). · Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. · Non-starchy vegetables, from asparagus to zucchini. · Beans and legumes such as lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas. Keep in mind that all of these foods are excellent sources of fiber. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels from spiking too high, it also helps regulate cholesterol levels, and is important for gut health. As for complex carbohydrates, it is best to avoid or limit grains that have been refined and processed foods made from refined grains. "Refined" means that two of the three elements of grain have been removed, namely the bran and the germ, which are important sources of fiber, healthy fats and nutrients. The part of the grain that remains, the endosperm, is starchy and has less fiber and nutrients. Sometimes vitamins and minerals are added back to refined grains (in which case they are usually labeled enriched), but this does not necessarily replace grains that are left intact. Processed foods made from refined grains include: · Donuts, muffins, cakes, and other sweet baked goods. · Cereals made with refined and highly sweetened grains. · Cookies, including crackers. · Hamburger or hot dog buns. · Pancakes and waffles. · Pizza dough. · Rice sandwiches. · Sandwich bread. · White rice and pasta. Keep in mind that many of these foods are also sources of added sugar, making them less ideal for controlling blood glucose. Balancing simple and complex carbohydrates How different people respond to specific types of carbohydrates, and even individual foods, can vary widely. This is one reason why there is no standardized treatment protocol for diabetes. That said, when planning meals and snacks, it's generally recommended that you focus on getting the majority of your carbohydrates, both simple and complex, from natural, unrefined, and unprocessed sources, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and produce. made with whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and legumes. In this way, you can be sure that you are consuming foods rich in nutrients, high in fiber, low in calories and saturated fat, in addition to helping you control your blood sugar and control your diabetes. Blood sugar levels can either be normal, high, or low, depending on how much glucose someone has in their bloodstream. Glucose is a simple sugar that’s present in the bloodstream at all times. Normal blood glucose levels can be measured when someone fasts, eats, or after they’ve eaten. A normal blood glucose level for adults, without diabetes, who haven’t eaten for at least eight hours (fasting) is less than 100 mg/dL. Gluconite Review
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
You are not aware of the large amount of ultraprocesses that you consume daily More than half of the food you buy at the supermarket is not real food: it is ultra- processed products. We already told you what the turkey meat you eat really was, but there is much more. This has been discovered by a new study by El CoCo , the free application that detects ultra-processed. Research has determined that 64% of the products of food that we buy more Spanish leads many additives and therefore are 'pseudoalimentos' potentially harmful to health. [ Your salad is making you fat] The study has analyzed the degree of processing, nutritional quality and the presence of additives and simple sugars in 124 foods corresponding to the 35 best-selling brands in our country, according to the ' Kantar Brand Footprint Spain 2018 ' ranking. Among the brands analyzed we find Danone, Bimbo, Coca-Cola, Don Simón, El Pozo, Gallo, Pescanova, Puleva, Buitoni and Oscar Mayer. The danger of ultra-processed foods The figure is alarming, and the worst is that many of the ultraprocesados we consume we think are healthy, as with smoked, canned vegetables or baby food. [ The truth about beer, is it fattening or not?] Also, these products can make us sick. A recent study, published in the British Medical Journal and conducted among 105,000 participants, found that if the consumption of this type of food was increased by 10%, the risk of suffering from cancer in general increased by 12% and breast cancer by 11%. What ultra-processed foods do you eat If you do not know what ultra-processed is and you get mixed up with the food nomenclatures, pay attention to the NOVA system, currently used by the World Health Organization (WHO), which divides food into four groups according to its degree of processing: Thus, we would have: · Group 1: unprocessed or minimally processed foods. They are real fresh or frozen foods that have not been processed. We have fruits, vegetables, meat or fish. · Group 2: processed culinary ingredients. They are the oils, sugar, salt and spices. · Group 3: processed foods. They are products that are obtained by adding salt, oil, sugar or other substances to Group 1 foods, with the aim of increasing durability or improving their qualities. They are the preserves, the cheeses, the sausages ... · Group 4: ultra-processed. They are not modified foods, but industrial preparations with hardly any vitamins and rich in unhealthy fats, salt and sugars. This group includes the majority of soft drinks, snacks, industrial pastries and precooked products. [ The seven foods you should never eat at night] As we can see, and according to data from the study, Group 4 foods constitute 64% of our daily diet, which is not only unhealthy, but is also dangerous for health. Remember, reader, that the more real food you eat, the better for you and your figure.One way to control blood sugar is to eat a healthful diet. Generally, foods and drinks that the body absorbs slowly are best because they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar. The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of specific foods on blood sugar levels. People looking to control their levels should pick foods with low or medium GI scores. Stimula Blood Sugar
maya justin
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
If you have gained a few kilos and you continue to eat the same as before, something of this may happen to you You do everything right. You eat healthy, you don't freckle too much with the 'extras' and you don't swell up on alcohol or soft drinks either. However, for a long time you have noticed that you do not stop gaining weight. You feel heavy, you have gained a couple of kilos and you cannot find any explanation. What could be happening? There are reasons that make us gain weight, and that have nothing to do with the diet or exercise we follow. If you are sure that you have not gained weight because you have been overeating or have changed your menus, keep reading because it will interest you. Why are you getting fat: seven reasons? Here are the seven reasons that can explain your sudden and strange weight gain. Many have to do with your habits and others with your genetics or your age. 1) you don't get enough sleep It may seem trivial, but if you don't sleep well at night you will end up noticing it on your scale sooner rather than later. Some experts have investigated the relationship between lack of sleep and weight gain, and they believe that it is simply because being awake longer hours you consume more calories. However, others consider that it is due to a hormonal issue: when you do not get enough sleep, the hormones change and you secrete a specific one (ghrelin) that makes you feel hungrier. In addition, you secrete less of another (leptin) which is the one that alerts you that you have already eaten enough. [ How to lose four kilos in a week] 2) You are stressed The stress makes you fat. Having an elevated cortisol level can be good for a while, but chronic cortisol, one that lasts for months, can cause weight gain. Your body, being in this state of continuous alarm, thinks that you need the calories, then it accumulates fat because it believes there is danger. A 2018 study concluded that there is a connection between high cortisol and fat. In fact, research revealed that cortisol can affect a person's circadian rhythm, causing them to gain weight. 3) You are depressed If you are depressed, your weight gain may be due to it. You may have gained weight from antidepressants, if you take medication, or from feeling sad and lonely. A 2015 study monitored 362 patients taking antidepressants and concluded, after 36 months, that 55% had gained weight. Another 2010 study revealed that people who feel sad and lonely gain weight faster than those with fewer symptoms related to depression. The latter could be due to the fact that these individuals, when they feel bad, tend to eat foods with a high caloric load. 4) Your gut is malfunctioning The digestive problems, including constipation, may also explain the weight gain. If you do not go to the bathroom easily and regularly (once or twice a day), it may be the reason that you have put on weight. Another possible risk factor could be in your gut flora or microbiome. Several studies link the mixing of bacteria in the gut with weight gain, especially if you don't have a correct balance of good and bad bacteria. [ How to know if you are lactose intolerant] 5) You lack these nutrients If you have low levels of magnesium, iron, or a deficiency of vitamin D , your energy levels will be reduced, which can disrupt your metabolism. In addition, this deficit of nutrients and vitamins tends to be compensated by the intake of caffeine, sweets and simple carbohydrates (bread, buns, pasta, rice ...), which are what make us fat. 6) You are getting older There are different theories related to weight gain and age. One of them is the one that points to hormonal changes. Around the age of 50, women go through menopause, which is attributed to a sharp drop in estrogen production, which causes an increase in body fat. This same hormone also affects men of that age, as revealed by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which determined that although a lack of testosterone seems to be responsible for the increase in lean body mass (without fat), it is actually the absence of estrogen that is mainly responsible for the accumulation of fat. [ The daily habit that makes you lose many kilos] 7) You eat at night The metabolism slows down throughout the day, so it is important to stop eating around eight in the afternoon. What you eat from that hour on, you will hardly burn it, since you will be at rest and your body begins to slow down in terms of energy expenditure. One study showed that people who ate their largest meal at dinner had a higher BMI (Body Mass Index) than those who ate their largest meal at breakfast or dinner. There are a number of conditions that CBD is purported to help, although more research is needed to determine the potential effects and benefits of CBD. Some of the existing studies suggest that CBD holds promise in the treatment of a number of conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, and sleep issues, among other things. Nature’s Gold CBD Gummies
maya justin
Jun 16, 2021
In General Discussions
Some people live with a sore throat and clearing the throat throughout their lives. Their ailments appear and disappear in periods of weeks, sometimes they become persistent, but they consider these symptoms of little importance and hope that they will heal without more or they end up getting used to them. What is pharyngitis The chronic pharyngitis is a persistent inflammation of the pharynx without there being an infectious apparent cause, encompasses disease symptoms in common, slight but very annoying: patients can have feeling both dry recurring and accumulation of mucus, irritating cough, throat itching, need for constant throat clearing and sensation of foreign bodies in the throat. The hoarse voice is common, and as a result of the throat clearing, small bleeds appear with the saliva. In any case, there are no clear symptoms of illness or fever. How to get pharyngitis There are several factors that should be considered as motivators for chronic pharyngitis, such as climatic conditions, sudden variations in temperature, or environmental dryness, but certain personal habits, such as tobacco or alcohol consumption, prolonged use of antidepressants that limit the mucus discharge or hormonal causes, such as hypothyroidism or menopause. Chronic pharyngitis is also frequent in people with vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin A, diabetes, allergies, or in whom the mucosa atrophied after having their tonsils removed. If to all this we add other types of problems, such as a possible weakness of the immune system, it is much more difficult for the body to fight these types of infections. How to detect it The diagnosis is carried out by exclusion, that is, the specialist must study the medical history and carry out a complete otolaryngological examination that rules out more serious diseases. It is also very possible that the doctor complements the review with laboratory tests, which help determine the origin and degree of pharyngitis. The results of these tests should shed light on the types of pharyngitis that can be simple, hyperplastic and dry, each with different origins and treatments. In chronic hyperplastic pharyngitis, the back wall of the throat is swollen, rough, and has a reddish color. The discharge is profuse and the foreign body sensation is almost permanent, instinctively leading to swallowing or clearing for relief. However, the foreign body sensation does not go away, it makes swallowing difficult and leads to nausea and vomiting. In chronic dry or atrophic pharyngitis, the back wall of the throat appears dry and shiny, and scabs often appear. It is related to climatic variations, and in fact, symptomatic improvement is observed in regions close to the sea and with humidity. Breathing difficulties can induce choking and sleep disturbances. This kind of chronic pharyngitis, which mainly affects adults and the elderly, often appears together with laryngitis or rhinitis. Treatment of chronic pharyngitis The treatment depends on the condition of each person and the evolution may take months to give positive signs, in any case, any treatment will be effective only if the agents and factors that are triggers of pharyngitis are avoided, and which will be determined by the ENT during the phase of study of the causes. In cases that do not have an infectious component, treatments are usually, in addition to vitamins and painkillers, oropharyngeal medications, which are presented in lozenges to suck or spray, with antiseptic and anesthetic effect. The goal is to strengthen the immune system, weakened by repeated bouts of infection. Complementary treatments that keep the pharynx and airways free are also usually helpful, such as the use of humidifiers to increase the level of ambient humidity (in the bedroom at night, for example), or inhalations of saline solutions or infusions with sage or chamomile. Smoking worsens and chronifies the condition, so its consumption should be avoided. Other factors to avoid are conditions of extreme temperature or dryness, as well as environments in which a lot of dust, suspended particles or smoke is observed. To all this, hydration is also important. They should drink plenty of fluids, and never share beverages, since the weakness of the patient's pharynx exposes it to external infections. Given the need, whatever the origin of the sore throat and its persistence, it is best to treat yourself with a specialist and not self-medicate. The discretionary use of antibiotics can backfire and strengthen some types of infection-causing bacteria, which will be even more difficult to eradicate. The vibrational frequency your mind produces is in exact proportion to the amount of money you are receiving. If you desire to manifest more wealth, raising your vibration rate is the ultimate method for attraction to occur. The difficulties most individuals encounter is they regularly switch from a high to low frequency. The reason, they begin doubting their abilities or fear they can’t accomplish the result. Magic Wealth & Success Obsidian
maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Sugar is not the only bad thing in your diet and you know it, that's why we remind you of the WHO recommendations to lead a healthy life. We have been talking about sugar for a few days without stopping and that one of the WHO recommendations is to reduce its consumption and it seems that we have all just realized that gorging on sweets is bad, no, very bad. But once we are talking about things that we would have to increase or reduce in our diet or in our lives to have fewer health problems in the future, we are going to review what the WHO tells us that we would all have to do to eliminate possible risk factors. Because with progress, humans have become too comfortable. We have everything so at hand in such an immediate way that it even seems that we were lazy to move, I mean, when my grandmother was little, there was no running water in the houses, so to have water in the house we had to walk until a fountain a couple of miles away to fill a few huge jugs and load them onto a mule. Come on, the walk was a must, they didn't need runningto be in shape. Now, we go to the kitchen, we turn on the tap and water comes out. Before you would walk to the market to buy food, now we either go down to the supermarket next to the house, or we take the car to go to a hypermarket that takes us further away or, directly, we do the shopping online from the sofa and we do not have nor to wear shoes. I could go on with more examples…. Other WHO recommendations to lead a healthy life as important as reducing sugar Apart from sugar, whose consumption should not exceed 50 g per day, the World Health Organization gives us other recommendations to take into account. Cereals, legumes and nuts The diet should include legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas), nuts, and unprocessed whole grains such as corn, millet, oats, wheat, or rice. Fruits and vegetables that you should eat every day Eat at least 5 daily servings (400 g) of fruits and vegetables, which will help to ingest the necessary amount of dietary fiber. To make it easier, WHO gives the following advice: · include vegetables in all meals · eat whole fresh fruits and raw vegetables, since the less preparation they have the better · choose seasonal fruits and vegetables · eat a variety of fruits and vegetables Maximum amount of fat The daily amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total calories consumed. If we consider that 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories, in an average diet of 2000 calories, a maximum of 600 could come from fat, that is, from 67 g of fat distributed throughout the day. The World Health Organization also reports that if, in addition, saturated fats are reduced to less than 10% and trans fats to 1% and are replaced by unsaturated fats, the risk of non-inherited diseases is further reduced. The advice given by the WHO to reduce fat are: · modify the way you cook, separating the fat from the meat and using vegetable oils instead of butter, and preferably choose to cook food or steam it instead of frying it. · avoiding processed foods that contain trans fats · reduce consumption of high-fat foods (cheeses, ice cream, high-fat meats) Reduce the consumption of salt The sodium and potassium are two basic salts for life, but must be in balance. If we abuse table salt or common salt (sodium chloride), we are consuming a lot of sodium, but not enough potassium to maintain balance. This results in an increase in blood pressure or hypertension that increases the risk of heart or cerebrovascular disease. According to the WHO, 1.7 million deaths per year could be avoided if salt intake were reduced to less than 5 g per day. Currently it is estimated that we consume between 9 and 12 g daily. The WHO also warns that people are often not aware of the amount of salt consumed because that excess salt comes from processed foods such as bread, cold cuts, cold cuts, cheeses or salty snacks. Aside advises: · do not add salt, soy sauce or fish sauce when preparing food · not put the salt shaker on the table · reduce consumption of salty snacks · always choose low sodium products Consuming fruits and vegetables that contain potassium can mitigate the negative effects of high salt intake. Physical activity as a complement to the diet To avoid risks of disease, it is not enough to eat properly, but the WHO also says that you have to move more. · For children and youth between the ages of 5 and 17, a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per day is recommended. · For adults over 18 years of age, at least 75 minutes per week of intense physical activity or 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity, although for greater benefits it is recommended to reach 300 minutes per week. Moderate physical activity is understood to be performing exercises such as walking, cycling or swimming at a constant pace. 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maya justin
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
Mood Food is a gastronomic trend that takes into account those foods that favor the creation of substances that generate well-being in people For those who do not yet know the gastronomic trend Mood Food, it consists of consuming foods that activate certain brain neurotransmitters, directly related to pleasure and happiness. The human body is capable of manufacturing a series of hormones that directly influence people's moods. Among them is serotonin, also known as the ' pleasure hormones '. And curiously, this substance is found in some foods, so its consumption contributes directly to improving our mood. In short, serotonin, along with some amino acids such as tryptophan, or vitamins such as B1, B6 and B12 must be present in our body if we want to avoid irritability as much as possible and enhance good feelings. And through our diet, we can contribute to increasing its level in our body. We review to what extent these substances influence our mood and happiness, and share the foods in which they are found to the greatest extent. Are you joining the Mood Food trend? With Mood Food we take into account the substances that produce well-being Tryptophan Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor to serotonin. This means that, for our body to manufacture serotonin by itself, it must find high levels of tryptophan in the blood. There are tryptophan tablets as such, which obviously provide us with a greater amount of this substance, but we can also find tryptophan (in lesser quantity) in many foods. Serotonin As we have already advanced, serotonin is a neurotransmitter monoamine that is capable of acting as an inhibitor of anger, pressure or bad mood. These states are directly related to depressive processes, so a good level of serotonin in our body will help us avoid them. Foods rich in tryptophan are involved in the serotonin production process, so they should be taken into account. Some foods that contain tryptophan · Cheese · Lean meat (chicken and turkey) · Blue fish · Vegetables · Walnuts However, the process is not as simple as taking walnuts, they cause us a tryptophan high, we generate serotonin and suddenly we are much happier than five minutes ago. No, this does not work like that. To begin, the brain can only absorb tryptophan, so that this in turn create serotonin, if this is associated with carbohydrates, magnesium, potassium or vitamin B. So along with the foods that I mentioned above we must also consume some extra sugar. This causes our bodies to produce insulin, which makes neurons in the brain receptive to the absorption of tryptophan to generate serotonin. That is, in a short term we can control our mood to a certain extent with the intake of specific food. But in the long term, it is best that we carry out a balanced diet, rich in foods with tryptophan, yes, but with blood sugar control to avoid diseases and weight gain. Vitamins B In addition, other substances that should not be lacking in our body are B vitamins, especially B9 and B12. Some of the foods that contain different B vitamins, involved in different processes of the nervous system are, for example, tuna and legumes. The foods that give us more well-being The following foods have been selected not only because they contain a high level of tryptophan, but also because they integrate the substances necessary for tryptophan to be absorbed by the brain and to generate serotonin. Chocolate Chocolate is, par excellence, the great food of happiness. It is very complete and, of course, favors the creation of serotonin thanks to its sugar and cocoa butter. And you have to remember that the blacker, the healthier and the less weight gain it causes, since it has less fat. If you want to follow the Mood Food gastronomic trend, I hope you are a friend of chocolate, because it is one of the essential products. Plantain Thanks to the banana we can cause the generation of serotonin, since it contains a lot of tryptophan, but it is also much healthier than chocolate. It is rich in potassium, has many nutrients and fiber, and contains little fat. Pineapple Pineapple is itself an anti-inflammatory, which helps in many processes related to bad mood and irritability. It is recommended to consume pineapple daily. It is rich in minerals and vitamins and contains substances that promote the creation of serotonin. Salmon Salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids, very necessary for the synthesis of serotonin. In addition, the fatty acids in salmon also help improve concentration. Legume Legumes contain many vitamins, such as B1, B3, B6 or B9, and they are also rich in minerals, iron and magnesium. All of these nutrients, to their optimum extent, reduce low mood and improve mood. We remember that B vitamins are associated, when a deficiency of them is detected, to states of nervousness and irritation. So, for the Mood Food philosophy, legumes are very important. Spicy Chillies, for example, are positive for improving our mood for a simple reason. The brain receives the spicy as pain and to counteract it generates endorphins that stimulate the sensation of well-being. Foods that make us irritable On the other hand, the foods that generate more stress and irritability have to do with those less healthy, since the substances that they contribute to our body cause unpleasant sensations. For example, industrial bakery, which contains such high levels of sugar, is not positive for our body and generates anxiety and, in certain cases, something similar to a kind of addiction for continuing to consume more and more sugar in large quantities. The same happens with precooked dishes, which have additives and added substances that do not benefit us. Or the fattiest meats, which it is recommended not to consume more than two or three times a week. Taking into account all these aspects, we can join the Mood Food philosophy, which, as we have already explained, is nothing more than trying to generate happiness through food. In the end, it all comes down to common sense and a balanced diet. Since although we take more into account those foods capable of generating feelings of well-being, it is normally a balanced and healthy diet that gives us these reactions. 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maya justin
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
Our body needs to be nourished with all the vitamins to be healthy, because each one of them fulfils a function in the organism. We have the capacity to produce vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but we must obtain the other vitamins through our diet. What are the 5 essential vitamins for our body to be kept in optimal condition? Keep reading. 5 essential vitamins for the body With supplements available for everything from eyelashes to toenails, it can be easy to lose sight of the vitamins and minerals your body needs most. If your medicine cabinet is so full of supplements that you can't even remember what they all do, give yourself a break from your million-pill regimen. These must-have vitamins will help keep your body healthy without losing your mind. Don't forget that vitamin requirements may depend on your personal health concerns and that certain supplements may interact with each other or with medications. You should always check with your doctor before taking a new supplement. Ultimately, unless directed by a doctor, try to limit yourself to taking no more than five supplements. It is just as bad to have a vitamin deficiency as an excess of them, because we would cause hypervitaminosis, so it is a good time to know the 5 essential vitamins for the body. Vitamins A, B12, C, D and E are essential for the body We are going to explain why through the functions that each one performs and in what types of food you can find them. Many of these 5 essential vitamins for the body come from vegetables, but keep in mind that the way you cook them affects their properties. So that foods keep their vitamins intact, choose to steam the vegetables and eat the fruits immediately after peeling them and with their skin. Vitamin a It helps the proper maintenance of the immune system and is essential for our vision, acts in the formation of bones and teeth, keeps our skin and hair healthy, and protects the tissues of the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems. In addition, it stimulates the production of hormones and is vital in foetal development. Foods that contain vitamin A: Generally, it is green vegetables and yellow fruits that contain this vitamin. As is the case with spinach, broccoli, bell pepper, melon, mango, and peach. Also, carrot, and egg yolk contain vitamin A. B12 vitamin It is one of the eight vitamins of group B and is considered as the vitamin that helps to have good health in general by acting on the good condition of nerve cells and red blood cells. Foods that contain vitamin B12: We find it in fish, whole grains, red meat (try to use organic free-range animal meats), brewer's yeast, wheat germ, algae and eggs. Vitamin C It helps absorb calcium and iron that the body needs to build healthy and strong teeth and bones. In addition, it promotes the health of the immune system by fighting infections and preventing damage to cells. Foods that contain vitamin C: It is especially present in citrus fruits, also in strawberries and strawberries, melon, kiwi, green peppers, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbages Brussels, and potatoes. Vitamin D It acts on the essential processes of the body, promotes good heart and bone health by helping to build muscle mass. Thanks to it, the body better absorbs phosphorus and potassium. Foods that contain vitamin D: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring. Cod liver oil, whole grains, soy yogurt, mushrooms, and eggs. Do not forget that the main source of vitamin D is sunlight, since this vitamin can be produced by our own body through exposure to sunlight. About ten to fifteen minutes three days a week will help maintain adequate vitamin D levels. Vitamin E It plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K correctly. Foods that contain vitamin C: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli or asparagus. Olive oil, egg yolk, mango, dried fruits like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. To complement the information, we invite you to read 5 signs that you are deficient in vitamins. There are many different ways that blood sugar (glucose levels in the blood) can be affected and may cause problems with sugar control in people with diabetes. Each person reacts differently to a variety of things that influence blood sugar. People with diabetes should be aware of certain compounds and activities that influence blood sugar levels. Cera Care Customer Reviews

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