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faina marco
Jul 31, 2021
In General Discussions
The benefits of eating gelatin are as surprising as its delicious taste. Read on and discover everything that this dessert offers you, plus a lot of happiness! WHY ARE THE BENEFITS OF EATING GELATIN SO POPULAR? Gelatin has become one of the most popular desserts in the world, in Mexico, it is usually the ideal complement to the holidays to accompany cakes. In addition, it is a good food for those days when a rigorous diet due to stomach illness requires it or, on some occasions, it is usually the ideal dessert for after a meal if you find yourself taking care of your figure or under a rigorous diet. Why is it recommended to eat this delicious dessert? That answer is simple, it is because the benefits of eating gelatin are really enormous, especially in women, since it gives us the collagen that we stop producing and helps us take care of our figure. So, it's time to stop consuming gelatin as an occasional treat or treat and start including it in our daily diet! To achieve all those important things, it has to offer us and, why not, preserve our physical beauty. BENEFITS OF EATING GELATIN CONTROL THE WEIGHT Thanks to its fiber and protein content, gelatin helps you feel full, thus eliminating cravings for some sweet foods, thus avoiding eating what your body does not need. This food even increases the production of growth hormone and stimulates your metabolism through nutrients and amino acids. HEALTHY BONES AND JOINTS In addition to the protein that gelatin contains, it also provides selenium, phosphorus and copper, which helps your bones stay strong and increase the bone mineral density of your body, thus ensuring that osteoporosis stays away for a long time. If we add to this the power of amino acids, you will be able to reduce the inflammation that affects your joints, it will also help you with the development of cartilage, which makes your joints and bones strengthen. HEALS WOUNDS QUICKLY As you know, proteins are a fundamental part of wounds or injuries, which is why it is highly recommended to eat protein after exercising, so that muscle damage is repaired. In this case, the gelatin proteins help with the healing of external wounds, such as those of a cut. On the other hand, we also have glycine, an amino acid that is closely linked to reducing inflammation, which gives us as a result that, when we eat gelatin, we receive a good dose of protein and glycine that help to regenerate new skin and speed up the healing process. IMPROVE SLEEP Have you noticed that you can't sleep well lately? What you need is to eat gelatin, since glycine stimulates certain neurotransmitters and enzymes that increase the quality and duration of sleep, therefore you will have better sleep cycles. Sleeping helps us regain energy, so if you don't have a good rest, your performance will drop. Try eating some jelly a couple of hours before going to sleep and you will see how you will have a deeper sleep and you will wake up much more rested and fuller of energy. BENEFITS OF EATING GELATIN FOR YOUR BEAUTY: HEALTHY HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS Surely you know that keratin is what helps us to have healthier hair, skin and nails, but there are times when it suffers some wear, so there is no other option than to acquire it in other ways. And what better way to do it than through gelatin! Forget about spending a lot of money on products that claim to contain high levels of keratin and turn it into something delicious and inexpensive by eating gelatin. RELIEVES ALLERGIES Several of the allergies that exist are due to having a leaky gut, which is unable to process certain substances. So, if you want to alleviate these discomforts, you should eat gelatin, since this will cure certain problems caused by these discomforts. It is advisable to occasionally ingest a good amount of gelatin and be alert to which foods are harmful to you. In case you don't know, after age 25 your body naturally decreases collagen production, so from this moment on it becomes important to obtain it by other means and what better than through gelatin. This food is dry collagen and by consuming this element we obtain elasticity and tension between the dermal cells, so if you increase the amount of this substance you will keep your skin firm and looking younger. Obviously, this does not indicate that wrinkles or signs of aging will never appear, but it does indicate that it will be later. PROVIDES DIGESTIVE HEALTH By ingesting gelatin on a regular basis, it will help reduce constipation problems and the inability to properly absorb nutrients, it also stimulates digestive juices and increases peristaltic movement in the intestinal muscles. This is because this food has the peculiarity of naturally joining water, so your body assimilates the fiber it contains more easily, what good benefits do we get from eating gelatin, don't you think? BOOSTS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Proline is related to improving the immune system of many species of animals and humans and this amino acid is found in gelatin. In this way, you will improve your ability to fight infections and diseases. The great thing about gelatin is that it has no contraindications, on the contrary, what it contributes will always be good for your health. Of course: like everything else, if consumed in excess it could cause digestive problems, but it is rare, so you will have no problem including it in your diet. Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to all the benefits of eating gelatin. focus on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose lean sources of protein such as fish and low-fat dairy products. Limit saturated fat, found in meat and high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter. Also limit processed meats. Choose moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in fish, nuts and certain vegetable oils instead. Renew Weight loss
faina marco
Jul 27, 2021
In General Discussions
We all know that exercise is good for us, but some people think that with each passing year they should try to do less and take it easy, but that is wrong. Older adults should not stop exercising, despite the limitations of advanced age. Physical activity should be a constant priority throughout life. Without going any further, and although many do not take it into account, older adults should continue to exercise despite the physical inconveniences of old age. The importance of exercise for the elderly “As the person ages, there is a gradual deterioration in physical condition, which progressively affects the activities of daily life. Now, if the sedentary condition is added to aging, the deterioration will be increased, with the consequent impact on the quality of life of the elderly. It is known that progressive deterioration begins after forty,” explains Dr. Jorge Cancino, from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, who will participate in the 2014 Latin American Scientific Series to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina this month of September. (1 For Dr. Cancino, initiatives that promote physical activity in older adults have to be designed so that they do not suffer damage while they practice it. In other words, they should be given a duration according to their possibilities and physical performance, and strategies should be considered to reduce the risk of falls. "A determining factor in the risk of falls is the decrease in gait speed, which depends on the rapid or explosive component of the force." explains Dr. Cancino. The goal in this age group is for exercise to be something that improves their health rather than harm them. Both children and adolescents as well as adults and older adults have a legitimate right to a good quality of life, and it is scientifically proven that one aspect that significantly raises it is the constant practice of physical activity. Therefore, it is important that the public sector, the private sector and civil society organizations work in an articulated way to propose public policies that stimulate and facilitate the practice of physical activity for the benefit of the well-being of citizens. Sources (1) Quality of life during aging: The role of muscle training. Dr. Jorge Cancino School of Medicine, Universidad Mayor, Chile. The keto diet is one variant of a high fat, adequate protein, low carb intake diet. The diet is increasingly popular, as the combination of low carb and high fat intake may help with some markers of health. The basis of the keto diet is to put the body into a state called ketosis. During ketosis, the body stops using carbs and sugar for energy and starts breaking down fat for energy instead. Keto Pro
faina marco
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
There are some strategies to be able to make the most of green juice, knowing how to combine it with the right ingredients, taking it at the right times and with the right vegetables. Everyone knows about the health benefits of green juice, or detox juice. From a pleasant and refreshing drink of the day to day, to its various essential nutritional factors for the body; It is undoubtedly one of the best options for a functional, balanced diet aimed at cleansing and detoxifying the body. However, what many do not know is that for your best benefit in a healthy diet, some simple but special care is necessary. Green juice as a health ally A green juice contains at least 60 percent of raw green vegetables; the more the merrier: the chlorophyll in green vegetables has a purifying effect and should have a rejuvenating effect. So, we support our detox cures while reducing our appetite for sugar and sweets. The base of a green juice is, therefore, usually green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage, lettuce, and green vegetables, such as cucumbers and celery, among others. These are joined by other types of vegetables such as carrots or beets and small portions of fruits: green fruits such as apples and grapes or touches of color such as berries. For a variety in flavor, wild herbs, lemon, lime, coconut oil, ginger or even chili and pepper are added. For a bit more sweetness, pure honey or other natural sweeteners can also be added to the green juice. How to take advantage of the benefits of green juice Green juice contributes to the work of detoxification, to leave the body free to receive the best of the food they have to offer. Working in a regulated manner, the uptake of nutrients becomes larger, faster and more efficient. Therefore, only a clean body is capable of accepting new diets. Here are four basic green juice tips: Change the ingredients Looking to make a mixture of vegetables, leaves, fruits, vegetables, etc. The ideal is to vary every day, but since most do not have a garden at their disposal at home, they always look to buy different ingredients. Each food has its own nutrients, vitamins and minerals, this variation being essential for the absorption of all substances by the body. Vegetables Find out about vegetables that can help make your green juice even more powerful. Use each vegetable as a true ally. If you suffer from fluid retention, for example, try using diuretic vegetables like celery stalk, pineapple, or even squeezing an orange. For obstructed intestines, the use of orange is recommended. Adding chia to the juice also helps a lot. For the best functioning of the metabolism, a good option is to use ginger in green juice and add, instead of water, hibiscus tea or green tea (natural). The correct time Nothing better than starting the day to taste this drink. Ideally, take the green juice on an empty stomach, about 20 minutes before eating. This time is enough for the nutrients, fibers and minerals of the juice to be absorbed, therefore, on an empty stomach, the nutrients are better absorbed. However, nothing prevents the specialty from being consumed at other times and situations. Conservation A good option is, at least once a week, to buy the vegetables and only start beating and freezing when they are ripe. So, use the ice cubes for the rest of the week, until the day you will drink it. Reduce belly fat by smouldering 500-600 calories regularly and having the right sort of sustenance. You realized that however, who needs to do those crunches and leg raises or go to the exercise centre! NitriLEAN Review
faina marco
Jul 01, 2021
In General Discussions
Get to know these quick and healthy breakfasts so you can start the day without complications and full of energy. You can make them when you have a very hectic morning and you don't have time to prepare many dishes, the idea is not to stop eating a healthy breakfast. Did you know that by avoiding breakfast you would be causing problems for your body? 1. Mediterranean breakfast Spanish tapa style, combine a slice of whole wheat bread with a little ham, avocado and oil. You can accompany this breakfast with non-fat natural yogurt, adding some red fruits to give it more flavor. 2. Oatmeal smoothie This oatmeal shake is a quick breakfast to make and eat, with many nutrients that provide energy to start the day full and not to falter in the morning. Ingredients: · 4 tablespoons flaked oatmeal · 1 banana, sliced · Peanut butter, 1 teaspoon · 1 teaspoon honey · Water preparation: Put all the ingredients in a blender or in a food processor until we have a fine texture. If the texture becomes too thick for our liking, we can obtain a more liquid texture by adding a little water or some type of vegetable milk of our choice. 3. Green kiwi smoothie Ingredients: · 1 kiwi · 1/2 small avocado · 1/2 banana · 1 green apple · 1 lime · 15 to 20 spinach leaves · 1/2 celery stick · 1 tablespoon agave syrup · Oat milk to taste preparation: In a blender we include the peeled kiwi, the half peeled avocado and without the bone, the half banana without skin, the apple well washed and without the core, the lime without the skin - we add the whole segments to take advantage of all the fiber - the spinach and the peeled and chopped celery. Later we grind at high power until we have a fine and homogeneous mixture. Add the agave syrup, beat again and while continuing to beat we add oat milk little by little until the smoothie has the texture we like, as there are those who prefer it creamier and those who like it more liquid. 4. Pita sandwich A light and flavorful sandwich that provides a feeling of satiety, it also gives us a good dose of fiber, protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and antioxidants. Ingredients: · 2 small wholegrain pita breads · 2 slices of panela cheese · 1 sliced tomato · ½ sliced cucumber · 2 lettuce leaves · 2 teaspoons of olive oil · Salt and pepper to taste preparation: Open the pita bread to include the ingredients. Place inside a lettuce leaf, a cheese slice, tomato slices and cucumber slices. This has been a question being asked not only by females but also by males. Besides the obvious health reasons such as prevention of diseases coming from weight problems such as hypertension, heart attacks or strokes, losing stubborn belly fat is important also for aesthetic reasons. People with a flat and fatless belly are also obviously more attractive and more confident than those with a lot of belly fat. Having a flat and fatless belly is not that easy and here are some tips and ways on how to lose weight and burn stubborn belly fat. NitriLEAN Supplement Review
faina marco
Jun 29, 2021
In General Discussions
New research has turned upside down with evidence and data everything we knew about the first meal of the day They have told us countless times: that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, that if it marks how you eat the rest of the day, that if patatín patatán. And while this made sense when we were growing and developing, now, as adults, it doesn't quite. Especially if we mean losing weight. If what we want is to lose weight and in the morning we do not have the hunger, time or desire to prepare a breakfast as it should be, nothing happens: it will not affect our weight if we do not snack between meals or swell at other meals. At least that's what a new investigation ensures. What to eat for breakfast to lose weight? A review published by The BMJ suggests that there is not enough scientific evidence to support the idea that eating breakfast promotes weight loss or that skipping breakfast leads to weight gain. Research also shows that you don't need to eat a good breakfast to get ready for the day or to keep you from feeling hungry later. "We discovered that breakfast is not the most important time of the day, even though that belief is really ingrained in our society and around the world," says the study co-author, professor at Monash University and head of rheumatology at the Alfred Hospital (Australia), Flavia Cicuttini. We discovered that breakfast is not the most important time of the day, even though that belief is truly ingrained in our society and around the world. “If you eat breakfast, you won't metabolize your food better and you may still be hungry later. If a person is trying to lose weight or control their calorie intake, there is no evidence that changing their diet plan first thing in the morning helps, "he adds. You don't need breakfast if you want to lose weight Previous studies have suggested that eating breakfast is linked to maintaining a healthy weight, but it is not well proven. This new study, conducted by researchers at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), used evidence from 13 trials conducted in developed countries (USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, among others) over 28 years to determine the effect of eating breakfast regularly on weight change. The researchers found that the total daily energy intake was higher in the groups that ate breakfast compared to those that skipped it. In fact, the participants who skipped breakfast weighed 0.44 kg less, on average. The researchers found that the total daily energy intake was higher in the groups that ate breakfast compared to those that skipped it The effect of breakfast on weight did not differ between people of normal weight and those who were overweight. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in metabolic rates between those who ate breakfast and those who did not. Notably, the researchers also conducted sub-analyzes, removing data from the Japanese study to see if a person's culture affected the relationship between breakfast consumption, weight, and metabolism. The results showed that these participants did not interfere with the total mean. So do we have breakfast or not? Cicuttini ensures that no one meal is more important than another, and that if we want to lose weight or not gain it we must take into account the total consumed, and not when we do it. If you eat breakfast normally and it makes or is good for you, don't change it. But if not, you don't have to “The great myth that has prevailed is that breakfast is a must. However, this study suggests that if you have a muffin and coffee in the morning, you will need to watch what you eat the rest of the day. A bun is a bun, and it doesn't matter if you take it first thing in the morning or late, "says the study's coatora. Be careful, Cicuttini is clear: "If you eat breakfast normally and it makes or is good for you, don't change it. But if it isn't, you don't have to. On a very simple level, your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn up. But each of these factors is influenced by a combination of genes and environment. Both can affect your physiology (such as how fast you burn calories) as well as your behavior (the types of foods you choose to eat, for instance). The interplay between all these factors begins at the moment of your conception and continues throughout your life. Revitaa Pro
faina marco
Jun 16, 2021
In General Discussions
Among the great universe of natural facial toners, we find one of the most popular and easiest to prepare, the rice water facial toner. Join us to discover its properties and benefits, and how it is prepared. For years and years, women in Asian cultures have used rice water as a natural way to cleanse their face. One of the best properties of rice water is that it is one of the simplest cleaners you can make at home. As long as you have a little rice in your kitchen, and a little running water in the sink, and this cvasi is always something we have at home Properties of rice water facial toner The facial tonic water rice has many regenerative and preventive properties, besides being an excellent exfoliating facial cleanser hypoallergenic; which makes this an excellent and highly recommended skin care tonic. You should know that the rice water facial toner contains 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), used in cosmetic products for skin care and sun protection; vitamins (vitamin B3) and minerals. What makes this facial toner an excellent natural alternative for various purposes of beauty treatments and skin care in general. Benefits of facial toner The rice water facial toner is used to clean all the impurities of the facial skin, such as the spots left by acne, blackheads, oil, dead skin and other common impurities on the skin of the face. As its name suggests, this natural preparation is a "facial toner"; tones the skin of the face due to the inositol that rice has in its composition, which helps the regeneration of cells in this area and helps circulation. How Rice Water Helps In addition to being one of the gentlest and easiest skin cleansers to make, rice water contains vitamins such as B1, C, E, as well as minerals, which together can shrink pores and close, clear, and soften the skin. While left on the skin, rice water is even believed to provide slight protection from the sun. How to make rice water facial toner? Rice water facial toner is probably one of the easiest to prepare of all natural facial toners. Ingredients: · 1 cup of rice · 1 and a half cups of water preparation: · In a bowl pour the rice and water, let it rest for 12 hours covered at room temperature. · Strain the rice and reserve the liquid. Application: You can also speed up the preparation by boiling the rice and water, although we recommend the first procedure. This rice water facial toner should be applied with a cotton ball to the entire surface of the face as a moisturizer. Recommendations and other uses: 1. It is recommended to use distilled water for the preparation of this facial toner. 2. This facial toner is also useful for other parts of the body (hands, arms, neck, legs, elbows etc.), apply it with an atomizer spray bottle, 3. It is also used to tone hair and give it more shine and softness, as a kind of natural conditioner. 4. Make sure your skin is clean before using the toner. 5. You can leave this facial toner for 10 or 15 minutes, then remove it with a damp cloth, preferably warm. 6. It is preferable to use organic rice, as it is free of all chemicals. 7. You can prepare a larger quantity and it must be refrigerated for conservation. This toner can last up to 2 weeks refrigerated. 8. If you have the refrigerated tonic, it is recommended to warm it up to proceed with its application. 9. You can use this facial toner after removing makeup. 10. You can use this facial toner daily. You don't want to sleep flat on your back. The best position for sleeping is on your side. If you must sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen to help take stress off your back. Having a supportive mattress and pillow for your head are vital as well. FlexoBliss Reviews
faina marco
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
With this natural treatment you will be able to strengthen the scalp, avoiding the pain, itching and dryness that can occur on a damaged scalp. With the use of a home remedy based on rosemary oil, it is possible to strengthen the scalp, so that the hair grows stronger and healthier. This oil is very easy to prepare at home, and applied by massage it stimulates the hair follicles, thus activating abundant growth and avoiding their loss in the same way. How to strengthen the scalp? The rosemary you can use fresh or dried, although it is much easier to get in supermarkets in the latter form. Another recommendation is to use it on twigs, of course dry, not in powder, since this way the same results are not obtained. Rosemary oil against hair loss In a container with a lid, it can be made of plastic or glass, approximately the size of a small glass, we place a tablespoon of the dried rosemary in twigs (you can use the dessert spoon), and then we add half a cup of extra virgin olive oil, especially since it has more vitamins and properties than normal olive oil. This oil is very favorable for the strengthening and growth of the nails, also for the hydration of the skin, making it more beautiful and healthy. Once the oil and rosemary are mixed, we hear it for two minutes in the microwave. If you don't have one, you can hear it in the kitchen over low heat using a pot or small saucepan without allowing it to boil. We turn it off when it starts to smoke. We cover it and let it rest for at least three days. After this time, it is ready to be used. How to apply the treatment? It is time to apply the rosemary oil. We remind you that it does not necessarily have to be on the third day of rest, you can use it after these three days, be it the fourth, the fifth, as you wish. The important thing is that you have left the oil to rest without moving it for at least three days. For the application, you must smear your fingers with rosemary oil, put your fingers between dry hair and begin to massage the scalp repeatedly. You smear your fingers as many times as necessary, usually about three or four more applications. In this case, the length of the hair has no relevance, since you must concentrate on the scalp. A healthy scalp allows healthy hair to grow The massage can be done in a circular way or whatever is most comfortable for you, as long as you do it with energy to activate and "wake up" the hair follicles. The area of coverage should be total, not just the top or near the temple. The head should be completely massaged, impregnating the scalp with rosemary oil. You let it take effect and you can go to bed. The idea is that you spend the whole night with the oil and then wash your hair when you get up. This treatment can be used as many times as you want, even every night until it is finished. The result will be an abundant, healthy and strong growth of your hair.
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faina marco
Jun 02, 2021
In General Discussions
The sugar exfoliation brings many beneficial contributions to the skin, helping to rejuvenate the face and leaving it cleaner and healthier. It is no secret to anyone that more and more people are concerned about their physical appearance, which is not bad, as long as you avoid falling into excesses. Taking care of weight, hair, teeth and many other things is becoming more and more common, skin care is also part of this group and for this in the market there are many products to choose from, depending on what you want, as well as the type of skin. In the same way, there are other homemade alternatives which could also generate very good results, one of them is the exfoliation with sugar. Benefits of sugar scrub The either sugar white or brown good brings benefits as natural exfoliate the skin, however the employed should be done carefully, is that otherwise could cause damage to the skin, so it is necessary to know when not to be used. It is very common to use it to wash the face, in this sense, it is best to combine it with some other product, some people do with honey, some lemon and some only with soap, it is important to note that the " exfoliating sugar " is It should be done only when you want to do a deep cleaning, by doing so you will be able to eliminate all the dead cells, and you will also be able to eliminate the vast majority of blackheads that you may have. Among other benefits that you can obtain when performing a sugar peel: · You will obtain a smooth and clean skin, which can be verified after a few minutes of having performed the procedure. · It is a really easy home treatment to perform, in such a way that it will not take much time. · Thanks to the fact that sugar contains natural glycolic acid, it helps the exfoliation to be also chemical and not only due to abrasion. How to exfoliate To maintain healthy and visibly fresh skin, it is important that dead cells fall off, so exfoliating treatments must be applied at least once a week, of course, this will depend on the state of the skin. With only five steps you can effectively perform a sugar exfoliation, the first thing is to moisten the skin, many choose to carry out this process during the shower, then the sugar is spread all over the face with circular movements, to remove it you just have to apply enough warm water Once the exfoliation is finished, the ideal is to apply a toner on the face, and to finish it would be an excellent alternative to use a moisturizer. This is all you need to leave your face renewed and with rejuvenated skin thanks to the exfoliation that can be done with sugar.
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faina marco
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
We always make a series of mistakes that lead us to continue accumulating extra kilos in a silly way Now that most of us cook and eat at home with this coronavirus thing, it's time to start getting it right. Either because we want to get rid of a few kilos of fat and lose weight or because we simply want to eat healthier, it is important that we learn cooking tricks so as not to add extra calories to our dishes. Today we bring you a few, very easy to follow and very tasty to taste. 1) Bake whenever you can Forget about the grill and frying. What nutritionists recommend, especially for dinner (when our metabolism is already tired and it works slower), is to eat grilled food, especially because it will not only be healthy, but that way we control the amount of olive oil we use. 2) Make sandwiches and open sandwiches The sandwich and / or the sandwich are a stimulant, medium healthy, that serves us for any meal of the day and at any time. It is easy to prepare, tasty and filling. The problem is bread, which gives us extra calories and hardly any nutrients. So a valuable trick is to remove the top slice of the sandwich. Silly, for each one you eat you will be subtracting more than a hundred calories, be careful. 3) Double the veggies Eating healthy does not mean eating only salads and water. In fact, you can enjoy homemade pizzas, burgers, and pastas as long as you cook them well. Therefore, experts recommend that you add a generous helping of vegetables to all of this. This way you will not only subtract calories from other fatter and less healthy foods, but you will be satisfied sooner without having the feeling that you are on a diet or controlling. 4) Add chia seeds Adding chia seeds to your dishes, whenever appropriate, is a great trick to lose weight. Don't you know what we're talking about? The chia belongs to the mint family and is Mexico. Chia seeds are consumed as whole grains, but they are a pseudo grain. That means they are the carbohydrate-rich seeds of a grassless plant. When chia seeds are mixed with liquid, they expand and form a kind of thick gel. Therefore, if we consume them mixed with water, they will increase in volume in the stomach, which will make us more satiated and, therefore, eat less. Also, chia seeds are high in fiber. About two tablespoons contain ten grams of fiber, 40% of the recommended daily intake. In this regard, numerous studies have linked fiber to weight loss, such as this one from 2015. Be careful, although chia works to lose weight, you have to be careful with the amounts, because two tablespoons have 138 calories and 9 grams of fat, so you have to use it and consume it in moderation, to see if the remedy is going to be worse than the disease. 5) Leave the skins There are people who are in the habit of peeling fruits and vegetables, when in fact it is better not to do so, since the skin provides a significant amount of nutrients. In addition, the skin, in the case of most fruits, contains a higher concentration of fiber, essential for weight loss as well as for a proper functioning of the digestive system. Fiber, in addition to increasing the feeling of satiety, makes the bile more soluble and regulates cholesterol and glucose in the blood. All advantages, reader. Weight gain is a common side effect for people who take insulin a hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar (glucose) by cells. This can be frustrating because maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of your overall diabetes management plan. The good news is that it is possible to maintain your weight while taking insulin. Gluconite Supplement
faina marco
May 31, 2021
In General Discussions
If we are controlling, it is best to limit carbohydrates and say yes to proteins and fats, but not all. Today we tell you which ones are good and which ones are not The low - calorie diets are increasingly vilified, and it is normal: if you do not give the body the energy needed at the end you become slim a lot but end up gaining weight quickly. Not to mention the anxiety and various health problems that you may not eat the necessary calories, even if you are on a diet The best thing to lose weight is to control the type of food we eat and not so much the calories they have. If we want to lose weight, and quickly, his thing is to limit carbohydrates as much as possible (especially simple ones, such as bread, pasta, rice, sweets ...) and eat many foods rich in protein and fat. But beware, not all fats are good for losing weight and being healthy. And it is important that we differentiate them. Fats are good for weight loss and for your health, but not all When it comes to losing weight, fats have a very bad reputation, but if we choose the correct ones we will lose weight for sure and we will also be much healthier. What are healthy fats? The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. This type of fat is present in many foods and oils, and consuming it, according to research, can improve blood cholesterol level and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The polyunsaturated fats are called "essential fats" because the body cannot produce and need to get them from food. Like monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat can lower your risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels A certain type of this fat, omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to be particularly beneficial for the heart. Foods with good fats Once we have determined what fat is good, we go to the list of foods that contain it: · Nuts, especially almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts. · Olive oil. · Aguacate. · Fatty fish: salmon, herring, sardines, trout. · Chia and flax seeds. · Tofu Bad and regular fats The bad fats are saturated and trans fats, which in addition to making us fat are terrible for our health. Some foods that contain these bad fats are butter, margarine, tallow (beef, beef, etc.) and pork fat. Regular fats are saturated fats, which should be avoided and consumed in moderation, as they can increase blood cholesterol levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Traditionally, doctors have linked a higher intake of saturated fat with an increased risk of heart disease. However, some experts, such as those at Harvard University, claim that they are not so bad. Still, they are not good. Most saturated fats are animal fats. They are found in high-fat meats and in dairy products, such as fatty cuts of pork, beef and lamb, some chicken meats, fatty dairy products (whole milk, cheese, ice cream ...), coconut and palm oil and lard, among others. You can get infections and illnesses that can affect your teeth, gums, and tongue. Some oral infections are more serious than others. But arming yourself with the knowledge of these common mouth infections, their causes, and typical signs can help you prevent them. Steel Bite Pro Supplement
faina marco
May 28, 2021
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You have to start the day with joy, enthusiasm and with your stomach full of a good combination of healthy foods. Today we bring you three ideas that you are going to love By now we all know that having breakfast is important and that everyone should do it in their own way. That is, if someone does not get any food in the morning, it is not a good idea to force yourself. Even so, it is good that we all start the day with a good nutritional base. This way we will not only be more energetic during the day, but we will also avoid eating badly in the following hours. You already know that a balanced breakfast is made up of proteins, complex carbohydrates (the good ones) and healthy fats. Despite the fact that we know the theory from cover to cover, even today it is still difficult for us to make a proper breakfast. Today we reveal three types that you can take first thing in the morning. Three breakfast ideas to stay fit and energetic We are not going to suggest that you start cooking big dishes first thing in the morning because you are not going to do it. All, or almost all (those of us who work), get up just in time to have a drink before starting to carry out our tasks. Therefore, it is best to opt for a coffee or tea and accompany it with some of the dishes on this list: they are not very expensive, they are easy to buy and prepare and they are delicious. 1) Greek yogurt with fruits and / or cereals Greek yogurt is a good source of probiotics, that is, microorganisms that help the gut stay healthy. Theirs is that if you decide on this option, add fruits and / or cereals (always whole and not sugary, please; and if you can choose, give the whole oat flakes). If you buy it at the supermarket, like almost every neighbor, you will have to look at the amount of sugar it contains, because, although most Greek yogurts on the market are healthy as they have little added sugar, there are others that are not. 2) Whole wheat toast with avocado In this section we usually talk about avocado, a very fashionable fruit but not worse for that. In fact, it is one of the best fruits for breakfast, as it contains a wide variety of nutrients, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Avocados contain: vitamins K, C, B and E; potassium and folate, no less. An ideal way to have avocado in the morning is on a whole wheat toast of rye bread with tomato and boiled egg, and a drizzle of olive oil. Delicious as well as healthy and nutritious. 3) Egg omelette and protein A good option for breakfast is eggs, which are healthy, cheap, and packed with high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition, they are low in fat, which gives them a low calorie content and they hardly provide sugar. A whole egg provides approximately 76 calories, the same as a piece of fruit, so it feeds a lot and helps prevent obesity. In this regard, a study carried out in overweight women showed that eating eggs increased the feeling of fullness and made the participants eat less during the next 36 hours. Beyond its great nutritional contribution, its low caloric content and its ability to be a very satiating food, eggs are a rich source of both vitamins A and Vitamin D, whose synthesis can be diminished if we do not Let's expose to the sun (as it happens to us now and more since the pandemic began) You can take them in a French omelette with cold cuts and vegetables, cooked on top of their toast, grilled with vegetables ... The options are endless and delicious. And this is it, reader. We hope we have given you some healthy and nutritious ideas. Oral bacteria also thrive inside your cheeks and on your tongue, palate, tonsils, and gums. Your mouth is a great habitat for unicellular microorganisms. It’s constantly moist, has a fairly neutral pH, and a balmy temperature. But despite this perfect environment, not all the germs in your mouth stay put. ProMind Complex Ingredients Reviews
faina marco
May 27, 2021
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The Turmeric is a root that is used as a spice in Indian cuisine. Turmeric has been of great value for thousands of years in India, both as a food and as a medicine, and has recently been shown to contain high amounts of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Turmeric is promising to help treat and prevent a number of Western diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and depression. It is especially impressive in its abilities to shrink tumors. More benefits: · Beneficial for arthritis · Used to treat Alzheimer's disease · Prevents cancer · Heals digestive ailments · Beneficial in treating heartburn · Toxin repellent · Good for the heart · Maintains liver health · Anti-aging benefits · Beneficial in treating diabetes Way to consume turmeric · In soups · Smoothies · Teas · Milk · Breads · Rice · Various stews · Desserts More about these benefits can be found here: This time we will focus on the use of turmeric in smoothies. We offer you 3 shakes with turmeric that go specifically to improve three physical ailments, and that, if you consume them regularly, can be of support in the treatments you are following. 3 shakes with turmeric to improve health Smoothie with turmeric for arthritis Ingredients (try to get them organic) · cups of coconut water · 1 avocado · ½ teaspoon fresh or powdered turmeric · ¼ teaspoon cinnamon · 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger · cups of spinach · 1 teaspoon of pure honey · Fresh orange juice (enough to mix) Instructions 1. Gather all the ingredients 2. Make sure everything is well washed and disinfected 3. Put all the ingredients in the blender 4. Add ice, mix well and enjoy Smoothie with turmeric to improve intestinal transit Ingredients · 1 cup of almond milk · 1 scoop of protein powder · 1-inch fresh turmeric · ½ inch fresh ginger · ½ cup of fresh papaya Instructions 1. Gather all the ingredients 2. Make sure everything is well washed and disinfected 3. Put all the ingredients in the blender 4. Add ice, mix well and enjoy Smoothie with turmeric to boost energy Ingredients · frozen bananas · cups of frozen pineapple · 1 cup of natural orange juice · The juice of 1 lemon · ½ inch fresh peeled ginger · ½ teaspoon of nutmeg · teaspoons turmeric powder · 1 cup of coconut milk Instructions 1. Gather all the ingredients 2. Make sure everything is well washed and disinfected 3. Put all the ingredients in the blender 4. Add ice, mix well and enjoy Hearing health professionals believe exercise increases the blood flow to the ear. Good blood flow is essential to the health of the tiny hair cells in the inner ear which are responsible for translating the sound your ears collect into electrical impulses for your brain to translate. These hair cells do not regenerate, so our hearing suffers permanently when they die or are damaged. Quietum Plus
faina marco
May 27, 2021
In General Discussions
This is a delicious alternative recipe to traditional carrot cake, and it is a version of vegan carrot cake that all palates are sure to delight. Do you want to try it? We all like the classic version of dessert, but processed ingredients such as white sugar, refined flour, pasteurized milk and cream cheese are now preferable to avoid, some are even called white poisons. This vegan carrot cake recipe is made with healthy whole foods, plus if you're gluten intolerant you may be happy as this cake is for you too. Most recipes call for carrot pulp (after putting the carrots through a juicer) but this cake considers the whole carrot including its fiber juice, this way you can keep the tasty juices in the cake or cake. This cake is a little less dense because it is not 100% oatmeal and nuts, it is mostly carrots in their natural form: whole and raw. Garnish with pistachios, walnuts, and dried edible flowers. It is also recommended to sprinkle a little cinnamon and perhaps coconut. The cashew cream cheese is just delicious. Vegan carrot cake with cashew cream cheese For the cashew glaze: · cups cashews, preferably soaked for a couple of hours · 1 to 2 tablespoons of lemon juice · tablespoons liquid coconut oil · 1/3 cup maple or agave syrup · Water, as needed For the cake: · large carrots, peeled · 1 - 1/2 cups oatmeal or buckwheat flour · 1 cup of dates · 1 cup dehydrated pineapple (or more dates) · 1/2 cup of dry coconut · 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon To make the glaze: mix all the ingredients in the blender on high speed until smooth, adding as little water as possible. Savor it. Put in a bowl and reserve. To make the cake: cut the carrots into small pieces. Next, put all the ingredients (including the carrots) in your food processor and grind until everything is in very small pieces and they stick together. Assemble: 1. Press half of the cake mix into the bottom of an adjustable springform pan. 2. Then it spreads about 1/3 of the glacier. 3. Put it in the freezer until the frosting layer sets. 4. Next, add the rest of the carrot mixture. 5. Leave it in the fridge overnight, but you can eat it right away if you want. 6. Take it out of the mold and use the remaining glaze, cover with any garnish you like. Enjoy! Much of the research performed into the impact of vision impairment on depression and anxiety has focused on the elderly as this is the population with the highest prevalence of vision loss. Rates of depression and anxiety are significantly higher in older adults with a visual impairment than their age-matched counterparts with another chronic disease, such as heart conditions, hypertension, or chronic bronchitis. Revision Eye Supplements Reviews
faina marco
May 26, 2021
In General Discussions
We often hear that we should not exercise close to bedtime or else we will suffer a night with little sleep. But it would be nice if you learned some exercises that will help you fight insomnia? Wouldn't it be a relief to learn a non-pharmaceutical method to help you end insomnia? The good news is that recent research has found that the idea of a workout and insomnia are not necessarily mutually exclusive. All kinds of exercises will work, since it really depends on the time spent, the regularity of the workouts, the types and intensity of these. Exercises to combat insomnia The exercises that seem to work best are those that systematically relax the body, so that after the movement, our body will loosen up after the exercises. Some exercises that help fight insomnia are: The best Pilates exercises help to get a good rest, according to the creator of this exercise system, Joseph Pilates are: 1. Lower against a wall Start with your back against the wall. While keeping your body against it, walk 6 to 12 inches from the wall. While keeping the abdomen tight, the arms are extended over the head so that they are at the same height as the ears. Now slowly roll your body down. Once you finish the downward stroke, return to the upright position with your arms extended, repeating a few more times. 2. Stretching the spine Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended and shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing upward. Extend your arms overhead with your shoulders relaxed, then lower them parallel to the floor in front of you. Exhale as you extend your spine in a stretching motion that creates a curve like a “C”, with your abdomen contracted. Then return to the starting position with a slow, calming exhale, repeat the stretch again. 3. Pelvic Curvature Lie on your back with your knees fully bent, also your feet flat on the floor. As you breathe out and breathe in quietly in a slow rhythm, lift your pelvis using your abdominal muscles by squeezing your navel toward your spine, while keeping your shoulders on the ground. Slowly stretch upward as you breathe calmly, and then slowly roll toward the ground, paying attention to each vertebra. The practice of yoga This form of exercise calms the mind, relaxes the body, and helps reduce anxiety. A couple of yoga routines that help you with insomnia are: 1. Fire Fists Movements Put your legs in a lunge position with the knee bent forward, feet straight (the back leg rests on the base of the foot). Extend your arms above your head, then row your hands down toward your hips. Take a deep breath as you press down with your hips, about 10 times and then switch legs. 2. Front curved cuffs Stand with your feet open (they should be in a straight line with your shoulders) and bend your knees as you bend your body downward so that your arms reach the level of your calves. Remember to inhale and exhale throughout the exercise. 3. Bikram yoga The Bikram Yoga uses the same basic movements of other forms of yoga, unless the exercise is carried out in a room with higher temperature. The basic principles of the exercises are the same and the benefits the same. Some people may find that a high temperature is the perfect incentive to sleep. Old habits and beliefs are hard to break. It just seems counterintuitive to exercise to relax. Growing up, our parents often tell us to calm down so we can go to bed. We have learned a way to fall asleep when we were children, which may have worked in a carefree mind with no work and so many pending. However, for those of us who have these concerns, we may find that exercising in the evening, right before bed, can be the perfect solution for getting rid of the stress that tends to cause insomnia. How can you exercise late without causing sleep problems? The simple answer is that it really depends on how you train. If you're working out at a gym and then have to drive home from there, chances are you'll have trouble falling asleep later. All the commotion and the driving home wake you up, which is counterproductive to sleep. The type of exercise can be directly related to the difficulty of sleeping, if the exercise encourages you and accelerates your heart rate, it can be counterproductive. Try the aforementioned exercises and try to do it thinking about de-stressing the body and mind, so that you are rested and ready to sleep. The most important thing to look for in an exercise to combat insomnia is that it is relaxing and calm, and done with slow breaths to help lower the heart rate and clear the mind. 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faina marco
May 21, 2021
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Homemade garlic preparation that can help you rejuvenate facial skin and eliminate wrinkles in a short period of time. Try this combination of natural ingredients and say goodbye to chemicals. Companies are producing many products that promise to remove wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin blemishes in order to rejuvenate the skin and give it a more youthful appearance. The point is that many of these products contain chemicals and ingredients that can affect the skin in the long term and not only that, but also our health, since the body absorbs everything that is rubbed on it. However, using a versatile and natural ingredient such as garlic can rejuvenate the skin of the face, and help prevent the damage that these creams and chemicals produce. Garlic to rejuvenate facial skin Garlic is a well-known ingredient in cooking. Garlic has long been known to have numerous medicinal and healing properties, this plant is a close relative of onion, chives, shallot, rakkyo, and leek. It is native to central Asia where people harvest the whole garlic plant as a food source with excellent wellness and beauty benefits. By incorporating garlic into your diet, it will be a great way to help prevent high cholesterol and the common cold. It is also an effective natural exfoliator among many other benefits that can be attributed to it. For this reason, you can use garlic to rejuvenate the skin, as well as learn about other natural recipes and beauty treatments such as the use of natural masks and natural skin cleansing treatment. To make this remedy with garlic you will need the following ingredients: Garlic home remedy · A small clove of garlic · White clay · Pure honey · Cold water · Towel · A spoon · A cup Application Method Important: This mask should be used with caution, in order to avoid garlic burns, for this, read very carefully how long you should leave the mask on your face, and consult your dermatologist before using it. You must follow these easy steps and you can experience this natural cleansing for the face. 1. The main thing is to grind or crush the garlic clove into a paste. 2. Add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of white clay. Mix everything together. 3. To apply it, it is advisable to collect the hair and leave the entire face uncovered, once ready it should be applied over the entire face, emphasizing the areas with more wrinkles or areas where the skin needs to be rejuvenated. 4. Let this mixture remain on the skin for a few minutes, it can be between 3 to 5 minutes. (Special care should be taken with sensitive skin, and it is best to consult a dermatologist before using this, and any other natural product), these ingredients help hydrate the skin and treat blemishes, however, be careful with the garlic, as in direct contact with the skin for a long time can cause garlic burns. Once the 3 to 5 minutes have passed, we remove the mask with plenty of cold water and then we will apply moisturizing cream over the entire face. 5. It is necessary to wash all the residues from the face with cold water. You can use this treatment daily, but remember to be careful with garlic and the time that the mask will apply on the face. This purification method is exceptionally successful, but it is important to know that the body sometimes reacts to toxins, producing blemishes, acne and other skin imperfections, for which it is necessary to be able to perform periodic cleansing and detoxification. Something important and that you should know in advance, is that you will have to endure the strong smell of garlic throughout this procedure, however, the result is certainly worth it. You already know that from now on you can invest in a head of garlic for your next facial rejuvenation session. You can make your own garlic mask to reduce wrinkles and imperfections on the skin of the face. Quietum Plus, Quietum Plus Review, Quietum Plus Reviews, Quietum Plus Supplement, Quietum Plus Supplement Review, Quietum Plus Supplement Reviews, Quietum Plus Supplements, Quietum Plus Supplements Review, Quietum Plus Ingredients, Quietum Plus Ingredients Review, Quietum Plus Customer Reviews, Quietum Plus Customer Experience, Quietum Plus Home Remedies, Quietum Plus Symptoms, Quietum Plus scam or not, Quietum Plus side effects, Quietum Plus Videos, Quietum Plus Secrets, Quietum Plus Capsules, Quietum Plus amazon
faina marco
May 14, 2021
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The issue of but, without a doubt, is the most important among any woman, since we all want to have a dream body without stopping eating what they like and making great sacrifices, which on many occasions leads us to take drastic measures such as the consumption of medicines of doubtful origin that help you lose kilos, stop eating, fall into anorexia or bulimia, even seek effective diets through unreliable means that end up bringing great consequences, instead of betting it safe, how to go to a nutritionist, exercise or learn to eat healthy. The internet many times turns out to be the worst enemy when it comes to losing weight, since in this place we usually find quick solutions, but with drastic consequences that end up seriously affecting us and a trend that has recently become fashionable is the famous diet of the Sleeping Beauty. WHAT IS THE SLEEPING BEAUTY DIET? The Sleeping Beauty Diet basically consists of sleeping as much as you can to avoid at all costs that your body feels that need to eat and starts asking for food, a kind of self-deception, since this state helps us to completely eliminate any need the body feels. The weight loss that the Sleeping Beauty diet generates is super remarkable and that in a short time you achieve, but this is a diet really repudiated by any health specialist since it only manages to cause dehydration, malnutrition and significant weakening By preventing the body from getting the food and nutrients it needs, sustained long-term diet could lead to death. Obviously, no person could sleep for long periods of time, no matter how tired or want they may be, so those who practice this diet have to resort to pain relievers or sedatives to achieve it and subject them to a great sleep, which end up generating addiction. University of Flanders psychology professor Trace Wade says it's not just forcing the body to sleep more than it needs to, but that it will have to use higher and higher levels to get the desired effect. CONSEQUENCES In addition to the generation of drug addiction, dehydration, malnutrition and wasting, even death, these are some of the symptoms you may experience while you are awake: · Headache · Hallucinations · Loss of balance · Humor changes · Inability to fall asleep naturally · Principles of depression · Dizziness · Social isolation IMPORTANT POINTS TO VALUE An important observation that you should always keep in mind is the fact that if a diet, whatever it is, proposes you to lose many kilos in a few days it is simply not healthy. The best way to lose weight is to adapt to healthy eating habits, accompanied by exercise, adequate rest and treatment with a specialist, since adopting bad habits only damages your body physically and emotionally, since as well as how you feel inside it will greatly influence way in which you reflect.
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